View Full Version : Whats Your Internet Connection ??

December 21st, 2002, 09:52 AM
Just kinda wondering what everyones connection is...so with that Whats Your Internet Connection ? and What do you think is faster ?

December 21st, 2002, 09:55 AM
cable is what i'm running, and around here it's the fastest connection avaliable unless you get a T3 line...I average close to T3 speeds all the time - occasionally I may hit T1 class connection. I know in diff parts of the country and different cable companies, cable can be sketchy, but for around here, it's the best way to go...

Crazy White Boy
December 21st, 2002, 01:44 PM
i have no connection at home, but at my moms on weekends, its cable all the way. w00t!

December 21st, 2002, 02:04 PM
dsl is the only way to go, all you cable users sure you get better download speeds but i would rather take my ping with dsl and my own bandwith over shared bandwith anyday. w00t dsl all the way!!!

December 21st, 2002, 02:43 PM
Originally posted by LA_MERC_MadMAX
cable is what i'm running, and around here it's the fastest connection avaliable unless you get a T3 line...I average close to T3 speeds all the time - occasionally I may hit T1 class connection. I know in diff parts of the country and different cable companies, cable can be sketchy, but for around here, it's the best way to go...

LMAO You do realize a T3 is basically around 45 Mbps right? 28 DS1's ride in a ds3 (T3).
If you're getting that, then you my friend are lucky indeed.

December 21st, 2002, 03:24 PM
dsl for me, i'm prettty happy with it. Although i sometimes get interference that affects my connection

December 21st, 2002, 03:25 PM
Prime, you outcho daaaaaang mind my man...Shared cable may be, but hmmmmm, it's still FASTER, and that's what counts...

December 21st, 2002, 08:01 PM
Well i like to use my two tomato cans with a piece of string is that what they call 56k? naw actually DSL and i love it.cant believe i didnt get it when it first came out years ago.

December 22nd, 2002, 08:37 AM
MadMax, The Telephone guys(me and Dirge) are here to save your brain.
You do not have anywhere near a T3, which by the way is no such thing, its really called a DS3, my boy Dirge gave ya the specs on that, there is a reason why BellSouth and other companies charge THOUSANDS of $/month for this service. You also have no where near the data transfer of a T1 line, once again it is really a DS1. A T1 is one method of powering the signal for a DS1, there is also something callled HDSL in a few flavors to get the job done. Now granted you do have the possibility of similar download speeds at times, but thats where the similarities stop. Just wanted to let ya know, don't believe all those Kazaa and Napster people when they put their connections sppeds up. Just one of my sore point is when people call things a T1 or T3, our technicians do it all the time, and I have to explain to them, no.......


December 22nd, 2002, 08:38 AM
I run 1.5 down stream and 256 upsteam constantly I'm right next to the local box.

When I first got it I had some problems turned out it was the screwy modem they gave me, (String Ray) then the tech gave me a speed touch at home and it roxor and he did a line test with his equipment and said that he never seen those type numbers before that constant, said that they didn't even have that at his office that he was dispatched out of....

December 22nd, 2002, 11:15 PM
sorry - i had mis-information - i get 3mbps down, and i always thought that was T3...

December 23rd, 2002, 05:40 PM
well im here to say that you can all bow down to me and my l337 DIAL UP connection.....lol

ive been trying for MONTHS to find out about getting dsl or cable, but cable stops 1 mile from the house and BellSouth says it doesnt offer dsl in my area (even though i have a Bellsouth slick sitting on my front doorstep)....oh well guess ill just have to keep using the dialup for awhile

December 23rd, 2002, 08:26 PM
hehehe Maybe you're SLC site is one of the ones approved for ADSL remote deployment in 2003! I hope so. See, the thing is, you can be on a slick system, And not have a RT DSLAM (Remote Terminal Digital Signal Access Mutliplexer). All that does is eliminate feeder problems and groom your phone service onto one of the T1's feeding the slick. Maybe if you're good, Santa will visit your rt this year! w00t lol
