View Full Version : queston about dsl

October 29th, 2002, 11:16 AM
k i have already ordered my sevice and got my modem on the way which by what bellsouth tells me will be here on the 31st. anyway my line is prequalified for sevice and i just wanted dirge or someone else to tell me for sure that i can get it. reason im asking is when we moved the lady who transfered our line said we would have to wait 72 hours after the line has been installed, well i waited checked the prequalify date and it said that dsl is avalible to me, but shes calls us back and says that is not even after i had order my stuff. so i call bellsouth back and the lady tells me that yes we can get it and all should be here by oct.31 anyway someone please shed some light in on this ive been waiting forever to get this now i can and im gonna be pissed if i cant. also i know for a fact that we are in the coverage area because im right down the road from the central office i would say close to a mile if even that. dirge our physical addy if you need it is 110 stump lane columbia 71418. please shed some light.

October 29th, 2002, 11:35 AM
o our Phone # is3186490379

October 29th, 2002, 11:44 AM
Actually, this is how our DSL setup runs. Bellsouth might be different so Dirge or Diesel would be better to assist you. Your initial post was a little confusing but maybe this will help out some.

They can't prequalify your phone line for dsl until after your phone service has been installed. The rep you spoke to probably doesn't know much about dsl other than the fact that your phone number shows that you are available for DSL service. The actually DSL order is not put in until once your line is prequalified. The Order is then put into a que. A field techs then picks up the order and has to make sure that are no bridge taps or load coils on your line plus to set you up on the local c/o. Once they are done, they send it to NSC to have your line "mapped" into the ISP's network.

Each step has its own order and has to be signed off on before it can proceed. This makes for the 2-3 day setup time.

October 29th, 2002, 12:06 PM
mm i see that it most likely the woman we spoke to was not in the internet dept. cause the one there said it is pequailifed and that our sevice will work. man i swear i just want broadband.

October 29th, 2002, 12:09 PM
also my order has been placed and will be here by friday so im guessing everything will work out.

October 29th, 2002, 12:13 PM
we just checked our dtatbase and yes his phone number does pre-qualify. One thing to point out to you though Omega is that if you ever play on the merc server, you will be better off getting your DSL service through Bayou Internet (no that's not a sales pitch, it is a fact)...The reason you will be better getting service from us is that when you play on the merc server, you will be on the localnet backbone of bayou which is where the merc server sits. Whenever you play on other servers, it really wont make a difference. Only if you play on the merc server.

Just thought I'd let you know :)


October 29th, 2002, 12:15 PM
Ya look good Omega. Your cable run is 11,000' of mixed gauge cable, well under the 18,000' limit.

OBTW, Bellsouth pings are usually the best for games, I dunno why, just watch me and Dirge.

And Toby is exactly correct on the proceedure.
Your order #, is C5D82797, due 10/30 I'll track it for ya to see if ya have any hicups.


October 29th, 2002, 12:16 PM

Has anyone living there, or right near there had DSL before? A general rule of thumb is if people on the same block can get it, then you can too.

Exceptions to this always arise -- Toby, Adam and I can give you lots of examples where the customer was denied service, but the guy 5 houses up the road can get it. Also local (read: in premises) conditions can cause issues too. The bridge taps and load coils that Toby mentioned are telephone devices that the local CO puts on the line to fix problems with getting phone service to you, while it works for phone service, those devices kill ADSL signal. The good news is that they can remove these taps and coils, but you might see a decrease in your phoneline quality. Also if the house/apartment you're in is fairly old, you might want to pay to have a nice fresh run of cat 5 cable run from the NID (Phonejack on the back of the building) to the room where your ADSL modem will be plugged into--that way you bypass any old telephone lines that are in the walls and such. (You can buy the cat5 from Radioshack and run it yourself -- it's nothing to hook it up either--if you wanted to save the $$$ of paying for installation)


October 29th, 2002, 12:18 PM
Originally posted by LA_MERC_Intimid8tor
we just checked our dtatbase and yes his phone number does pre-qualify. One thing to point out to you though Omega is that if you ever play on the merc server, you will be better off getting your DSL service through Bayou Internet (no that's not a sales pitch, it is a fact)...The reason you will be better getting service from us is that when you play on the merc server, you will be on the localnet backbone of bayou which is where the merc server sits. Whenever you play on other servers, it really wont make a difference. Only if you play on the merc server.

Just thought I'd let you know :)


WTH?!? Dang Jay, Ima report you to the PSC if you keep that junk up. You know darn well it doesn't matter a hill of beans whether his ADSL is through Bayou, BellSouth, Covad, or anyone else. The facilities are the same (they are BellSouth's facilities leased by the reseller). If anything, there might be more of a loss through a reseller's equipment due to a larger number of connections possible. At any rate, any difference that may exist any way or the other will be negligible. Play fair Jay, the FCC is watching you. LOL

October 29th, 2002, 12:22 PM
damn, I was hoping you wouldnt have access to this thread...Jeez! I just trying to make a buck or 2....LMAO....

I was however, just repeating what my sysadmin told me...LOL

October 29th, 2002, 12:24 PM
See edited post:

October 29th, 2002, 12:24 PM
Yeah omega, you're good to go. BellSouth handles their ADSL in the following way. Every telephone line that falls within the design limitations is pre-qualified and is ADSL ready. In fact, as Diesel said, you are sitting pretty for your ADSL and are ready to rock and roll. Your service order has a due date of 10/30. This means when you get your modem, you will be ready to start using ADSL sometime tomorrow at the earliest.


October 29th, 2002, 12:26 PM
well i will say this jay bellsouth is a better deal the modem is 99.99 i get my first 3 months for 19.99 and a one time 50.00 setup fee, bayou wanted 239 for the ethernet modem, they wave the 50.00 setup fee then its 49.99 a month for service, where as after the first 3 with bellsouth its only 45.00 for me:laugh: :blue:

October 29th, 2002, 12:28 PM
BTW Mike, there are 15 other BellSouth ADSL lines working in your carrier serving area, so you shouldn't have any problems.

October 29th, 2002, 12:31 PM
hey can you guys track my modem also i cant wait anylonger i just want my dsl.i think she told me either thrusday or friday with my modem.

October 29th, 2002, 12:33 PM
dang thanks a bunch guys you guys rock!!

October 29th, 2002, 12:36 PM
Originally posted by LA_MERC_Dirge

WTH?!? Dang Jay, Ima report you to the PSC if you keep that junk up. You know darn well it doesn't matter a hill of beans whether his ADSL is through Bayou, BellSouth, Covad, or anyone else. The facilities are the same (they are BellSouth's facilities leased by the reseller). If anything, there might be more of a loss through a reseller's equipment due to a larger number of connections possible. At any rate, any difference that may exist any way or the other will be negligible. Play fair Jay, the FCC is watching you. LOL

Our gameserver is hosted here at Bayou, so if you are connected to Bayou, though DSL, dial-up or whatever, it's just that many fewer hops to reach the gameserver.

It may not make much (or any difference), but it's local on Bayou connections.

October 29th, 2002, 12:37 PM

October 29th, 2002, 12:39 PM
Just remember Omega:
The big dogs run with other big dogs
and we piss on the poodles as we run by.
w00f w00f!! :D j/k :stick

October 29th, 2002, 12:42 PM
Mike- are they selling you the Alcatel 330 USB modem??

Repeat after me "USB Modems are EVIL!!!"

lol --- if you have any probs, you know who to talk to--cause I heard their tech support was kinda limited.


October 29th, 2002, 12:47 PM
I think I may have an ADSL Westell 566 Router laying around somewhere.. hehehe

October 29th, 2002, 01:00 PM
The default is an Ethernet modem now.

October 29th, 2002, 01:52 PM
he's getting the external ethernet modem like mine, then hooking it to a router.

October 29th, 2002, 03:40 PM
yep i sure am and i cant freaking wait no more god im going into cunvulsions.

October 29th, 2002, 08:21 PM
lay off the fatty foods and you'll be fine Mike

October 30th, 2002, 08:52 AM
Hope you get your DSL soon, Omega.

Wish I could get DSL, but Bellsouth says that my number doesnt qualify (cant get anything: no DSL, no cable). So it looks like I'm going to be stuck on 56k for a long while yet.

(BTW: If any of you Bellsouth guys wanted to check and make sure I'm right about not being able to get DSL the number is (843) 393-8974)

October 30th, 2002, 12:07 PM
Cable is the way to go, heard a lot of horror stories with DSL always going down.

October 30th, 2002, 12:21 PM
i had cable for a few months, was ok at first then my ping started shooting up to 2000, i got off the shared bandwidth wagon fast

October 30th, 2002, 12:22 PM
It seems to me I always hear the opposite??
I have had DSL for 2 1/2yrs and I have had one problem, but it was an old usb modem. Whats better???? I believe everyone is different, becuase I know for a fact that every situation is different.

October 30th, 2002, 12:23 PM
I guess it depends where you live.

October 30th, 2002, 12:27 PM
yep...im on cable, the same on that onji was on, but i live out in the boonies and only have 3 people on my node...me, my dad, and some guy up the road from us...max bandwidth 99.9% of the time...i likes me cable

October 30th, 2002, 12:41 PM
I luv my cable cept when I go on FOC Clan server and they got a few people running on 56K.

October 30th, 2002, 12:53 PM
Yeah, I'm on Road Runner here is SC, and I always get about 3Mbps with 70-90 ping most of the time, and I have quite a few hops to get to LA...hehehe.
