View Full Version : Osama Bin Laden dead!

May 1st, 2011, 09:15 PM
Still fresh so no real i-net reports but CNN and Fox are carrying it.


May 1st, 2011, 09:17 PM

May 2nd, 2011, 09:04 AM
At first when I heard it I didnt believe it; but now all I can say is ITS ABOUT DAMN TIME!!!!!! HELLLLLAAA FREAKING LUYYYYYAAA!!!

May 2nd, 2011, 11:09 AM
why dump the fucking body in the water damn it.. gives these ass hast conspiracy theorists fuel.. Hopefully some video or pic evidence will be released in the coming weeks.. Wetz posted a good article on FB.. I'll share it here..


May 2nd, 2011, 02:53 PM
Punishment for Bin Ladens crimes is for God to decide now, I'm just glad our military forces set up the meeting.

This was a good start to a Monday :)

May 10th, 2011, 04:34 PM
Sure hope he was wearing his SPF 5,000,000 sun screen, and his flame retardent turbin.

Here is a little poem that I wrote in his honor:

Bin Laden, Bin Laden
On thin ice you were troddin'
You thought you were god,
but found out you're a sod
You had many bishes
to wash your cuscus dishes.
The SEALS ended your life
and popped a cap in your wife
Virgins you hoped for,
but when you got to the door
A strong heat hit you,
and you smelled BBQ
Your beard burst into flames
it was the end of your games
You cried out to Allah,
but only the devil heard you holla
He said welcome home son!
A good job down there you've done!
Now welcome to your new home
it's not quite like the Mecca Dome
It can get quite warm,
and the worms ever swarm,
but the view is quite good
of your new demoic neighborhood
I'm sorry to say
we are all out of virgins today
But we have another prize,
a man of GREAT size!
Bubba is his name,
now don't be ashamed!
Down here it's ok
we don't call it gay
Make sure you use lube,
and Bubba won't hurt you, you noob.
You had a ticket to paradise from Packistan?
Oh, no, no....you didn't understand
The plane to take you there
no longer flies through the air.
You had it ram into the tower
now it has no lifting power :(
But it is all good,
worship me now, you should.
I have great plans for us,
we will tour hell on a bus.
Speaking to damned souls your new lot,
and Bubba will share your cot.
Once, again WELCOME HOME!
Enjoy Bubba's bone.
I'll now end this rhyme,
cuz now yo azz is MINE!!!!!


May 11th, 2011, 06:34 AM
Well, Buba or not, I feel sure where he landed is hot...


May 13th, 2011, 09:57 AM
haha you better copyright that LMAO
