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LA_MERC_eX1|eS' ch1|d
December 17th, 2002, 11:09 AM
I downloaded the donkey pack and installed it but I noticed a considerable amount of lag while playing with it so I want to uninstall it. Problem is it's built in uninstall doesn't work and I can't find it through the add/remove programs in Windows. I figured I need to uninstall CS and reinstall it, but I don't have the 1.1 or 1.2 updates so I'd have to download them again, unless BigOne will burn them for me ofcourse. But now I have a new problem, I can't even play CS because when I go to start a game I get an error that says "can not find decals.wad" I copied all my maps, models, sprites, sounds, gfx, cl_dllls, .wad files, and overview files into a new folder for the reinstall so I wouldn't have to redownload them. But I only copied .wad's that were for maps I didn't do any of the other ones thinking that when I reinstall they would be there again. I've checked and as far as I can tell I haven't even seen a decals.wad file, so I don't even know where to put it if I made a new one. Any thoughts and theories would be appreciated, thanks.

December 17th, 2002, 12:19 PM
Well, you're kinda screwed. You have to either reinstall CS or some other pack. Here is a link to our files section for the reality pack. Its works great for me.



December 17th, 2002, 12:50 PM
I installed the Donkey pac also..I have been having trouble getting the maps to stay downloaded..(does that make sence?)..Okay some of the maps just keep Downlaoding everytime the server switches to certin maps..My lag has also went up a big amount..hmmmm..may be it is the Donkey pac??Let me know what happens Exile ..I may have to uninstall my Donkey pac also..Tracker
