View Full Version : Transit of Venus

June 2nd, 2012, 12:59 AM
June 5th 2012...

This is the “once in a lifetime” transit of Venus. This is where Venus will pass in front of the disk of the sun causing it to appear as a dark circle on the surface. The next transit after this one will be in December of 2117 so here is your last chance. As far as astronomical events go, this is a long one. From start to finish it will last over six hours but the sun will set for us here in So Cal before it is completed. You’ll have to go to Hawaii to see it start to finish.
External ingress: 3:06 pm
Internal ingress: 3:23 pm
Greatest transit: 6:25 pm
Sunset: 8:02 pm
Internal egress: 9:26 pm (after sunset)
External egress: 9:44 pm (after sunset)

These times are for So Cal so add 2 hours (I think) for you NOLA nubs.

June 2nd, 2012, 09:35 PM
Did you catch the solar eclipse about a week ago CFH?

June 3rd, 2012, 08:28 AM
Of course! Took some pics but havent had a chance to process them yet. Been busy. There is a partial lunar ecliplse tonight around 4an Pacific time. IT wont be visible east of New Mexico thoughbecause the moon sets before it starts.

June 3rd, 2012, 06:22 PM
2012...an active solar year. Perhaps the Mayans had something right about this year? too many things lining up?

June 4th, 2012, 02:48 PM
lol...Lunar eclipses ALWAYS preceed or follow a solar eclplise. It has to do with orbital patterns. As for it being an active solar year...yes. Every 11 years the sun enters solar maximum. 2013 wil be solar maximum. All that means is more sunspot activity. Mayans were amazing astronomers but not prohpets of doom. If it turns out Im wrong about the prophet part, you can have my bank account info. I won't need it. :p

June 7th, 2012, 02:00 PM
Venus transit pic...
