View Full Version : new comp

May 10th, 2011, 01:21 PM
new comp I threw together

ASROCK Fatal1ty P67 Pro
Dual EVGA GTX460's
8 gig G.Skill Ripjaws DDR3-1600
WD Caviar Black 1TB

May 10th, 2011, 02:57 PM
Did you bench mark it? Nice BTW

May 10th, 2011, 03:11 PM

May 10th, 2011, 03:51 PM
Yep... I want to know what your bench mark is :)

And Saweet looking rig :)

May 11th, 2011, 07:17 AM
I like the "Spark"le power supply used. :D

Nice comp.

May 11th, 2011, 01:36 PM
oh...btw... core i5-2500K Sandy Bridge 3.3GHz for proc.. Bench marks? meh hate even thinking about it.. my shit always disappoints me.. Sparkle!!! :D I don't know too much about them, but I red a couple favorable reviews about the gold series stuff, and it had the 4 PCIe connectors I needed for these monster cards.. DAMN they take up space! with the layout of this board you loose both PCI slots! bye bye SB adudigy.. no biggy.. this board has creative on board THX.. I'll run 3dmark and see what it says..

May 11th, 2011, 06:44 PM

May 13th, 2011, 08:20 AM
31604 3DMarks

3DMark 05

May 13th, 2011, 08:41 AM
Try Running 3d mark 11, its a real hammer on your system :)

May 13th, 2011, 08:44 AM
yeah fark that... score will suck and I'll be pissed off

May 13th, 2011, 09:37 AM
P6169 3DMarks

Your Score is Low Compared to Similar Systems.
There may be a problem.

BUT!!! The first tip is buy full version lol! Fark these choads.. runs good enough for me, and that is base.. no OC involved.. done chasing numbers.. to expensive and time consuming

May 13th, 2011, 09:53 AM
haha sweet man

May 13th, 2011, 12:45 PM
Well. your right in line with the rest of us. Over in the 3dmark11 thread, I think the guys with dual GPU's are hitting the lower 6000's mark.. and single GPU's are hitting the upper 3000's and lower 4000's mark. Mine hits aroud 4200 with 1x470 OC'd GPU....

IMO, your systems kicking some ass.
