View Full Version : Geneology

November 30th, 2002, 04:13 PM

Does anyone do any geneology type work, or know of links that I can go to, to begin my tree?



November 30th, 2002, 04:50 PM
I have a Family Tree maker program if you like :)

November 30th, 2002, 05:27 PM
US census records are the most complete. But they are also the most annoying to use. A lady at my work has done a lot of research online through the various apps available, but I would call her claims to the upper west bank of Jefferson parish and similar type "finds" skepitcal at best. Good luck. The best way to find out is from family reunions. That's how we traced my family back to the patriarch that came over from Ireland and fought in the American Revolution (on the US's side, you b00ns) in GA.

w00t McElhannon, GA once existed before the plantattion was sold.

November 30th, 2002, 05:30 PM
Don't you mean family stick?? Ya bunch of hicks.....LMAO!!!


November 30th, 2002, 06:05 PM
Toby, I would be interested in keeping a copy of that program for you... ;-)

BB, I am pretty sure my family tree isn't a stick you krod. I wasn't born here, nor was my family! (just messing with you)

I did a search on my last name and found out that my surname derives from MacThomas (a clan that still exists in Scotland). I've emailed some of the MacThomas clan for info...we'll see what they say.

Thanks for the idea Drige!

November 30th, 2002, 08:55 PM
lol...You know Im playin'. Don't know a ton about my family tree. I know my mother's side came from Germany at the turn of the century.


November 30th, 2002, 09:03 PM
I know...

That's cool about your family though. Part of my family also comes from Germany as well.

Crazy White Boy
December 1st, 2002, 12:05 PM
backwoods Louisiana forever, w00t.

December 3rd, 2002, 12:22 PM

Got an email from a guy in Scotland saying that my family name derives from the Scotish clan of which he is a member.
Now, how you get McCombs from MacThomas...I really don't know.

Wait...I do know now. He explains that further in the email.


Big Mama Funk
December 5th, 2002, 01:47 PM
Rootsweb and the LDS geneology site has lots of public records online that would help. Be sure you can authenticate ancestors by at least three different types of records and go start talking to the old family farts to get a starting point. Geneology can be fascinating, but it's also a giant pain in the tush. I hit a brick wall around 1600's...and I can't even authenticate that because I've been forced to speculate about my great-great grandfather who was running from the law (supposedly) and moved to LA and changed his name. This wasn't even known until my great-grandmother told my grandfather on her deathbed...and my grandfather only told me when I started looking into the family tree. The life stories you can uncover are facinating. I hope you'll enjoy it.

December 5th, 2002, 02:06 PM
Yeah...I hope to have fun and learn some stuff at the same time.

December 5th, 2002, 02:39 PM
1600's???? OMG!!!

BTW, how long you been hanging in the weeds Heather....been gone for a spell.


Big Mama Funk
December 5th, 2002, 09:15 PM
I've just been extremely busy. I have ample opportunity to tick folks off now as I'm all gimpy with pain pills, crutches, and a magic boot. :) Thankfully, I had my little spill the day after thanksgiving so I didn't miss anything spending the day in the ER. Ugh. I'm rather loopy now.

December 5th, 2002, 10:45 PM
I have no ancestry. My family tree is still a seed.

December 6th, 2002, 12:20 AM
Originally posted by Big Mama Funk
I'm rather loopy now.

Like it took a pill to do that.;)


December 6th, 2002, 05:32 AM

Big Mama Funk
December 6th, 2002, 09:53 AM
Originally posted by LA_MERC_Big_Brother

Like it took a pill to do that.;)


SHOOSH! My daughter decorated my magic boot with glitter and rhinestones, so I imagine it'd really hurt if I kicked you in the shin. As it is, you can't look directly at the boot because it's so shiney. :p
