View Full Version : Digital Camera

December 3rd, 2002, 03:48 PM
Presently, I own a Sony Mavica and have been pleased with it's pictures. Now, however, I am thinking about getting a newer camera to replace the one that I have. Does anyone have any suggestions? To be honest, the only cameras I have had are an old Pentax and then the Sony.
I have been looking at this one (http://www.fujifilm.com/JSP/fuji/epartners/Products.jsp?nav=0&parent=PRODUCT_CATEGORY_499950&product=43860768 ), but don't know how Fuji cameras rate as far as reliability etc.

Any help would be appreciated!


December 3rd, 2002, 03:55 PM
what are you using it for?
website pics?
social events?

do you need a good zoom?
do you want to be able to use the memory sticks you have now with the new camera (means you have to get another sony)
what kind of connectivity do you want it to have? usb, firewire, analog to rca plugs?
do you need burst image capability (like short 30 sec. video)
anything (features) you wish you had when using your camera now?

December 3rd, 2002, 04:47 PM
this is the one that i just got last friday...very good camera in my opinion..



December 3rd, 2002, 04:50 PM
The mavica I have now is the FD model (writes to floppy disks), so there is no problem with the flash media.
I use the camera mainly for social events and air shows (I need FAST frames for this). I would like a decent zoom...just for long shots.


December 3rd, 2002, 05:33 PM
I've got a CD300, I like the fact that it burns the images to a Cd
no need to mess with memory sticks - I had looked at the Fuji pics

December 3rd, 2002, 06:51 PM
u gonna sell the other one? if so how much u want for it? and can i get a pic of it?

December 3rd, 2002, 07:17 PM

How am I supposed to take a pic of my camera?!

December 3rd, 2002, 07:28 PM
With your new camera, of course! :)

December 3rd, 2002, 07:28 PM
Or a mirror...

December 3rd, 2002, 07:31 PM
hahah...hadn't thought about that!

December 4th, 2002, 06:18 PM
so are you selling it?

LA_MERC_eX1|eS' ch1|d
December 9th, 2002, 10:57 AM
Just got a digital camera, Olympus D-550zoom 3Megapixels, this thing is w00t. Much clearer then I had thought it would be and it even does movies, albeit w/o sound. It uses SmartMedia which is the cheapest memory for the moment and runs on 4AA batteries with pretty good battery life. Only comes with a 16Mb card so I bought a 128Mb card for $55, and I have a mail-in-rebate for a 64Mb card. My 128Mb card hold 42 pics set at the highest resolution and I can snap shots as fast as I can push the button. It cost $300, but for the quality of pictures and some of the things this camera can do it's well worth the money. My PCWORLD mag said it has outstanding picture quality and I have to agree. What is a good size to post pictures on the forums?

December 9th, 2002, 11:00 AM
Do I have to buy a digital camera to post pic"s....Or can I take them with a normal camera,and scan them with a scanner???

Thanks Tracker

December 9th, 2002, 11:06 AM
You can scan them and post the scanned images.

December 9th, 2002, 01:19 PM
Cool thats all I need to know....


December 9th, 2002, 02:59 PM
I don't know what Dirge has but his r0x0rs. Ask him.

December 9th, 2002, 03:10 PM
What do you have Dirge?!

December 9th, 2002, 03:39 PM
Sony cybershot 2.1 megapixels

It does everything I ask i to and then some.

December 9th, 2002, 03:59 PM
I have a cheap Fugi cam -- not that impressed with it--but like I said it was only like $99.

I've looked at that $450 Fugi though--seems cool.

I've used the FD series like Tech has and ALWAYS been impressed with them -- FD7x series are entry level, and they work great.
