View Full Version : Stacking?

October 17th, 2002, 07:26 PM
Yo, why do you guys stack on your server so much? you even stack on the right teamm on the right map. yo i know you wanna play with your clan mates but when you have 200 or so it is really stupid. you make play not very fun ;( or fair

October 17th, 2002, 07:50 PM
One of the rules of being a Merc is that we play as a team, and that we play together, if there are mercs on a team that is losing then ill join them, if they are winning then ill join then. Playing on the public server allows us the chance to play as a team more often so thats what we do.

October 17th, 2002, 08:05 PM
o i see. forget it then my bad yo.

October 17th, 2002, 08:11 PM
What I think Strat was referring to here, is that as MERC's we like to find ways of practicing on the public server as well as our private one. When most MERC's enter the server, they look for other team members, not unlike other clan's. However, if there are MERC's on both sides then we encourage them to join the team of MERC's that needs the help. Then there is always the issue of having a "Favorite" side when the maps rotate. I know that I personally have my favorites too. So please join the server, find a side that you are comfortable with and have some fun. If you feel that the teams are a little uneven by all means ask the players to even them out, almost all of the MERC's will do this. If there is an admin on, ask him to help you out with this. After all, We ALL want to have some fun.

Thanks for playing CS on the LA_MERC Server


October 17th, 2002, 08:34 PM
yeah im sorry if my post sounded rude bro, was'nt my intent at all, we want you to play and have fun I was just trying to explain why we do what we do when we do it like we do what we do.......sometimes

October 17th, 2002, 08:35 PM
:hb :hb :hb :hb :hb :hb :hb :hb :hb :hb

October 17th, 2002, 09:04 PM
Uhm, I hate to dispute you here MadOne, but every time I've seen someone ask to even the teams, the response is invariably "stop whining".

October 17th, 2002, 09:30 PM
Ok since I am still getting pm'd and icq'ed after I thought i had cleared this up I will repost again1 :-)

My original post was not intended to be mean, arrogant, rude, (insert other derogatory term here) etc. I was merely letting him know that it was one of our rules as a MERC. Not that we don't care or that his opinion on the subject did not matter. Roccah if that was the way that you took it then please accept my apologies, that is not at all the image that I would want to portray of this clan or its members. With that being said, hopefully I have sufficiently cleared up the matter and it is settled now. Thanks :-) :-)

October 17th, 2002, 09:36 PM
no prolem yo. i understand bout tha clan thing. iz cool dont sweat it yo.

October 17th, 2002, 11:04 PM
Alright this issue has been visited and revisited. Nothing good ever comes of it, so I'm closing this down.
