View Full Version : Ares??

-FA- Th|3f
November 19th, 2002, 03:46 PM
Sup peeps, I have been busy doin some very important stuff. I have been offered a chance to apply for a job with "Channel One News" to do student produce week, so i am going to try to be rich and famous; considering i do my schools newspaper and TV show. Also, I have been going to baseball practice, I was offered a another chance to go to LA TECH, Baton Rouge or Ruston for almost free! I have been busy so there is no CS time in that whole list of things ya know, but hte good news is January a part of my Christmas gift(late) is a new comp(w00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000t)wiht a geForce4. I will try to play on the server a little more but if i do not you guys know i am extremly busy trying to get a headstart on my post high school life, trying to get started on the right trac.

See Ya'll

November 19th, 2002, 03:59 PM
goodluck demise..cs will be here when u have time. sounds to me you are on the right track.

November 21st, 2002, 09:38 AM
u can do it man
im in college right now, and i barely havce any time foir CS. Ive been really bizzy with our schools Newspaper and the SGA(student govt association).

November 21st, 2002, 09:51 AM
College is like that. You're busy all the time. You might get to sleep a couple hours in a week. It's all worth it in the end...even if all they give you is a stupid piece of paper!

November 21st, 2002, 10:16 AM
ROFL Demise, that is awesome, believe it or not I was a Finalist for that my Freshman year in High School, I was 1 out of 4 in the US to be a finalist. I got a letter and everything. Its really sweet.

November 21st, 2002, 10:28 AM
Originally posted by LA_MERC_LaTech
College is like that. You're busy all the time. You might get to sleep a couple hours in a week. It's all worth it in the end...even if all they give you is a stupid piece of paper!

Busy all the time?!? Andy, Diesel, do you have any idea what he is talking about?!?

November 21st, 2002, 10:40 AM
Well...SOME students are busy with studies...others are busy with bars...I didn't really specify. :)

November 21st, 2002, 11:55 AM
Study what??? :dunno ....The female body.
College was about lanning 5 computers together and playing
comand and conquer, Quake, Doom II....

November 21st, 2002, 11:59 AM
well my college is a 3 day a week ordeal.
mon tues thurs
8 am -12:30 pm

but the thing is, is that im out all night so i never get any sleep. its either that or doing papers.
stressful it is.

November 21st, 2002, 12:11 PM
Young you are...make it you will

November 21st, 2002, 01:46 PM
Does drinking Crown and 7 at Nicky's during Monday Night Kareokee count as being busy in college?

November 21st, 2002, 02:47 PM
yes, it does! you are developing social skills. you should petition the dean of students to get credit hours for it. maybe have them call role at the bar, or have a sign in/ sign out sheet.

college was a joke for me (undergrad) the problem was that I was an athletic trainer and putting in 60-70 hour weeks with training along with school. Grad school was a little tougher.

-FA- Th|3f
November 22nd, 2002, 05:27 PM
well i think if partying was a grade EVERYONE in the country would pass collage at 16........

November 22nd, 2002, 06:30 PM
I'd have to give myself an A+ for partying 101. The bonus was having the keys to restaurant and bar so you're friends would have somewhere to guy after midnight when the rest of the bars closed. If I had a dollar for every time I had to wait for the Lincoln Parish Sherriff's Office to arrive after I put the wrong number in for the alarm b/c I couldn't see straight.

-FA- Th|3f
November 22nd, 2002, 06:41 PM


November 22nd, 2002, 11:58 PM
Yeah well if your smart you won't attend that class.
