View Full Version : NON LAN LAN 9-12-14

September 4th, 2014, 06:27 AM
Hey guys, we will be having a BF4 "non LAN LAN" on Friday 9-12-14. A few MERC goobs will be taking off work that day to log in from home, and waste their lives in BF4. If you can't make it during the day, plan on logging in that night and squadding up! Let's see if we can't get at least 2 MERC squads rolling to greatness! If you need the Mumble server info, here it is: Server: darktemplars.mumble.com Port: 8393 Psswrd: fragfest Looking forward to dying with the best :p


September 4th, 2014, 08:38 AM
I'll be at work, but in game :D No mumble though
