View Full Version : So Tired

November 19th, 2002, 06:26 PM
You know what I'm tired of the so blaten stacking here lately. Everyone of you have played with me and know that I'm cool about most everything, I take it when the Merc's want to play together I understand that no problem. But when you have two players against 4 and 6 players round after round that is bull. Get past skill and get past team play it's a numbers game guy's if you can't do better than this then I hate to say this but, I'm gone.

November 19th, 2002, 06:55 PM
I have seen exactly what you are talking about snakebite :(

I do try to switch teams if I see this happenning, but I could be guilty of missing a few as well...Please let me know if I am...

November 19th, 2002, 07:48 PM
Everyone knows that I'm all about evening up teams...AND...yelling at my own guys when they don't even up. I'm sick of this type of thread every 2 months or so, SO....to all who play here I AM SORRY IF YOU HAVE EXPERIENECED THIS PROBLEM.

This is my solution and if some MERCs don't agree well tough. I've been around long enough to be able to speak my mind take the bull by the horns.

If you experience this problem I need you to do two things:

1: Take screen shots....multiple ones that show diffrent scores so I'm sure that it wasn't just a 1 round fluke. Also, screen shots of text messages of you asking to "even the teams".

2: Email them to me at [email protected]. If you wish to remain annonymous I understand and I will respect that. From there I will take it up personaly with the senior admins and it will be dealt with....you have my word.

Having said that, I don't want to see screen shots of lop sided scores with even teams. Sometimes that happens and while it's not cool to do that and it takes all the fun out of it for losing team, it's not viewed as stacking. I want the lop-sided player counts.


November 19th, 2002, 08:14 PM
thats always going to be a problem i play against and i sometimes get on the stacked team, simple solution if everyone would just hit the auto button instead of getting on the side or team you want i think that would clear this up, some may not belive me but i always hit the auto button, well i would say 90% of the time anyway, and i do try and even the teams if a team needs help, hell ask me and i will help you thats all you have to do. like i said most people are quick to come here and post about it but you dont relize that you to sometimes are on that stacked team nuff said.

November 19th, 2002, 08:15 PM
isn't auto balance working. And i know what snakebite was talking about. today a person or 2, can't remember left his team. the next round i went over to the T side but unfortunaletly snake, u left. ask the others. I beleive omega was there to vouch for it.
I did that to try and even them up. I try to keep them even and if you have a problem like bb said, let us know and we'll try and resolve it.

November 19th, 2002, 08:20 PM
I always hit auto. It doesnt matter what map it is, I always Auto into it. Also, I did see the auto switch work this evening

November 19th, 2002, 09:14 PM
Guy's I hate to tell you this but, truth be told Merc's is the running joke about stacking teams. Most other clan's in this area ride you all about this. I will be the first to say that for the rule the Merc's are good about switching if it get's lopsided. Reign for one comes to mind who is good about it. Biggy you two but, this evening I just got tired of it. I'm tired of the threads as well guy's.
Another truth is this, the reason I started playing CS to begin with is Joel's(Formerly LA_Merc GDodge/Now [g0ds]Ra) dad and I are good friends and I love to play computer games espcialy online. Anyway his dad was telling me about some of you going to play in the tournament last year in Dallas. I checked ya'lls web site and got interested. Then about 3 months ago I was at Bestbuy and seen that there was a stand alone version of CS cheap and picked it up and started playing. I loved playing with you guy's. I really liked that you had a family type server with restriction on no porn spray's and a moderated language policy. I even hoped that one day I might get asked into Merc's. Then I decided to start my own clan and that was a learning experience, it went the way of the dodo. However guy's I still want you to be the best that you can be just like I wish that for [g0ds], |-6, WFO, LAG, and the many more that are out there. You know maby I jumped the gun tonight, I do sometimes get a little impacient I willingly admit that, but as some of you have spoke up you know as well as I that it does go on. Guy's I was once told to improve my skill I had to play against other good players. I belive that my skills have grown and I know that they will continue as well. Will I ever be a, Perm/Amon or a Corona? Don't know mabey then again maby not, I just don't want my love of the game to get tainted. Guy's join the loseing side sometime and increase your skills is all I'm saying....Peace and God Bless..

November 19th, 2002, 09:27 PM
I did not know about the auto button, not that it matters. I am still learning, but I love to play,and i will try to help any side i can. Not that I am much help. lol.


November 19th, 2002, 09:33 PM
takes time tracker takes time.

November 19th, 2002, 09:53 PM
You know what?!? Stacking goes on, whether it is by default, people leaving a team, or by intention. This problem is as old as CS, you're not the first to point it out, and it doesn't just happen to you. It happens to everyone (including Merc's), it is not hard to find yourself on a team against a stacked team, but it is infinitely harder to notice you are on a stacked team. I bet if stats were kept on the matter, it would be closer to 50-50 than you would think. Do what I do: if you are not having fun during such a situation, leave at that time. The best solution is to make the stacked team auto balance away. Basically it does absolutely no good to discuss it in a committee. Multiple attempts at resolution have been tried, and the system changes little. Bringing this subject up again is not going to do anything for the "problem." And rest assured it is not unique to LA MERC nor is it about stats.

November 19th, 2002, 10:10 PM
Little at a time Omega_Prime, I got two more kills tonight. hehe and eighteen deaths LOL. haha

:eek: :shoot

November 19th, 2002, 10:58 PM
Originally posted by SnAkEbItE
Guy's I hate to tell you this but, truth be told Merc's is the running joke about stacking teams. Most other clan's in this area ride you all about this........ However guy's I still want you to be the best that you can be just like I wish that for [g0ds], |-6, WFO, LAG, and the many more that are out there.

All the clans you mentioned save one, are ALL MERC off shoot clans. There are more that you missed but they would be before your time in CS. MERCs left because they weren't happy or just wanted to doing things there way. To most I say good luck, to other (and they know who they are) I say good riddance.

Bottom line.....

I gave you a reasonable solution to a problem that exists...in any clan. Accept it or go to one of the other 26,000 servers.

OR.....start your own clan and maintain your own server. Not as easy as it looks huh. I've said it before and I'll say it again. I challenge...no DEFY you to find 5 other CS clans with the tenure, skill, multiple servers, website content, hosted LANs,and friendly knowledgable people that are here. If you succeed there a $20 in it for ya.........GOOD LUCK.


PS....those other clans I mentioned you missed...well, they went the way of the dodo too.

November 20th, 2002, 06:45 AM
okay first off let me say that im all against stacking teams, but it is going to happen, and it will continue to happen any time you have a teambased game. You will always have stacked times to some point or another no matter what game you play or on what server you play on. I have played on many other servers and i have pretty much stopped because of how other servers and clans treat people that play on their server. I have been on servers where if you didnt listen the second that an admin told you something, you where permenantly banned. I have also played on servers where if you were on a winning side against the owners of the server they would unbalance the teams so that they could start winning or they would just kick everyone off the server and then lock it. Now i ask you, have you every seen Merc kick someone so that we would start winning? or kick everyone off the server then lock it? or switch players over to our side so that we could then win?

The answer is no you havent, mainly because we will just try harder to start winning. Most of the time when we are called stackers it is because we are working as a team, and even when it is only one or two mercs on with a bunch of our regular players and if we play as a team then we kick behind and get called for stacking Hell i have been the only merc on before and get accused of stacking because my team was playing as a *gasp* team.

One other thing that everyone needs to remember. This server belongs to Louisiana Mercenaries, not the general gaming public. We like for others to play on our server because it is fun, but ulimately, we do not have to if we dont want to. Now before anyone gets any ideas, no we are not going to close everyone off the server, but you have to remember, this is our server and we can do whatever we want on it.

Now we do try to limit the amount of stacking that takes place, but if the teams are even in numbers and it is ten vs ten, a lot of times it will not allow you to change teams. So my best advice, suck it up, and just play the damn game. There has been plenty of times that i have been on the losing side, but you dont and will not see me complain about it, because ulimately it is just a game.

November 20th, 2002, 07:00 AM
One other thing that everyone needs to remember. This server belongs to Louisiana Mercenaries, not the general gaming public. We like for others to play on our server because it is fun, but ulimately, we do not have to if we dont want to. Now before anyone gets any ideas, no we are not going to close everyone off the server, but you have to remember, this is our server and we can do whatever we want on it.

You know what Mercy your right you can and did tell everyone just how you want to do with your servers and you keep that attitude and see where it lands the Mercs. Right where you just referenced on the other servers. Like baning people because you guy's think they cheat and they don't and you know who I'm talking about and I don't have to say their name or clan.

To make it easier for you there will be one less person to worry about.

You know I said I was maby quick on my judgement last night and I did apoligize for that.

I'm Out Guy's.

November 20th, 2002, 07:03 AM
My opinion on the whole stacking thing:

As Mercy said, Stacking is going to happen no matter where you play, or who is on the teams. I have been on other servers where if you complain about the teams, the kick you. We don't do this. We could, but we don't. Instead, we prode all players with a medium of expression (the forums) in which you can do as Snakebite did and express your views about any topic that you choose.
I've been on teams that were horribly stacked against before. You want to know what the key to happiness (as I have found it) when in this position? Time. If you wait long enough, either the map will change, someone else will connect, someone will disconnect, or someone will switch. Heck, I've waited almost a full 30 minutes before to see which would happen (yeah, the map changed).
I've also played before where the CT's vs T's score was like 100 to 0. This frusterated me at the time, but, it's in situations like those that you learn new strats, you learn how to communicate, or you leave.
The point to all of this is: You have options. You can wait. You can leave. You can ask someone to switch. You can talk to an admin. You can do any number of things to resolve the problem. Try some of these, and see if the situation changes. If it doesn't you MAY have grounds for complaining. If you don't...then you don't.

The opinions stated in this post do not directly reflect the opinions of LA_MERC or any of the other Admins. They reflect only MY opinions.


November 20th, 2002, 07:04 AM
if that is what you wish, then i wish you luck in finding a server that you can play on...goodbye

November 20th, 2002, 08:34 AM

November 20th, 2002, 08:40 AM
Mikey, shut up you n00b.. lol

November 20th, 2002, 08:40 AM
LOL.. LA_MERC's is such a joke now

November 20th, 2002, 08:42 AM
It's better than some I could name. Then again, I am more mature than to call another clan names...even if they deserve it.

MERC is the best place that I have found to play CS. We're fair. Everyone here is nice. What more could you ask for?

November 20th, 2002, 08:49 AM
d00d.. this is the first server i ever played on.. i learned how to play on this server... ive always liked most the people, but lately a few of the admins think that la_mercs are just gods... and they suck... mercy/madone. yall have banned people that were better then yall, so yall just say they hack and ban them.. wow are yall good

look at mercy's attitude in his reply on the thread.. i mean geezz

yall stack on purpose cause yall are scared to lose, and yes this server is worse then ANY server ive played on, except maybe 2

ive never said one thing in this forum on stacking because i didnt wont yall to get mad.. but i really just dont care anymore, because yal havent ever cared from the start

yes yall have made a great place to play and thats a great acomplisthment... but keep it that way

thats it.. im outta here

November 20th, 2002, 08:55 AM
name one person that i have banned in the last 2 months for cheating? hmm...

November 20th, 2002, 09:07 AM
Notice these two people have a Merc spinoff clan , and thats all they will ever be, tie-ins, so we know who you are talking about. They were not banned for cheating, get the facts straight! There are plenty of time that the Merc's have horrible, K-D ratios, funny Mikey I didnt see ya switch teams yesterday when my team was getting aced by yours, did I. We have plenty of good players on this server who are not Merc's, please DONT BE A HYPOCRITE.

So remember the old wise tale
It is better to remain silent and be thought of as an idiot, than to open your mouth and confirm the fact.

Its just a game people!!

November 20th, 2002, 09:14 AM
Name 2 people that I've banned since I've been admin. Name when I stack teams and never switch to help. I've actually been moving people when needed just to even teams out. If teams are close and I switch then they are still outmatched and people still whine. It doesn't mean that I will stop, I'm just trying to show that sometimes it doesn't matter who switches, it doesn't please everyone. I'm usually the first one to join a map and if you watch, I alternate a lot. CT one map, T the next.. If I die, then I look at teams to see if I need to switch but I have to die first, I am no longer going to kill myself to switch teams when people whine no matter what happens.

November 20th, 2002, 09:23 AM
I've actually been moving people when needed just to even teams out. If teams are close and I switch then they are still outmatched and people still whine

that is exactly what i do also, i will switch someone that is dead or i will switch myself...but i will not do it until i die either...i have actually played on a team with less members then the other side and when we win...well well, we are stacking...that isnt stacking, it is called team work...but oh well, you said that you were out and not coming back so i guess it is all a moot point...

November 20th, 2002, 09:30 AM
I have looked into this team stacking issue more than any of you know. What I found was that we are not stacking the teams when we join the game. I found that most of the time the teams get stacked when other people other than Mercs join the game and join the winning side. That and also people on the loosing team leaving. That is where your teams get stacked. But because it is our server we get blamed for stacking. I do believe that most of our guys even the teams up when need be, so I don't see a problem with it. But the fact remains that we can try as hard as we can and the teams are still going to get stacked because there are people out there that will only join the winning side. This will never go away no matter how hard you try to make it. We have all been in this situation before and it is not limited to a few people. I have also found that when some maps get full even if you auto join it will put you on the team with more people. It has done this to me before and would not let me switch. So people thier are more factors out there that cause this than what you are saying.

Now to address you Mikey. I have never claimed to be good at this game and could really care less if I suck at it as you claim. We as a clan do not go around saying that we are better than everyone else nor do we claim to be the best clan out there. You claim that we run a poor server, well if so why do keep coming back to it. I really do not care for your remarks and your attitude on the server as of late, when I was on anyway, has not been that great. So if you do not like the people or the server then find another one.

November 20th, 2002, 09:43 AM
yeah what he said...

November 20th, 2002, 09:44 AM
AMEN! Goodbye and Good riddance

November 20th, 2002, 10:15 AM
Originally posted by Mikey

yall stack on purpose cause yall are scared to lose,

lose what? time? its a game. its not like getting shot in the head matters or going 67-13 or getting most hosties or saying ohh you n00b i pwn you with my awp matters at all. its not real. i dont think anyone is gonna walk down the street and be like hey watch out for that guy he's a l337 counterstrike master.

November 20th, 2002, 10:26 AM
LMAO :roll:

November 20th, 2002, 10:30 AM
Originally posted by LA_MERC_Disorder

i dont think anyone is gonna walk down the street and be like "hey watch out for that guy, he's a l337 counterstrike master."

They're not?? ;(

November 20th, 2002, 10:34 AM
Red, I think you are probably one of the few. Don't feel bad...you'll catch up one day.

just kidding man!

November 20th, 2002, 11:14 AM
One more note, I'm not afraid of losing. we all do. Everyone doesn't play awesome every round, not me, corona, omega, illegal, mercy, the list can go on and on. We play to play. we enjoy it and that's what this game is for. To enjoy yourself. If you're not having fun here, go somewhere else. But servers are hard to come by that have the great attitude us mercs have and alot of servers will not even address issues of other players like we try to do. We try to keep our mind open to new ideas on the server, new maps, and try to make every player have fun while in the game. If you don't, then find a server that better suits your personality. On a side note to mikey, i'm your huckleberry :C). You have gotten better as a player in the game, but for you to stir up crap for no reason is garbage. and the clan you are talking about that gotten banned for cheating, that wasn't the case. their were other reasons involved in the whole situation that apperantly you are not aware of. So my advise is don't speak of things you know nothing about. Anyway, to the rest of the people out there, have fun in the game and i'll see you in the server soon.

November 20th, 2002, 12:21 PM
Originally posted by LA_MERC_RPSNIPER

We as a clan do not go around saying that we are better than everyone else nor do we claim to be the best clan out there. .

No....that was me.....

Originally posted by LA_MERC_Big_Brother

I've said it before and I'll say it again. I challenge...no DEFY you to find 5 other CS clans with the tenure, skill, multiple servers, website content, hosted LANs,and friendly knowledgable people that are here. If you succeed there a $20 in it for ya.........GOOD LUCK.


PS....those other clans I mentioned you missed...well, they went the way of the dodo too.

That's not exactly claiming to be the best. IMO all the above things considered, as a whole, as a collective, we are up there. I'm still waiting for someone to take my $20. How about you Mikey?


November 20th, 2002, 12:22 PM
Doc ?,
*cough* *cough*
you said that beautifully!
And while your at it Big, could ya heal up my back wound? :O

November 20th, 2002, 12:28 PM
Way of the doodoo is more like it.

November 20th, 2002, 03:35 PM
LOL diesel..hmmmm..it's been a couple of days since i knifed you..i need to do it again for the wound really heals :C)

November 20th, 2002, 03:38 PM
Well personally i'm out there to be the best..own everyone one of you.. take up CS not only as a hobbie, but a carrer, one day i want to do work involved with CS, and make little toy ct, and t dolls. I even want to name my first born Counter Strike. g0d I love this game... er

And to the stacking thing.. heh it was there b4 i joined merc. When ever i'm on the loosing team..which is lots =\.. I just LOVE to kill dose D@M STACKIN MERC BOYZ ;) j/k.. But like mercy said.. its our server so na na na na na
Mikey.. heh.. you know me an you have had "trouble" very recently, but we are okay now (i think?) but d00d you were way otta line! don't dis mercs if you plan to play on the server... love peese and KILL LOTSA OF CS PPL!!!

November 20th, 2002, 04:57 PM
No nothing, see nothing, hear nothing. I love being a Merc.

hehehe. Tracker:confused: :nerd :borg

November 20th, 2002, 05:13 PM
Well said Mercy and BB, If ya ain't havin fun then leave. simple as that. Oh and by the way I would switch to even it out but I suck so bad that even if I did switch it would just get worse......doh

November 20th, 2002, 05:29 PM
Om g this is going nowherer again hehehe this thread was a week later thatn i thought it would be hehehe

November 20th, 2002, 11:32 PM
Ban??? What is that? I haven't banned anyone in months. But if you feel the need to play somewhere else...goodluck. As far as me not being a good player, who cares, I don't. It is just a game!

November 21st, 2002, 09:07 PM
Well first off let me say that I have talked to Mercy and I never ment this to actully be directed at Mrec's period I ment it as a rant to everyone who join the winning side just because they are wining. I don't want to start a stink here either I know that sometimes when you auto join it puts people there however what I'm talking about is people that join and it lopsides the numbers. You know who you are because your stats freaks or your trying to impress some Merc and are trying to join them.
Bottom line is that I'm not upset with any one person I'm just asking people to not join a side just becuase it's wining or just because maby all the merc's are on that side, you want to impress them join the other side and kick their butt's. That will impress them or make them think you have a aim bot going(lol)<----Joke...

November 21st, 2002, 11:01 PM
well snakebite it was good to see u on the server tonight. i always enjoy playing with you

November 22nd, 2002, 02:12 AM
yeah you can't leave snakebite its always good having someone in game outside of the clan, that knows what they're doing, and doesn't have a freakin' attitude like certain people or dis the clan..

November 22nd, 2002, 09:46 AM
Oh thanks guy's but Reign I know what your doing, you just trying to make up for all those kills last night..don't worry your still my hero well along with Corbin that is.....
