View Full Version : One Last Plea

December 20th, 2002, 01:56 PM
Since it's the season and All....

Guy’s I’m going to let you in on a little known fact about Snakebite. I’m a preacher, yep a full-blown hellfire and brimstone preacher and to date I have not tried to preach to any of you or to even try and indoctrinate any of you. However that is coming to the surface now.

Most of you have gamed with me and I loved every moment of it, I have gotten upset at times because I have gotten walloped round after round, however I did get over it and I moved on.

My message to all of you that this applies to is this. I have seen where you have poured out your support when someone loses a loved one or if a friend falls while protecting those around him. I have seen where friends have put aside differences and done the right thing when a family loses child. I have seen where you have said my prayers are with you, and that you love them and if they need anything that you are there for them. This is all great and I do hope that you truly did say a prayer for that family and friends that were grieving.

This brings me to my point, God’s word says “Who ever hates his brother is a murder” 1 John 3:15a. Guys what I’m asking is this let what is in the past be in the past and start over. You all were once friends, and I submit your brothers still. Don’t hate your brother but love and pray for them. You may not agree on everything but, that is great because if we agreed on everything then how boring of a world we would live in today.

I know that there have been some hateful words said and maybe even some vicious things done in spite towards each other I’m asking that you just for the sake of all involved to please put it to rest and let’s come back together and game as a group of friends once more.

Just to let everyone know I'm posting this in the g0d's forums as well.

Mercy, I know I said I would address this with you on IM and I still will if you would like but, I fell as a comunity and as friends we all need to be aware so we can all reflect and go where we need to from here, myself included.

Oh and by the way just because I’m a preacher doesn’t me that I don’t enjoy pwning all of you b00ns when I get a chance.

December 20th, 2002, 02:22 PM
I have allready made my peace with those who I have had issues with in the past.....without a reply I might ad.

Having said that I am not adverse to moving on and past. All I ask is that we be respected in our own house I we show (or at least try to) respect others in theirs. I am as far froma religious person as one can be but I can let by-dones be by-gones.

Nice post Snake.


December 20th, 2002, 02:24 PM
Let me amend that first line. I have made my post with MOST of those I've had issues with. It's so not an issue that I just don't worry about it.


December 20th, 2002, 02:47 PM
I think you are preaching to the wrong choir.

December 20th, 2002, 03:23 PM
I appreciate the post snake..although i had no idea that you are a man of god, i think that you are right, and we should all allow things of the past to stay in the past. and again good post..

December 20th, 2002, 03:53 PM
I'm "preaching" to those who need to hear it. If it applies to you then fine if not then ignore it.

My question would be why are they banned from event's and forums and server still. Can we not give them a second chance and see if they can abide by your rules? To my knowldge they have not banned you from anything?

My point is that we have to find a starting point and try and go from there.

That's all I'm asking is for a chance for us all?

December 20th, 2002, 04:08 PM
Snakebite, maybe after you speak with Mercy, you will understand why.

December 20th, 2002, 04:39 PM
snake the decision does not belong to me...you will need to talk to madone about it, but if you want to talk, we can tonite

December 20th, 2002, 05:14 PM
well snake..there are reasons behind the decsion that was made. Joel and adam are well aware of them. I can understand your commitment to freinds, however there are always two sides to every story and as far as i am concerned that story doesnt need to be told again. In the end the descions were made by them, not us, we have done what you are seeking already and it was not recieved very well, so they made there choices. NOW, saying that it is ok to forgive just as long as you dont forget...there are no hard feelings from me or others that i know of. as far as them getting back on the server..i dont think that will happen.

-FA- Th|3f
December 21st, 2002, 12:36 PM
Like have another Bar-b-que and just have fun with everyone's family(civilised people do that so it should be easy). Forget all this stupid argueeing

December 21st, 2002, 01:05 PM
well we are having another BBQ.. in june..

December 21st, 2002, 05:36 PM
I posted this in the forums at g0d's

"I have a question to you guy's it has been stated by LA_Merc Mad One
"snake..there are reasons behind the decsion that was made. Joel and adam are well aware of them. I can understand your commitment to freinds, however there are always two sides to every story and as far as i am concerned that story doesnt need to be told again. In the end the descions were made by them, not us, we have done what you are seeking already and it was not recieved very well, so they made there choices. NOW, saying that it is ok to forgive just as long as you dont forget...there are no hard feelings from me or others that i know of. as far as them getting back on the server..i dont think that will happen"

So just who's decision was it?"

This is Joel's reply

""there are reasons behind the decsion that was made. Joel and adam are well aware of them." ---They made the "decsion"

"In the end the descions were made by them, not us, we have done what you are seeking already and it was not recieved very well, so they made there choices." ---That is just a flat out lie. They have done nothing in anyway to try to clear things up. We however allow merc in our servers etc... and we are the ones putting up the wall--you tell me what you think.

"saying that it is ok to forgive just as long as you dont forget...there are no hard feelings from me or others that i know of. as far as them getting back on the server..i dont think that will happen" --another flat out lie...if there were no hard feelings then we would be unbanned...forgive and forget...never seen that in "all adult clan" of merc.

I have stated this before. We have made the offers, they have not.

End of story, Merc holds person grudges towards us.

I'll tell the story. It's great, involes theats with lawsuits, police, etc... it's great. LOL!"

This is my reply:

"Well I have been copying and pasteing back and forth between the two sites to try and get to the bottom of this all. So Joel please either email me or reply here here to let me know the story to be honest I don't know what happend I would like to know not for the sake of being nosy or to be stiring up old wounds but, to better help me understand."

Madone I'm asking the same thing from you let me please hear your side. I know that there is two sides of every story and most time's the truth is in the middle somewhere.

As for loyalty to friends I would like to think of you and the rest of the Merc's as friends as well so I have loyalty to you as well I am just trying to understand all of this.

It has been my experience that most times if a person who is not part of the issue can most times find a solution. That is all I'm trying to do. Find a solution or to find a point of common ground where you friends can re-start being friends again. As it should be....

December 21st, 2002, 07:18 PM
Time for some of the new mercs to get involved ..speaking for myself that is...as far is it goes with g0ds i know a couple of them, i have nothing against them, and nothing against you snakebite i'm cool with you too, but you even starting the post was the worse thing you could have done, cause we haven't talked about them to anyone and as far as i know they haven't talked about us as of late...but with this post you've just basically started up this whole thing again, i mean both clans have been kept at bay for the most part and not clashed lately, but this just kinda stirred everything up again...i get that you're friends with both clans and members of each clan, i just think that with things stated now, the whole clan is being targeted granted if they meant it towards a few certain mercs or the whole clan, theres a good amount of us that weren't involved and thats the whole point behind me posting this, we don't really want to be involved....So posts like this are kind of worthless in all honesty....

December 21st, 2002, 08:00 PM
i have to agree with reign i dont know the whole story nor do i care too i like some of the gods the ones i know and have no beef with them and dont want any but i say we just leave it alone and be friendly when we see each other in person or online i think this shoulld just be dropped no offense snake i know what u are trying to do and its a valiant effort but some things are better left alone i am a christian snake and have been most my life and i fell sometimes the christian thing to do is let a sleeping dog liedown and sleep some more and if it takes disassociation then thats what it takes it may or may not be whats right for all of us but i feel it is for others just myb 2cents i know its not worth much lol

December 21st, 2002, 08:09 PM
I CONCURE!.... Now.... MAKE IT SO!

December 21st, 2002, 08:15 PM
sniper, learn how to use periods u b00n

December 21st, 2002, 08:16 PM
YEA! Thats the time of month your supposed to rest!

December 21st, 2002, 10:20 PM
As was stated by the other merc's in the post. the whole thing is where it should be, sleeping. Honestly snake, with no disrepect to you at all, thanks for trying to help out, but lets just leave this one alone.

December 22nd, 2002, 08:24 AM
Well if it's the general feeling then fine I drop it I won't mention it again. My last and final statement is this, it's sad that former friends are willing to turn away from each other over stupid things. If you as a clan want to ever try and mend the fence then just let me know I will be glad to try and be a meadeator.

I never wanted to stir the pot only try to put this to rest to where friends could be friends again and play together again, so if I upset anyone I aploigize for that and take full responcibility for it.

I hope that you all have a safe and happy holiday and remember why we celebrate this time of year.

December 22nd, 2002, 09:26 AM
Snakebit, I hope you have a happy and safe holiday season. I do think it is sad that a game can cause things like this and even though its "just a game" some actions done within the game setting do bleed over into the real world and cause these ill placed feelings. Sometimes these things can not be helped and if worst comes to worst, they can not be forced to be mended, they have to heal on their own in their own time.

I do wish everyone, friends and foes, will have a happy and safe holiday season. I do not wish harm on anyone even though they may not have my respect or friendship because what is lost can be regained through hard work and determination.

This is a time of happiness and reflection on the year gone by so lets everyone enjoy the time they have with their friends and family.

December 22nd, 2002, 12:04 PM
gg toby.... and snake i agree with you too on some things....... but like i say some things are better left alone.... and i just feel like this one is one of them......... and im sorry i didnt know we had a grammer class here lol....... sorry biggy im not used to periods.......... i just started ;) lol....... cya

December 22nd, 2002, 12:17 PM
Tell me he just didn't say he started his period????


December 22nd, 2002, 12:25 PM
Originally posted by LA_MERC_*Sniper
sorry biggy im not used to periods.......... i just started ;)

OMG h4X!!!!! he did!!!!

December 22nd, 2002, 12:40 PM
Grammar class you b00n! Now bring me some deer meat!

December 22nd, 2002, 01:40 PM
oh great mow were having a spelling beeeeeee lol

December 22nd, 2002, 02:14 PM

December 22nd, 2002, 06:59 PM

December 23rd, 2002, 01:33 AM
After reading this whole thread...all I can say is :confused: and :laugh: I guess I'm not up to date with everything. I have an idea, but I don't really care about the game aspect of it all. Hopefully it doesn't screw up any friendships or anything in your personal lives. That would just be ghay. CS is just a game. After reading your posts, it seems that some people have taken it too far. Do something else! CS is fun for relaxation and drunken' laughs, but to take it this far. Like I said, I don't know everything, but I would just hope that this hasn't gone too far or won't go any further. I'm sleepy, zzzzzzzzzz
