View Full Version : OUYA

June 18th, 2013, 09:42 AM
I finally received my OUYA!!


June 18th, 2013, 09:54 AM
and.. for some reason they sent me three extra controllers! I checked the bank.. only paid for one extra so bonus!

June 18th, 2013, 08:19 PM
awesome! you played it much so far? How's it working? I was wondering about this, thought about it the other day and couldn't find the post about it.

June 19th, 2013, 08:35 AM
That dude is pretty small. After you put it through the paces, you'll have to give us a review of it. The big question is can you get it to run your collection of ROMS.

June 20th, 2013, 09:36 AM
I haven't really gotten into it, but here are a couple negatives. WiFI sucks on this thing. I had to move it on top of my router for any kind of consistency. I haven't confirmed it for myself, but my buddy here at the office downloaded a boxing game, and he says the controller lag can be measured in SECONDS!! EWWWW! I have played FFIII, and I didn't notice any lag at all, but that is completely different style of game. The UI is kind ugly to me. I need to really dig in and play some of the game to really get a feel for it. There are a lot of options as far as games go, and it is cool to be able to start playing right away before you chunk down coin. Also need to see how it does with regard to emulation, XBMC, etc. There are already several emu's available for download including SNES, Genesis, N64, and PSX that a saw with just a quick browse of the store. The thing that I am keeping in mind, is that this little device was only fully funded in August! I mean we are talking 8-10 months to get over ALL of the hurdles associated with bringing a gaming console to market, and they did it. I mean sure this is CLEARLY a beta unit, and will need to have some kinks ironed out, but I am hopeful for it's future. Giving independent Dev's the opportunity to create games, and get them out to the public without the outrageous overhead associated with the big guys is something that has tons of win all over it. I think we will have the chance to enjoy a lot of new and creative titles.
