View Full Version : You saw it coming: AWP fast switch complaint

December 15th, 2002, 03:38 PM
I can't even use the awp on the merc server any more because of the "fast-switch diabled" feature that was recently implemented. The following is my personal reasons why it should be removed accompanied by my substantiated reasons.

First, it's natural for me to swap to my pistol after I shoot the awp. It gives me greater speed to retreat behind a wall or some other cover. Secondly, it gets me killed when I try to fast switch and I stand there and swing my knife twice. Furthermore, when it does happen (which is random because sometimes I can swap with no problem), I get flustered and lose the concetration I had... this is especially devestating when you're about to be owned by two plus guys and you need the speed of fast switch to kill them all. Finally, I'm great with the awp. I think it's my best weapon (egoism isn't my core philosophy, i'm just making a point). It removes a great part of my game by keeping the fast-switch ban active.

Ok, those are my personal reasons for wanting it gone. Now, on to practical application.

1: OGL, CAL, and other leagues support fast-switch.

2: Fast-switch is coded into the game for a reason. You're detracting from the game by removing it.

3: Any person that can claim to be a good awper in CS uses fast-switch. Being able to fast-switch and use the awp on the move is a trait of all great players.

4: The only benefit of removing fast-switching with the awp is that the previously good awpers will be killed by anyone who rushes them. This gets n00bs kills. Therefore, all it does is demean the purpose of keeping a stat record.

I have stated my position soundly and I'm sure you will find that it is valid. Please do not flame this post or tell me that I'm whining. I'm not. I properly stated why I feel that fast-switch should be removed. Any problems with me or this post.. e-mail me: [email protected]

Thank you.


December 15th, 2002, 04:50 PM
day, we are addressing the issue as we speak. We are going to look into it more and someone, if not me, will post and tell you what we come up with.

December 16th, 2002, 12:23 AM
great post day

December 16th, 2002, 09:07 AM
Just a quick reality check. I am new to this game so correct me if I am wrong. This game is suppose to be as close to reality as it can get, of course with certain exceptions (like the fact that noone ever gets tired of all the running around). So with that in mind, could someone actually do a quick change if they were awping in real life? Reality would be to fire and then reload and look down the scope again, not fire, whip out a pistol and the put it away and look down a scope. And yes you may call me Captain Obvious if you like, ha ha.

December 16th, 2002, 10:12 AM
no they can't call you captain obvious, that's me.

and this game is not meant to be as close to reality as possible. it is supposed to have some realistic elements in it, but they don't want it to be too realistic and get boring.

I like to snipe alot, and I almost always switch to my pistol and back to the awp after every awp shot/kill. just easier than messing with the zoom. BUT I'm actually kinda glad they took out the fastswitch. awp is very powerfull and it's just another way to help balance the gun with game play.

also, I like that there is now footsteps with the awp. not sure when they canged it, maybe when it went retail, but used to if you were holding the awp and running, you didn't make any sound. I miss the crosshairs though. usuing the awp as a shotgun used to be so much more fun (and effective)

December 16th, 2002, 10:14 AM
i'll post what i posted in our private forums, i'll probably get flamed, but here goes anyway:

Ok here's my take on it.

I consider fast awp switching an exploit, not a cheat. Cheating is having an unfair advantage over other players, other players can do it too so I don't consider it cheating...Its an exploit of the game because the maker's of the game failed to see it during the making/patching of the game. Same way with bunny hopping, same way with the way you could plant behind and thru boxes where the other team could not get to the bomb to defuse it.
You already have an advantage with the awp, 90% of the time is a one hit one kill weapon. But that is not enough, people use this exploit to avoid the reload time for the weapon.
I installed this script to try to even out the playing field. When you get killed by someone awping now you dont feel cheated because they could exploit to fire faster. Now everyone is mad because they cant own like they had been doing.
BUT like i said, this is an exploit of the game and not considered a cheat. I'll remove this plugin. But i'll be hoping and praying they patch this soon. (this is not directed to anyone in particular, just an overall gripe) Thanks for reading.

December 16th, 2002, 10:14 AM
Actually the whole purpose of the script in general is to prevent players from using a know glitch and widely considered unfair advantage of fast switching to the pistol or knife to reload faster with the awp.

The fast switching to pistol right after shooting with an awp, causes a quicker reload than was designed by the devolopers of the game, which gives the user of the gun an unfair advantage.

The awp was designed to reload slow, that is why its power is so great, you are to balance the power of the gun with the slow reloading that it takes, that is just how the game was designed.

In my opinion, and many others in the CS community, especially the people who wrote this script, view the fast-switching of the awp to quicken the reload times as a cheat.

I personally say keep it on the server, if you are so good with the awp as you say you are, then adapt, and get better.

FYI, the script isn't designed to block all fast user switching, the script looks at what is considered "faster than human doing" , aka script, and then blocks it.

December 16th, 2002, 12:27 PM
ohh, didn't know that's what people were using it for. didn't even know there was a script for it. after a kill or when I need to move I just use Q (for last weapon used) to go to pistol and get a perspective, Q again to go to awp.

if the script the server is running prevents people from exploiting a known bug, and keeps them from having a faster rof on the awp, then please leave the script on. it seems like an exploit that only a handfull of people would use, but a majority of people would hate. (not sure, just guessing)

December 16th, 2002, 12:27 PM
You could all out ban the AWP for all i care.... Any snipers think they got sniping skillz need to use a scout.... Lots of u say AWPing takes skill.....LOL...not really bc once you figure out all you have to do is lead them a little you get several b00n killz in ambush spots.... The one gun that should be better is the Para...It should shoot faster and have less recoil when crouched down...But as for AWP remove it for all i care....LOL.... If you get 20 awp killz in a row.....to me i think your scared to use anything else...

Crazy White Boy
December 16th, 2002, 12:44 PM
t0m, hi

December 16th, 2002, 12:52 PM
I, for one, like the AWP as a weapon. It does take skill in that you really have to choose what you are going to do before you do it. Also, I agree with whoever posted that IRL, a sniper wouldn't be rushing into the fray...they would be on the sides, or up in a tree, or hiding in a hole...waiting for some unlucky soul to pass by. This is how I play most of the time...and people say I am a camper. Camper...sniper...well, so be it.
This new fast reload thing will not affect me at all. I have never used it (BB, I am with you, I use the scroll to switch weapons). Leave it on so that the one's that do snipe (and snipe well) aren't at a disadvantage to the script users.
More than likely, the hole will be repaired with the next release...just like bunny hopping (anyone remember when we kicked people for bunny hopping? I bet some of you do).


December 16th, 2002, 12:54 PM
I am good with the awp, it too is my favorite weapon. I have greatly enjoyed the ability of cs_fastswitch 1. I was first introduced to it last years at the CPL world championship when it was a hot discussed topic in the tournament. It was allowed by the CPL because it was just part of the programming and considerd like Darren said an exploit not a cheat. In my humble opinion its a cheat. The guy Gooseman who originally started the mod of half-life called counter-strike did do so with the intent to make is a real to life as he could. Hid reasoning was he was tired of all the space age high plasma big kill futuristic weapons and wanted to play a real life scenario. And then he became a millionaire. Way to go gooseman. It is NOT realistic to shoot a high powered rifle grab your pistol and go back to the rifle for faster reload and zooming. I for one do some hunting and know for a fact that ina real life situation if I have shot my rifle. the fastest way I'm going to get it reloaded is to forget about my psitol and actuate the bolt action. Now if some one is coming in close range then sure I'm going to try and pull out my pistol, but when I'm done with the pistol the rifle SHOULD still be empty and would probably take me even longer to zoom as my nerves from surviving a close range attack would be shot. Just my humble opinion but I think they should amke it to where if you shoot a rifle and switch to a gun it takes you longer to reload. Thats my 2 cents.

December 16th, 2002, 01:09 PM
ya bunch of AWP *****S!!! :p
Neva satisifed!!!
Isn't it bad enuf u guyz can kill with one shot, now you're complain' bout not being able to switch fast enuf.:mad:

December 16th, 2002, 01:50 PM
:tears :tears awwwww...boo hoo...im suprised the whining awp *****s havent come out in force over this one...:tears :tears

December 16th, 2002, 02:05 PM
Ok, seems like the major focus of this script is to prevent people from fast reloads?

What exactly is a fast reload? -because the script, I feel, doesn't have anything to do with stopping me from that action.

I use the awp the same way most people do, with the last weapon button. I have mine bound to Q like Captain_Obvious. When I shoot the awp, I hit Q, pull out the pistol, and duck cover. Then, I pop out, hit Q and zoom with the awp. Well, with this plug-in, when I hit Q the second time, I just stand there and swing my knife at people. That's no good.

Secondly, I feel like this game is not as close to reality as some of you would like. They left specific real-life things out of the game (obviously) in order to maintain playability. For instance, as stated earlier - stamina. You can't run for like seven miles and not get tired. Also, you can't just be running along and put headshots (standing up) on like three people with an m4 at approximately 200 yards each in real life... a task that's relatively simple in the game. People aren't going to be running around with a para and crouch to get better accuracy with it in the middle of a shootout. And best of all - if I got shot with a glock (or any gun for that matter) I'd be down. End of story. CS? You lose approximately 9% of your health. You see?

The awp is the way it is for playability. It does not matter in real life that you wouldn't pull out your pistol after you shoot it.

At this point, people are just posting their opinions. If someone could just refute my arguments in thus and the prior posts, I'd be fine... but I think they are pretty clear.

December 16th, 2002, 02:16 PM
I've got a couple of things to say about this.

One, how do you fast switch? When I switch weapons, it usually takes two clicks to do it. First you scroll bar to the weapon you want, then press fire to pull it out. Of course you can also numeric it, but thats not important.

Second, let me just say right off that I love the La-Merc server. The maps are great, the people are alot of fun, and what I think I like most of all is it is probably the most teamwork orientated server I've seen with the amount of communication about where enemies are and such. Makes for a great game. BUT! :) If I could change just one thing, it would be to turn on FF. Like people were saying earlier, CS was meant to be as realistic as possible and when you can shoot right through a teammate to kill an enemy....... well.. it aughta hurt your teammate.

Ive mentioned it a couple times when we've been playing, mostly gotten a negative reaction from folks, but I really think its a better way to play, more strategy involved, not to meantion it makes the game that much more realistic. Oh, and btw, Im pretty sure on most servers that FF damage is reduced like 50-75 percent.

This is a very good server, with smart mature players, so I dont foresee any spawn killing or any antics like that.

December 16th, 2002, 02:28 PM
ff is cool sometimes but you ALWAYS get some fool who thinks its funny to spawn kill and then say "i ownz joo!!!" just ask reign. everytime we go into a ff server we start getting shot at by some fool on our team. i know most of the people who play on the server wouldnt tk but theres going to be someone who gets in when an admin isnt around and start being a jackass.

December 16th, 2002, 02:29 PM
hey trapper keeper drop console and type hud_fastswitch 1

I think that's it.

And Day, omg hold my breath. I agree with you completely on the awp thingy.

December 16th, 2002, 02:29 PM
Andy you make the best point..yesterday i didnt understand what quick switch was all about. but now i do..and i agree with you 100%. I think it should stay the way it is now..i mean all of you that use the awp are very good with it,and dont really need this quick switch..but like i said that was very well put Andy..that is my two cents..hehehe..another thing is i dont think we should turn ff on because i for one am not good enough to tell the difference between players (from a distance)..i would not want to kill one of my own..i think we should leave ff the way it is..the things above are my oppion. just tring to make sence of all of this..Thanks

December 16th, 2002, 04:28 PM
Originally posted by yester
People aren't going to be running around with a para and crouch to get better accuracy with it in the middle of a shootout.

actually you do drop to the ground when youre getting shot at.

December 16th, 2002, 04:37 PM
we had ff on several months ago..i think in feb or march just to see how it would go. but like reign said you will always have peeps that will try to tk or if anything injure there own teammates on purpose enough to 1 more shot will kill them. So it was removed. I've played both ff on and off. Personally I agree ff is nice on to have more realism but from an admin stand point it get's frustrating when u have to kick/ban peeps for shooting their on members on purpose. This removes all of that. So i would say leave it the way it is. You turn it on and all you are doing is asking for more crap to be frustrated about on the server. Both as a player and as a admin

December 16th, 2002, 04:55 PM
Day, I got a question for you. If you switched to the pistol after firing the awp (to move more quickly) and then when you switched back it would then reload a new shot. Would that better fit your needs? You would be able to move quickly but the awp will still need to be reloaded like every other gun but instead at the end of a clip, it would be the same way between rounds with the awp

I mean, If you have a colt in your hands and you hit the reload button and it starts to reload and then you switch to another weapon, doesn't it still need to be reloaded when you switch back to the colt? If the awp reloaded the same way between each round, what would be your thoughts then?

Just asking what would everything think then? Would they rather it not reload until after they switched back to the awp or not? and why not. No other gun lets you pass up the reload option granted there are 10 shots in a clip of the awp, its still bolt action.

December 16th, 2002, 06:23 PM
Exactly Illegal, it's an expliot. If any other weappon was able to do that, it would be because it was supposed to be that way. But, people only coomplain about the AWP because it's the one weapon that's treated differently and has different attributes.

December 16th, 2002, 11:54 PM
Originally posted by -=[CtT]-KOrruptED=-
ya bunch of AWP *****S!!! :p
Neva satisifed!!!
Isn't it bad enuf u guyz can kill with one shot, now you're complain' bout not being able to switch fast enuf.:mad:

Originally posted by [lag]DikDstrdly
:tears :tears awwwww...boo hoo...im suprised the whining awp *****s havent come out in force over this one...:tears :tears
As mentioned in these 2 posts, thats exactly what i'm thinking right about now especially since the thread is completely pointless, they didn't patch the issue, its the only gun that has major glitches in it, from what i've noticed at least and i don't think that a plugin would have been made if people weren't sick of waiting for the patch and sick of all the nonsense...

December 17th, 2002, 05:22 AM
Leave fast switch disabled for the awp and don't turn on ff. I love playing with ff but it never works. Bighead is right when have done it in the past you always get spawn killing mf's and it really pisses me off. Just for you Tracker, another 2 cents.

December 17th, 2002, 06:42 AM
Originally posted by LA_MERC_Reign

As mentioned in these 2 posts, thats exactly what i'm thinking right about now especially since the thread is completely pointless, they didn't patch the issue, its the only gun that has major glitches in it, from what i've noticed at least and i don't think that a plugin would have been made if people weren't sick of waiting for the patch and sick of all the nonsense...

That's a load, anyone can make a plug-in to do anything. they probably have plug-ins for other stupid things too. As corona pointed out in his demos, there is no appreciable increase in rate of fire and if you try your accuracy goes to pot. What pisses me off about this is people whining that finally awper's get to an even playing field. Well let's see you non-awpers pick one up and try to perform respectably with it. I know it took me a long time to learn the particulars on effectively using this weapon, considering accuracy, movement, etc. It is not an easy task to take an awp and hold off a group of people coming at you. Now one on one it is a different story. But even then a n00b awper will get handled by a respectable player before the n00b awper wins. I did it last night to a fellow clansman and he was discouraged about his performance with the awp. It takes time and practice to learn it. And yes, when someone does figure it out, they seem to have an advantage, but it is no different than practing a particular shot in basketball. Look within yourself to find the solution to the problem, do not handicap others who have come before you.

December 17th, 2002, 06:43 AM
Andy owns withe AWP and he's ok with the fast switch being off....see you can own without it...DGJ ANDY!!


December 17th, 2002, 11:12 AM
Amazing....isnt it..w00t

December 18th, 2002, 04:37 AM
Mainly the fast switch isnt about a fast reload.... Its all about the speed you gain to get to cover faster to avoid being shot while you move so slowly with the AWP out... I use my knife when i am awping... to gain just a tick more speed when i fast switch after shooting...

December 18th, 2002, 04:59 AM
this thread is now pointless...i am closing it
