View Full Version : hmmm...lan goodness...

December 18th, 2002, 12:54 PM
so i take it there is going to be a lan?? does anyone know the dates of it cause im taking my computer and my lazyself all the way to monroe to attend. you know what i miss tho? the "netwars" lans started by me and raze (aka patrick mcwilliams) because they were FREE! ohh then there was wad2k...mmmm now that was gaming goodness at its best. *thinks he drank so much bawls he puked...* we watched evil dead on the projector, i slept on 6 folding chairs, and i tore the place up on my p2 400...hehehe 128 ram and voodoo3 :D. gotta miss the good ole times. like the tourney where we put paper sacks on our heads and played q3. we had a guide of coarse, but it was good phun. lol, hey mrbig85, you member the computer we put together for you??? lol p233 64 ram, graphics blaster exxtreme. lol you didnt have an cdrom so you had to use mine over the network...hehhehe. still played counterstrike good. oh yeah and onji came in on sunday morning with beta 7 of cs??? it was like christmas morning, everyone was leeching off of the server, lol it took forever to get it. i miss the guys like clay, mark (aka newwave) and various others. i member skipping school to help set up the cat 5 at 9 am in the morning. all for the love of the game. lol well people i wont rant anymore, just inslaved military man driving a hummvee down memory lane. well get back on those dates for me so i can schedule my leave accordingly.

frag out

December 19th, 2002, 12:56 AM
i believe the dates are still being decided on. all the mercs were voting on the dates during the past couple of days. We should know something soon though.

December 19th, 2002, 09:47 AM

December 19th, 2002, 10:11 AM
dates are set....check the links above.

December 19th, 2002, 10:43 AM

December 19th, 2002, 10:44 AM
hope to see you there..

December 19th, 2002, 10:54 AM
also - on another note...fragmonkee - your money order is in the mail


December 19th, 2002, 10:56 AM
lol allrighty, you want me to stuff the case so it dont move? or you want me to take it all apart?

December 19th, 2002, 12:40 PM
hey frag i remember it well, you are right the "netwars" lans were the best. you could say and do anything you wanted and not worry about pissing anyone off,if someone didn't like it oh well. it was great. those days were were playing alot of team fortress classic "the hunted" with Merlin000(Bo Inis) was the master at being "el presidenta" oh man those were the days.free LANs, there is just not enuf of them around these days.anyways hey frag hope you can come down for the LAN we had a truck load of fun at the last one. The only problem I had with the last LAMERC lan was there was way too much Counter strike being played. don't get me wrong i love CS but I like to play other games too, [BF 1942,unreal,quake3]anyways.

talk to yall later

