View Full Version : Some advice

November 23rd, 2002, 10:26 PM
I have been having trouble with my computer. I thought it may have been my internet connection, but the cable com. says that I am running at top peak. Here is what the test said....
communications was running at 1.1 megabits per second, my storage at 135.7 kilobytes per. second, and my file download at 7.5 per. second... So if all of this is running so good why is my computer running so bad. Everytime i go into a game it eather kicks me out or it seems like I am not able to move... What do you all think may be causeing this to happen?? Any ideas to this problem will help.. Also I am getting a new computer, I think that is some of the problem.

Thanks Guys
Tracker;( :werd :slap

November 23rd, 2002, 10:48 PM
Saw your thread about getting a new computer, and you may have mentioned this somewhere I've missed it, but what kind of computer do you have now? Also do you have a router? If so, what kind??

I had problems with a 2wire home portal router, and bighead had probs with a lanready (?)... I've heard of some peeps with problems with linksys, but mines always run fine...

November 23rd, 2002, 11:01 PM
Hay MadMax I don't know what you mean when you say router? I am still new to the computer world. But I do run DSL 740. I have a gateway right now, but I am having Mark (Mad_One) build me a new computer soon...I have trouble when i go to CS on line. It seems like I lag real bad... By the time I see someone on the other team I am already dead... That is whats happing to me when I go to play the game on line...


November 23rd, 2002, 11:04 PM
Tracker .. why don't you give us all of your computer specs or just give me the model number and I'll go look at it myself ..

November 23rd, 2002, 11:07 PM
All a router is, is a box that goes between your DSL modem and your computer that lets you put more than one computer on the internet at a time, and also serves as a firewall to keep unwanted people out - if you don't know what one is, you prolly don't have one...lol.

Do you know how fast your gateway is? That would help us better diagnose if it is a computer problem or a connection problem - hopefully you'll do better when mark gets your system done -

let us know what we can do to help ...


November 23rd, 2002, 11:11 PM
OK here is what is on the back.0023250708 modle number. It is a gateway with windows me. and it has a celeron processor... Let me now what you all find out please.

Thanks you all

November 23rd, 2002, 11:14 PM
Sorry MadMax I do have one it is a motorola sb4101-SURFboard-cable modem. I am sorry about that.

Mike (Tracker)

November 24th, 2002, 01:02 PM
Application CD (Desktop)

Application CD Version 3.1 Disc 3

Cases and Case Hardware

St. Charles Flex Case Revision 1

CD-ROM, CD-RW or CR-RW Drives


Floppy Drives

Panasonic 1.44-MB Floppy Disk Drive Revision 4

Hard Drives

Quantum lct15 15.5-GB 4400-RPM Ultra ATA/66 Hard Disk Drive


Keytronics Multi-function Me keyboard R0


64-MB 133/100/66-MHz 72-Bit 4-Clock 8x8 SDRAM DIMM


Microsoft USB 30-inch Tail Mouse

Microsoft Software

Microsoft Windows Millennium Backup CD Rev. 1.1

Microsoft Works Suite 2001


LE500 15-inch Monitor with 13.9-inch Viewable Area


MSI Motherboard Celeron - 633-MHz

Packs and Bundles

Home Activity Collection

Power Supplies

90-Watt Power Supply Revision 2


Canon BJC-2110 Printer


Gateway GoBack version 2.22

HelpSpot! 5.2

Norton AntiVirus 2001


Cambridge SoundWorks GCS300 Speakers

System Restoration CD

System Restoration Kit 15.7 Disc 1

Ok here is his spec's according to the serial number he gave the problem I see right off is he only has 64 meg memory unless he has upgraded.
It also doesn't list what kind of video card but, I'm asuming that it's probably built in with only 4-8 megs of video ram so that would be another problem. Thirdly the processor it might be ok if you had more memory and with you only have a 5 gig hard dirve depending on how much you have free could be another problem with the swap file specialy with only haveing 64 meg installed of ram.
That's my imput not that it's correct but it's a start...

November 24th, 2002, 02:13 PM
very familiar with those - they have onboard vid. with shared ram...intel 810 chipset - awful for gaming...that's prolly where the prob. lies...

November 24th, 2002, 09:50 PM
Thank you all for your input,I thought it was this computer.I cant wait to get my new one. Until then I guess I will be a good target.LOL.

Thanks again

November 24th, 2002, 09:58 PM
Well as Paul Harvey Says, that's the rest of the story.

November 24th, 2002, 10:09 PM
Thanks SnakEbitE, Like i said I pray to get my new computer. lol


November 24th, 2002, 10:29 PM
Tracker, at least go to the gateway website and make sure you have the lastest drivers for that motherboard since everything is built on to it

November 25th, 2002, 03:32 PM
I have already done that Toby, that system is just not built for gaming....Even the tech from gateway said to by a new one..lol..he should have one in about a week and a half...then he will get better, he is also not running on a router, just straight from the cable box...

November 25th, 2002, 07:39 PM
ewww i remeber my hp, amd 400mhz,10gig hd,vodoo 3 video card and 128 mb ram, man i used to get 4-10fps on cs, god and to think i learned how to play on that thing.:laugh:

November 25th, 2002, 09:47 PM
OMG H4X you have Win ME...theres your problem right there, hehehe

November 25th, 2002, 09:53 PM
gotta agree with reign. me came with my compaq, which is only like 25% compaq now, and it was the sux0r. i couldnt even get it to recognize a geforce 2 without locking up and blue screening everytime i tried to move the mouse. get rid of it quick!!

November 26th, 2002, 12:13 AM
Im tring to i hate this g#@ dam thing. i have never had this much trouble with anything. I know i must look dumb just standing there and letting people shoot me...I am just going to wait until i get my new computer to play the cs game again. i love to play the game,but i can not stand the computer frezzeing on me all the time. i bet people think i am the worst player in the world...lol. i hope to be back in the game in a few days...and i hope to be alot better when i return.... i can only get better right....hehehe.

Thanks guys hope to see you all in CS in a few days.....


November 26th, 2002, 12:20 AM
don't do that get PM8 out of the FTP and make the discs format your drive completely as one drive none of this partition so the backup is there clear the whole d@m thing, and install XP you'll be playing better in no time, if not then you can wait for your new system and at least you don't have that ME cr@p on there

November 26th, 2002, 12:34 AM
Thanks for the advice, I never new about ME BUT i do know now. I will never make that mistake again.I tried to restore my computer today, but i am still having alot of trouble. I think i will have a different computer by wen. hopefully. im going to have mark look at this one tomarrow, over the internet. maybe he can get it back a little better than i did.also i dont think this one is worth putting any money in to...ill keep it for spare parts,ill love doing that, hehehe

Thanks again
Mike (Tracker):devil :tears

November 26th, 2002, 04:08 AM
Um...I'm not sure Mark will be around. Isn't he heading out form sand land? Quit ragging ME...that's my OS and I've never had any major probs. I don't talk bad about it cause it listens and knows what's up.:D


November 26th, 2002, 09:46 AM
No Tracker we don't think your the worlds worst CS player that's reserved for Corona...lol besides you help other increase thier stats....lol

November 26th, 2002, 10:23 AM

ME works GREAT on some machines, but on the majority of machines, it's the crap. Incompatibility issues with drivers and hardware were the main problems I saw.
