View Full Version : Life is good?.!..

March 22nd, 2012, 12:45 PM
My wife and I just bought a new house. We close 3-30.
We also became landlords in November last year and it is doing good.
I got a fat raise at work.
I have a few business enterprises running that look like they will force me to quit the man in the near future.
Yellowdog had a kid. :)

So how is everyone doing?

March 22nd, 2012, 03:19 PM
Sounds like life is good for you Rook! Excellent news to hear!

I continue to live the dream here in Baton Rouge with my wife and 4 kiddos. Still gainfully employed and as a bonus I get to eat lunch with the family most days. The kids are all busy with music and sports and I've got a desk decorated with pictures drawn by my 2 sweet girls.

I'm not getting any younger, but heck... whatcha gonna do.

March 22nd, 2012, 06:53 PM
My wife and I just bought a new house. We close 3-30.
We also became landlords in November last year and it is doing good.
I got a fat raise at work.
I have a few business enterprises running that look like they will force me to quit the man in the near future.
Yellowdog had a kid. :)

So how is everyone doing?

Sounds like things are going your way Rook, Glad to hear it.

Now if I could only get that fat raise to accompany my new kid things would look even better. :)

March 23rd, 2012, 09:18 AM
Yeah I hear you on that one Yeller. The write off does NOT cover the expense for sure.

That is what I would love Doc. Eating lunch with the kiddos and not having to miss out because of work pressure.

Yeller you should take a picture everyday of your tyke. In the same spot and position so you can flip back through them in a year. Sometimes it is hard to notice the little things when you are next to them everyday.

March 29th, 2012, 01:24 PM
T-24 hours! Moving tomorrow night. The family will sleep at the new house tomorrow night. The kids are stoked as are the parents!

April 1st, 2012, 03:03 PM
Congrats! All good here, just back from a nice holiday in SoCal... Very busy with work, family etc. I wish I had time to game! All my best you old friends!

April 1st, 2012, 08:24 PM
Sounds like things are swinging your way Rook. I think I caught the opposite, getting piles of work thrown on me, got half my bonus that I fully deserved from last year's work (Revenue increase from 73M to 123M!) Been putting out resumes to see what else is out there. Good news tho, I am about to start an 11 day vacation away from this 24/7 ball and chain of a job. Time to get some sanity back!

April 3rd, 2012, 08:27 AM
Enjoy it Drax. Look for the upside or get a wife that can support ya. That is hat I did. :)

Speaking of wives that can support where the hell Is Conda?
