View Full Version : LAN II (The Sequel)

October 18th, 2012, 06:14 PM
SO here is a list of those who have given me, or another Merc, a tentative yes:

March 15-17

1. Bacowrath
2. Tugboats
3. Goose
4. Doc Sparky
5. Spark
6. Conda
7. Nooch(Saturday only...bringing "Nooch Crackers")
8. Onji
9. RiverRat + Wife
10. Frag
11. Dirge (Per Spark)
12. Diesel (If he can put down the pixie dust for 2 days)
13. Kamarro
14. Drifter
15. CFH
16. Widow
17. Shadow
18. Drax

If I missed anyone, post here. If anyone has spoken to another Merc who said they would come, post it here. If anyone has an extra $80,000.00 laying around, I'll send you my address.

Obviously we have plenty of time to figure this out, but I would like to try and get things semi-finalized, with a definite list, and payments beginning by January.:mp5::camper:

October 20th, 2012, 10:28 PM
Meeting with 3 hotels this week. Will advise.

October 22nd, 2012, 01:02 PM
Tentative yes here

October 22nd, 2012, 01:57 PM

October 22nd, 2012, 04:44 PM
Tentative yes here

Sweet! I think most of the "yes" folk are tentative at this point.

October 26th, 2012, 01:26 PM
Any news on dates/hotel? I need to know as soon as I can so I dont lose my RCI points for our timeshare for this year... unfortunately I have to use them or bank them by net wednesday (10/31) :-(

October 26th, 2012, 03:32 PM
Not yet, bud. IT guy at 2 places I talked to so far said we wouldnt be happy there. Am trying to get a meeting with the hotel (marriot behind the galleria) that we used last time. Just waiting to hear back from Diesel. His uncle knows the manager, and got us a pretty good deal last time. I think that the dates will more than likely be March 15-17, but until I find a place, we wont know for sure.

October 26th, 2012, 03:41 PM
Gotcha! Just keep us updated... I still have to come to N.O in March anyways, but it would be nice to have our hotel stay free... :-)

October 27th, 2012, 01:23 PM
Gotcha! Just keep us updated... I still have to come to N.O in March anyways, but it would be nice to have our hotel stay free... :-)

Roger that, bud. I will hopefully have some good news next week. I have to travel down to visit the Tabasco side of my family in New Iberia Mon-Wed, but I'm hoping to meet with a couple of hotels Thurs and Friday.

November 2nd, 2012, 10:27 AM
Missed this thread somehow. You can add CFH and Widow to the tentative yes pile.

November 2nd, 2012, 07:57 PM
Missed this thread somehow. You can add CFH and Widow to the tentative yes pile.

Sweetness! Well, this week ended up a bust as far as hotel visitin' goes. This coming week I WILL go forth and meet. I just had a hard time physically moving after I got back from New Iberia.

November 6th, 2012, 03:54 PM
Sorry guys, I've been in and out of town, and haven't had a chance to give y'all any updates on the LAN.

Got the contact information for the last person who we dealt with at Marriot, and shot her off an email explaining that we would like to obtain a similar contract to the one we had last time. (I also have a copy of that contract so I don't walk into this thing blind :p) I am sure that in 4 years, the prices have probably gone up a bit, but it is my hope that this "corporate type" can put us in touch with the local manager, and help us out with the pricing as she did before. As soon as I hear something, I'll let y'all know.

PS: Bringing the Purple Heart for our Hooter's discount :p


November 7th, 2012, 06:45 AM
Got in touch with the corporate lady, and turns out I know some of her husband's family :p Small world... anyhow, she asked for dates, numbers, A/V needs etc.. I am trying to get the same 2009 prices that we had on our last contract, but we'll see how it goes :D I'll let y'all know when I find anything else out.

November 7th, 2012, 02:57 PM
Got an email from the person who will be helping us with setting up the hotel. She asked me a few more questions, and mentioned that their prices have gone up "quite a bit" since 2009. I asked her if they had any discounts for AAA or disabled veterans with purple hearts. (Yeah, I played the card :p) so just waiting to hear back from her with pricing. I'm also going to attempt to get some discounted room rates. It's a fairly nice hotel, not a flea-bag dump or anything, so the prices may be a bit more than a motel 6. We will see what they give us, and go from there. I understand that we have a fairly diverse group of folk in different tax brackets, so we will inevitably find something that is accommodating to as many as we can.

November 7th, 2012, 04:58 PM
So they DONT rent rooms by the hour?

November 7th, 2012, 08:34 PM
So they DONT rent rooms by the hour?

No sir, but there is a free closet you can come out of.:hug

November 7th, 2012, 08:52 PM
Thats okay Baco, with You, Eldritch, Kamaro and Jerry in there already, another person wouldnt allow you proper pivot room.....

November 8th, 2012, 06:27 PM
Missed the phone call from the Mariott chick. She said she will call me back tomorrow with prices.

November 9th, 2012, 10:36 AM
Well, spoke to the Marriott person today, and looks like they have really taken a liking to themselves over the last 3 years. In 2009 we paid $200.00 a day for Friday and Saturday, and $100.00 on Sunday for a total of $500.00 for the 3 days. I don't remember which size room we had, but there is a 960sq foot room which they want $450.00 a day for, and a 580sq foot room that they want $400.00 a day for. Last time I think we had about 20 peeps which came to about $25.00- $30.00 a person. If we did the 580sq foot room this time, and had 20 peeps it would come to about $1600.00. That would come to about $80.00-$90.00 a person unless we get the half price room on sunday like we did before which would come out to about $70.00- $80.00 a person with tax and all. I know that for some that might not seem like much, but for others that may be a deal breaker. You have to figure in also the price of a hotel room for 2 nights, which I'm sure a bunch of us will prob share rooms/costs. In the past some folk have just slept on the floor in the conference room, which is totally fine if your back can handle that ;p

Give me some feedback, and let me know what y'all think, comments, suggestions, options, all are welcome. Also, let me know if you were planning on coming, and this changes your plan.

We still have a few months, and I will keep looking. I would really like to stay with this hotel if possible, just because it is tried and true, but there are other fish to fry in the Big Easy :p


PS: Copy of the email she sent me: "Hi Barry, thank you for your voicemail.

I did hear about the internet. We do have a network port so the wire can be run from there. Our room that does have the exterior room is Room A, rental $450.00 per day. That room is the largest room - 960 square feet. We do have a room that is almost the same size at 580 square feet that is $400.00 per day."

November 9th, 2012, 02:12 PM
I will volunteer to put up the first $500.00, so everyone else can split whats left. Come on guys, we can do this!

November 9th, 2012, 02:25 PM
I will volunteer to put up the first $500.00, so everyone else can split whats left. Come on guys, we can do this!

Wow....what a great guy! I take back...some of the things I said about you! :p

Seriously though, man that's great Tug! Well, that would significantly lessen the load on the rest of us. Well, I'm now inspired :) We CAN do this! YES WE CAN! (Hey if that slogan worked for an idiot, it can surely work for us :p)

Lets get some feedback on this, guys. Not sure what I can do yet, but I may be able to do a bit more than my share also.

Still trying to get a price on rooms. She said if we had 10 or more, we could get a group rate. I told her that only Kamaro was into the group thing, so I'd get back to her. I dont know if we would have 10 rooms, honestly, but we will see what happens. I am going to try and talk her down on the prices a bit more. She said she would go to $300.00 on the last day if we made the room "rentable" by 12:00. I say for $100.00 she can suck my....well, you get it. Anyhow, like I said, there is still time. I'm not signing anything until we get some definite commits, so we will see what happens.:tosser

November 9th, 2012, 02:33 PM
Well, I am committed, or maybe need to be committed??? :) either way, I am all in, but I refuse to share a room with Baco, according to Jerry, he wears his underwear backwards, when he wears any at all ????************ sorry, just threw up in my mouth a little.....I fear the future of PC Gaming is headed for hell with the likes of Baco, Jerry, Conda and Camaro......if not hell, Jerry Springer at the least, neither of which seems too promising.

November 9th, 2012, 02:37 PM
Well, I am committed, or maybe need to be committed??? :) either way, I am all in, but I refuse to share a room with Baco, according to Jerry, he wears his underwear backwards, when he wears any at all ????************ sorry, just threw up in my mouth a little.....I fear the future of PC Gaming is headed for hell with the likes of Baco, Jerry, Conda and Camaro......if not hell, Jerry Springer at the least, neither of which seems too promising.

Yes.....Conda is my baby daddy!!! Ummmm Hummmm!!!!!

November 9th, 2012, 03:05 PM
Yes.....Conda is my baby daddy!!! Ummmm Hummmm!!!!!

Must be a spit baby, I can see the headlines now.......Man gives birth to 9 pound tongue.......Baby, Dad and Dad are all doing fine.:fathersda

November 9th, 2012, 03:33 PM
Don't worry, my son, no one will ever know your origins.....oops! Well, the Tugs out of the bag now!!! BTW....GO WASH YOUR ASS!!! And put your blow-up dolls away too!!! STOP THAT WITH THAT GOAT!!! Were you born in a barn!!! Oh...yeah....you were :(

November 9th, 2012, 05:40 PM
If the purple heart don't work throw out the cop with Medal of Valor who's wife had a stroke. Use it ALL!

November 9th, 2012, 10:33 PM
I can throw in some money. I'll easily be able to throw in an extra 100 or better.

November 9th, 2012, 10:43 PM
I don't give a crap.. lets just do.. and get off my butthole about my no headset situation.. going to buy one for tomorrow night!

November 10th, 2012, 02:06 AM
I don't give a crap.. lets just do.. and get off my butthole about my no headset situation.. going to buy one for tomorrow night!

Are you gonna buy one of those "special" headsets that stop you from banging your noggin on the wall? Or a headset that you can hear us insult you with?

November 10th, 2012, 05:17 AM
Hearing isn't the problem! My son walked in to show me something.. and all he hears is Andy saying something about a guy shooting nades out of his ass LMAO! Poor boy blew snot out of his nose trying not to laugh!

November 10th, 2012, 07:25 AM
We are good for $50 if we can't make it but I'm gonna try real hard to get there. Ive just got a a lot of travel in the spring this year.

November 10th, 2012, 09:30 AM
Hearing isn't the problem! My son walked in to show me something.. and all he hears is Andy saying something about a guy shooting nades out of his ass LMAO! Poor boy blew snot out of his nose trying not to laugh!

LOL!!! ...but seriously.....do you have a headset yet??? :p

November 10th, 2012, 09:31 AM

Well, spoke to the Marriott person today, and looks like they have really taken a liking to themselves over the last 3 years. In 2009 we paid $200.00 a day for Friday and Saturday, and $100.00 on Sunday for a total of $500.00 for the 3 days. I don't remember which size room we had, but there is a 960sq foot room which they want $450.00 a day for, and a 580sq foot room that they want $400.00 a day for. Last time I think we had about 20 peeps which came to about $25.00- $30.00 a person. If we did the 580sq foot room this time, and had 20 peeps it would come to about $1600.00. That would come to about $80.00-$90.00 a person unless we get the half price room on sunday like we did before which would come out to about $70.00- $80.00 a person with tax and all. I know that for some that might not seem like much, but for others that may be a deal breaker. You have to figure in also the price of a hotel room for 2 nights, which I'm sure a bunch of us will prob share rooms/costs. In the past some folk have just slept on the floor in the conference room, which is totally fine if your back can handle that ;p

Give me some feedback, and let me know what y'all think, comments, suggestions, options, all are welcome. Also, let me know if you were planning on coming, and this changes your plan.

We still have a few months, and I will keep looking. I would really like to stay with this hotel if possible, just because it is tried and true, but there are other fish to fry in the Big Easy :p


PS: Copy of the email she sent me: "Hi Barry, thank you for your voicemail.

I did hear about the internet. We do have a network port so the wire can be run from there. Our room that does have the exterior room is Room A, rental $450.00 per day. That room is the largest room - 960 square feet. We do have a room that is almost the same size at 580 square feet that is $400.00 per day."

*Tugboats is already in for $500.00

November 10th, 2012, 07:59 PM
Been following this thread. Thanks for the email Baco. I just didn't want to commit until the cuts came through at my hospital. But it looks like I'm safe for now... been a bit crazy lately. Anyway, count me in for the dates. I will contribute for the room even if I can't make the whole weekend that way we can get this thing closer to finalization.

November 11th, 2012, 06:58 PM
Been following this thread. Thanks for the email Baco. I just didn't want to commit until the cuts came through at my hospital. But it looks like I'm safe for now... been a bit crazy lately. Anyway, count me in for the dates. I will contribute for the room even if I can't make the whole weekend that way we can get this thing closer to finalization.

Awesome, bud!!! Really looking forward to this!

November 13th, 2012, 02:46 PM
I'm in if Drax pays for my flight down there.

November 15th, 2012, 04:08 PM
Ya bum... get on a flight and get to it man.

November 16th, 2012, 05:57 PM
I guess this is where I chime in and say I'll be there, and Mike D, I'll buy you flight if you lick each of my toes for a minimum of 10 seconds each at the lan....

November 17th, 2012, 06:53 AM
Count me as a Tentative Yes. New job, new salary, new headaches that need forgotten. Wife gave the okay for a "man trip"

November 17th, 2012, 10:20 AM
Shit...if Mike won't I'll do it.

November 17th, 2012, 03:08 PM
SWEETNESS! Man trips, man love, toes.... man I'm ready for this!

Check out the list and make sure your name is on it. Trying to get an idea of how many will be attending so when I go look at the rooms, we can decide which one to get.

SO here is a list of those who have given me, or another Merc, a tentative yes:

March 15-17

1. Bacowrath
2. Tugboats
3. Goose
4. Doc Sparky
5. Spark
6. Conda
7. Nooch(Saturday only...bringing "Nooch Crackers")
8. Onji
9. Slingblade
10. RiverRat + Wife
11. Frag
12. Dirge (Per Spark)
13. Diesel (If he can put down the pixie dust for 2 days)
14. Kamarro
15. Drifter
16. CFH
17. Widow
18. Shadow
19. Drax
20. PresStupidFox
If I missed anyone, post here. If anyone has spoken to another Merc who said they would come, post it here. If anyone has an extra $80,000.00 laying around, I'll send you my address.

Obviously we have plenty of time to figure this out, but I would like to try and get things semi-finalized, with a definite list, and payments beginning by January.:mp5::camper:

November 18th, 2012, 09:26 AM
Those of you who ACK'd this thread and talk to semi-active members, shoot them a text/email/call and get them on board (COUGH) Darren Call Toby (COUGH) and I'll FB both Ernie and Henry. I'd rather have solid cant make it or a tentative rather than a complete question mark.

November 18th, 2012, 12:20 PM
I will have to look at it when it gets a little closer. Wish I could tell you yes right now but some things going on at work and not sure if I will still be in my current position. The Deputy Chief retired so we are about to have some people moving around. Would love to come but the best I can give you right now is a maybe.

November 18th, 2012, 04:08 PM
You can throw Fox on there if he doesn't screw up his schoolwork around that time. Now I just gotta get our rigs down there somehow.

(Y'all keep mum about this in game/Mumble, OK? - he doesn't read the forums, and it'll be a nice surprise if he does OK in school - Thanks)

November 19th, 2012, 07:50 AM
You can throw Fox on there if he doesn't screw up his schoolwork around that time. Now I just gotta get our rigs down there somehow.

(Y'all keep mum about this in game/Mumble, OK? - he doesn't read the forums, and it'll be a nice surprise if he does OK in school - Thanks)

Just strap em to your tricycles and pedal on down! :p

I know that its hard for folk to give a definite "yes" right now, I just want to get a feel for how many are seriously considering coming so I can determine what size room we need. As we get closer, I'm sure that we will get a more solid list.

November 21st, 2012, 09:45 AM
So... is the date and individual cost nailed down yet? Wife was askin me last night so she can put it in our budget...

November 21st, 2012, 01:12 PM
So... is the date and individual cost nailed down yet? Wife was askin me last night so she can put it in our budget...

The date is definitely March 15-17. The price will depend on how many people we end up with. Looks like the room for 3 days is going to cost between $400.00 and $450.00 a day, so for three days, we are looking at a total of between $1200.00 and $1350.00 depending on the size room we get.. We will divide that by however many peeps we got. I'm inclined to say that folks bringing wives, or like Frag bringing his son, we would just count one share, but I suppose we can put that up to a vote. Tugboats is pledging $500.00 on his own, and I am going to see what I got when the time comes, but I am sure I will put in more than my share. All I know is that this IS going to happen one way or another. Tugs and I are committed to making this thing fly. I think 20 or more would be great, but if we have 5-10 we are still gonna make it happen :) Conda says that he will make up the difference anyhow :p (not really, but if Spark can t-bag him without him stirring, I'm sure we can easily get his wallet once he passes out :p)

November 22nd, 2012, 11:00 PM
to be fair.. conda was owed a tea bagging... He caught my ass passed out in the middle of a bar one night.. there are pics floating around somewhere lol!

November 26th, 2012, 06:23 AM
Im in the out pile, just found out our Christmas present from the in-laws is a cruise that leaves March 16th, oh well, one of these days I will actually make it, I will try to throw some bones in the pile tho.

November 26th, 2012, 09:17 AM
Im in the out pile, just found out our Christmas present from the in-laws is a cruise that leaves March 16th, oh well, one of these days I will actually make it, I will try to throw some bones in the pile tho.

eh, sorry to hear that, bud. My hope is to try and have one of these at least every 2 years, if not every year. We will see how it goes, and move on from there.

November 26th, 2012, 10:22 AM

March 15-17

1. Bacowrath
2. Tugboats
3. Goose
4. Doc Sparky
5. Spark
6. Conda
7. Nooch(Saturday only...bringing "Nooch Crackers")
8. Onji
9. RiverRat + Wife
10. Frag
11. Dirge (Per Spark)
12. Diesel (If he can put down the pixie dust for 2 days)
13. Kamarro
14. Drifter
15. CFH
16. Widow
17. Shadow
18. Drax
19. PresStupidFox

If I missed anyone, post here. If anyone has spoken to another Merc who said they would come, post it here. If anyone has an extra $80,000.00 laying around, I'll send you my address.

Obviously we have plenty of time to figure this out, but I would like to try and get things semi-finalized, with a definite list, and payments beginning by January.:mp5::camper:[/QUOTE]

November 27th, 2012, 09:59 AM
Going to check out the rooms tomorrow. Will advise...

PS: If anyone is close to the Marriott behind the Galleria and wants to meet me down there at about 1:30 tomorrow to give some input, I'll be there. Just trying to decide which size room to get to meet our needs.

November 27th, 2012, 12:14 PM
Eh...they booked meetings in all the rooms tomorrow, will have to reschedule.

November 27th, 2012, 09:48 PM
Let me know when you reschedule

November 28th, 2012, 04:57 PM
So when I win the lottery tonight I'll spring for the room.

November 28th, 2012, 06:08 PM
So when I win the lottery tonight I'll spring for the room.

You win the lottery tonight and I'LL get the room! You just bring the champagne, and your checkbook there, sweet-cheeks ;)

November 29th, 2012, 01:58 PM
Ok, so I'm meeting with the Marriott Manager on Tuesday at 11:00 if anyone wants to tag along.

December 4th, 2012, 10:02 AM
Alright, so I think we are going to go with the bigger room for now. As we get closer, depending on how many more-less we have, we can switch if we have too. The larger room was the one we had in 2009. Think it will be good. So, here it is... $1,350.00 plus tax for the 3 days. March 15-17. So if we have 20 peeps, that would come to approx $67.50 per person (that doesn't include tax and any hotel fees). Now if Tugs puts in $500.00, that would come to approx $44.75 per person (that would be with 19 since tugs would be the 20th) So, I am figuring about $50.00 per person if we have 20. That should be do-able I think. I am going to try to put in a bit more than my share to bring the price down even more, and a few others said they would do the same. I think that when all is said and done, everyone should be able to come out on top. I am hoping to have a paypal link up for peeps who want to start sending money in.

Really excited about this, guys. Hopefully we will have a good crowd. Remember that those prices don't include room prices, and they cant give me those until we get closer. Y'all may want to start talking to one another about sharing rooms to cut costs. Tugs and I are gonna share one as long as he doesnt try to take advantage of my gimpy body :p In the past, some folk just brought sleeping bags and slept under the tables in the conference room.

December 5th, 2012, 11:51 AM
Holy Shiznot, 200 dollars a night. Does this place come with a happy ending? Marriot Matarie Lake side must have gone upscale since I've been away

December 5th, 2012, 11:54 AM
189 if you use priceline (BIG SAVINGS) LMFAO!

December 5th, 2012, 05:53 PM
Holy Shiznot, 200 dollars a night. Does this place come with a happy ending? Marriot Matarie Lake side must have gone upscale since I've been away

Don't worry, Conda. Your accommodations will be arranged, and paid for by the taxpayers of Louisiana after you get hauled in the first night. 3 hots, and a cot. Look on the bright side, the sex will be free!:beerchug:jail:

December 5th, 2012, 05:57 PM
BTW there are other hotels, Motels, Roach-tels nearby that may be more affordable.

December 5th, 2012, 09:54 PM
man.. where the VFW with the wiring closet from hell when you need it! lol!

December 7th, 2012, 07:46 AM
FUCKING HELL! $200 a night? I'm starting to think we wont be coming. I'm looking at 3 nights ($600) plus buy in ($100) plus air fare for 2 ($850). $1500 is a shit ton of cash with all the other crap I have coming up. I'm not ruling it out but its slipped toward the negative.

December 7th, 2012, 09:27 AM
There are other hotels right around Metairie that would probably be cheaper to stay at. Here are a few: http://travel.yahoo.com/p-hotel-371721-la_quinta_inn_new_orleans_causeway-i http://www.econolodge.com/hotel-kenner-louisiana-LA251?source=ylocal http://www.sleepinn.com/hotel-metairie-louisiana-LA121?sarea=&sname=Metairie&sstate=&scountry=&sradius=40.00&slat=29.983889&slon=-90.152778&schain=Z&exp=&scity=&sort=&type=&nadult=1&nchild=0&sstate_country=&listpos=1

December 13th, 2012, 02:44 PM
Hotel right next to it has rooms for 95 a night. That's more like it

December 16th, 2012, 12:24 AM
Hotel right next to it has rooms for 95 a night. That's more like it

Sweet! Which one is that, Conda?

December 16th, 2012, 08:55 AM
Back in 2004 at the last Armageddon Lan my crew stayed at the red roof in right off I-20, the way we saw it was all you need is a place to lay your head, Shat shower and shave "shaving being optional" where there's a will there's a way. :)

December 16th, 2012, 07:29 PM
Is this a private dance? If not I will have to check as that is the weekend prior to spring break for the school district where I work and they may not let me off that Friday.

Also what games, it's been so long since I actually played a game that I probably don't even have the ones you guys play.
