View Full Version : In Memorandum of Tugs

March 29th, 2014, 12:36 AM
We pause for a moment to reflect on our good friend Tugboats. He was with us last night in game when his poor old body gave out. The poor ol' fellar gave his last bit of energy to the MERC team before going to that great scrap metal map in the sky. Here is a little poem to honor his memory:

Our friend Tug...
Many a cock he did chug.
He fell asleep with his mug,
and laid to rest with a bed bug.
Tugs was loyal and true!
Even through Kamaro's thermal goo!
It was better him than you!
He sacrificed all for you, FOO!
We honor his memory today!
Our token LA MERC gay!
He always collected his pay,
When the 3rd fleet pulled into the bay!
Oh Tugs you will be missed by us, slut!
We'll tatoo your face on our butt!
Even though you never quite made the cut,
you'll be missed, and embalmed like King Tut.

April 3rd, 2014, 06:05 PM
Now that my friend .... is a work of poetic art. :)

April 7th, 2014, 04:06 PM
Baco, is a true friend, of that, there is no doubt. He is the type of guy that will go out and get a BJ, and personally bring you one back, a true mans man, a leader, a martyr if you will. In my great appreciation of Baco, I would like to leave a few words in his honor:

This is a tribute,
to a great friend of mine,
who is most recognizable,
when viewed from behind.

Baco is known,
from near and afar,
for the rim jobs he gives
in Kamaros fast car.

A great man he is,
oh so quick to the jizz,
just when you think he is through,
he slurps up some more goo.

Lets not forget Jerry,
his friend whos the fairy,
if they're together too long,
anal retention is gone.

All jokes aside,
his moms a great ride,
though ugly as hell,
she balls very well,
and its fine once you get past the smell.

I know that my rhyme,
is taken in kind,
to the Man we call, Bacowrath,

so I'll leave it right here,
for the hairy lil queer,
and Let Kamaro ram another up his ath!!

April 9th, 2014, 11:23 AM
To Tugboats: Thank you for the beautiful words that flow off your tongue like the last homeless guy who paid you a quarter. I must now return the favor.

Thanks for the rhyme
Your words are quite kind
They entertained the LA_MERC throng
My mother says hi
But she gave out a sigh
When she found out you had a fake dong

That wouldn't be bad
Except that my dad
Sports a fake weenie too
He's jealous now
Cus mom had a cow
And said she'd rather have you

She said he's too big
And you're like a fig
That's covered in old thermal goo
Now dad is upset
And you can sure bet
That he'll be coming for you

I gave some advice
That I thought was quite nice
I said he could find you downtown
I told him you hook
On the corner of Ashenbrook
Looking for old men to go down

He'll be the one, I said
In the dress that is red
With the high heels that sparkle and shine
He's an ugly ho
With a sign down below
That says "For Hire: One Buck 99"

He's gettin' his gun
Boy, this should be fun
To watch him hunting you down
He sees you quite clear
Your taking it in the rear
From a homeless dude dressed like a clown

Daddy took aim
And as soon as you came
He fired a shot as you passed
He shot off your fake cock
Then it bounced off a rock
And went straight up the clown's ass

The clown did a dance
And pulled down his pants
He reached up and pulled out that thing
He paid you a dime
And said thanks for your time
But next time I want the real thing

You looked all distraught
Cus you knew you had bought
The fake one because you were small
You took your pay
Said have a nice day
And went to the dong shop at the mall

Dad went back to mom
But saw her with Tom
Who had a real cock tween his legs
I'm joining Tugs and his fags!


April 9th, 2014, 11:41 AM
Well well well, aren't we just the little literary cum-quat. Your words were taken well, but let me leave you with a true linguistic spell...

Your words were quite true,
I took your moms goo,
in a red dress supplied by your dad,
though loose at the hips,
your mom used her lips,
to remove my schlong from its pad.

Again, it is true,
clowns I will do,
for as little as a dollar or two,
but Baco its wrong,
to bash on my dong,
when you're the only one that i screw.

I find your words dimming,
as you're family I'm rimming,
prodding with all of my might,
your sister and dad,
well they aren't really that bad,
but your mom NEVER puts up a fight.

When I show her my tool,
she never fails to drool,
as my nuts barely rest on her chin,
but your dad is the one,
who chugs it for fun,
and begs me again and again.

I think all is good,
as she tugs on my wood,
with that gooey lil gleam in her eye,
but whats really absurd,
is that Im saying my words,
at the climax of your moms cream pie.

Baco my friend,
I will say it again,
you are a man among big strong men,
but it dont change an ounce,
cause on my root you shall pounce,
as I donkey punch your mom once again.

April 17th, 2014, 06:30 AM
Umm... am I the only one who's getting a laugh out of these two lovers having their little quarrel?
