View Full Version : AVC Technology

December 12th, 2002, 04:44 PM
first off let me give these guys big props!!! i go there monday of this week to buy a new stick of kingston 256mb ddr, i take it home and come to find out my freakin mobo doesnt like 128 and 256 mixed, i call them up and tell me to come back in with my system and theyll work something out. i get there today me and tech tony i think his name was try get my system to take my memory, well that doesnt work so what does he do, you got that right he took both sticks of 128 kingston and the stick of 256 and traded me a stick of 512mb kingston. didnt have to pay a damn dime!!! i was like omfg man you dont have to do that, he says dont worry bout it your ram is brand new and all im doing is helping ya out. man that really went over well with me and now i will be doing my shopping there and no where else, unless i buy online that is:) anyways can someone please post something good about there store in the news section, these guys really helped me out and i feel like i should them to. if your looking for some great help or need some new stuff for your pc please go to this store. great people that will help you out anyway possible.:blue:

December 12th, 2002, 04:51 PM
hey man, i have already posted on their store when they first opened...scroll towards the bottom some

December 12th, 2002, 07:11 PM
dont matter they should get another post in news just for that:d:
