View Full Version : Birthday....

December 22nd, 2002, 12:43 PM
Today WOULD have been [Cajun]Nforcer's (Larry) birthday. For those who don't know, he came to our last LAN with a few other [Cajun] guys. Everyone seened to really like Larry and from what I understand he had a great time and really liked us. Unfortunatly I didn't get meet him but I haven't heard a bad word about him.

Shortly after the LAN he was back home at work as a police officer in Mississippi. He was chasing a suspect and ended up in a head-on collision with the same suspect. It cost him his life. I just want to remind you at this time of year when we are with our loved ones there are some families that have one less person at the table and one less present under the tree. This year has been particularly tough on cops especially here in California. Please keep a good thought for all the police out there who, while your at home have turkey or ham dinners and opening christmas presents by the fire, they are in the rain, snow and freezing cold making sure you are all safe.


December 23rd, 2002, 11:12 AM
Happy Birthday Larry, wherever you are...

December 23rd, 2002, 08:22 PM
Happy Birthday Larry! We miss you!
