View Full Version : Opinion requested

November 30th, 2002, 11:14 PM
Most of us know a few of the Merc's are Law Enforcement and/or Military. I'd really like an opinion first and foremost from those who are Federal Employees then from general civilians on the issue of Security Guards.

There is really no question other than what is your opinion. I'd like to divide subject into two categories with a sub category. Civilian guards (those who guard people in public places) vs corporate asset guards, with the sub-category of armed vs non armed guards. Thanks in advance for taking to time to respond.


December 1st, 2002, 01:51 AM
ok what is your question? Not that i'm in any of those position's just didn't see a question.

December 1st, 2002, 05:44 AM
I think basically the questions is somethin galong the lines of:

What rights and resposibilities should security guards have, and how do you feel about them carrying firearms in public??

That's just how I read it though, it's 6:45am and I'm just on my first cup of coffee.

December 1st, 2002, 10:18 AM
My guess is what do cops think about guards...That is, do they view some guards are retards and view others with moe respect. In a word "yes."

BUT.....let me explain.

Before I was a cop I worked as a guard at a large shopping mall so I have opinions from both sides of the coin. Most cops view your standard security guard (you know, the one out infront of the bank or watching the construction site at night) as retards. Let's face it, they make just a bit over minimum wage and most don't give a crap if what they are "protecting" is safe or not. You can't tell me that the unarmed, $6.00 an hr guard in front of the bank is gonna do a damn thing but hide if the place is robbed....I wouldn't either. They just get NO TRAINING.

The mall I worked at had a pretty rep because it was run by an ex-cop and we had a sub station in the mall so we got to know the cops alot better. The next step up from there would be armored car guards. Those guys generally care about what they are doing and are trained...somewhat...to fend off an attack.

I guess from there would be corparate security / body guards. Their level of training is higher and ofter have some law enforcement expeience. I don't run into too many of those guys because, well, they are undercover most of the time.

Obviously these opinions are mine and I don't mean to refer to "all" in any of those groups. Hell, there are retards and morons in any job....I work with a few now and used to at LAPD...right Jeff:D

Hope that answers your question....if that was your question.


December 1st, 2002, 01:34 PM
Yeah i am sort of with big bro here. I think alot of it comes down to what the jobs is they are doing and the training backing them up.I can tell you for myself i once worked as a security guard for a company that did Stadium events mostly football game for the S.D. Chargers and concerts they had or hands tied most of the time because the company had sort of a policy that well the customer paid to get in here.And could get away with anything like doing ilegal drug and being obnoxiuos and them most we could do was find one of the Cops on duty to go check it out.Then When i was in the service pulling guard jobs you had a fully loadded M-16 or shotgun with a responce team ready to back you up at a minutes notice. Now where i work as a civilian/govertment employee we had this come up at work because for a long time the guys at our work were listed as security but around May of last year they armed all of them gave them hours of training and now they are federal police officers, I know they have on going training and marksmenship Etc all year long. I think this all steamed from the Oklaholma Federal builing bombing.So rather than just going on rambling ill say i quese it depends on the job you do and the training your company gives you.

December 2nd, 2002, 07:39 AM
Noo my dads a retart then waaaaaaa =( j/k he is a software programmer lol. Okay here is a question.. Since the "retards" only make $6 an hour, how much does a regular cop make?

December 2nd, 2002, 07:52 AM
I'm making just under $27 with a 5% raise coming in January,


December 2nd, 2002, 07:57 AM
Keep in mind though I'm in California. Henry showed me houses in Ruston (including his) that sell for $75,000-$85,000. Out here they would be at least $350,000 (more depending on the city) simply because of the yards. My entire lot, house and all, would fit in Henry's backyard. I'm on a 50x150 lot with a 1400 sq ft house foot and I could get $300,000 for it tomorrow.


December 2nd, 2002, 08:05 AM
Dang...so, what you are saying is that sometimes, if IS good to be in Louisiana!

December 2nd, 2002, 10:26 AM
lol....I guess so. Henry would know better but I think cops there make about $16 an hour. That would barely cover my child support. DOH!!

