View Full Version : Keyboard Loggers

March 29th, 2011, 02:43 PM
Have any of you used a keyboard logger?
I have a client that needs to see what his employees are doing on his computers. He wants to see what they are looking up on the web as well as what files are being accessed on the computers. (or are being copied).
Any help would be appreciated.

March 29th, 2011, 06:18 PM
Turn on file auditing on the servers and route everyone through a proxy server for web reporting. Turn off USB storage if they want to put the kibosh on copying. However, if I found my employer was doing that, especially behind my back, I wouldn't be an employee for long. There has to be some trust involved, y'know?

IMHO, a keylogger is one of the least efficient ways of tracking that stuff, since someone has to go through all of the logs. From every machine. On a regular basis.

March 30th, 2011, 04:37 AM
Its a stand alone computer.

March 30th, 2011, 10:28 AM
It will be cheaper to fire the employee. ;) There is a legality issue also. If he does not inform the employees that use that machine that the logger is there, no data can be used against the employees. No matter the nature.

How to make sure you use key logger but not be involved in any law issues?
■Install key logger software on the computers you own. Hint others of the key logger installed if they use your computer.
■It is completely legal manner that parents using key logger to monitor children’s online activity to make sure they don’t visit pornographic web sites or don’t make any dubious acquaintances.
■Employers keeping tracking employees’ computer activities may be controversial. Notify them of the fact that they are being monitored, and what is being monitored, it will be perfectly legal.
■Make sure you get the administrator’s permission if you want to install key logger software on a device which does not belong to you.
■Do not try to crack others personal accounts or password by using key logger, which is unscrupulous, indeed, illegal as well.

I for one have turned down employers that wanted this type of thing done. You can use other means to block, filter, and monitor usage outside of being a sneak. Things that are up front and perfectly legal.

March 30th, 2011, 12:44 PM
I can see a situation where you supplied the Key Logger, the employee goes on line to their bank account, then the employer gets that information and uses it to access the employees banking information.

Then bad things happen... so who's to blame, the guy who put it on there, or the guy who took advantage of the information gained. Maybe even both?

March 30th, 2011, 02:46 PM
yeah... no way I'd do it.. forget any legal issues.. I just don't like it... We were asked to log net traffic by user and I was against it.. there's info that people don't need to know.. lock them out at the firewall and be done with it..

March 30th, 2011, 07:01 PM
Might also wanna remind him/her that if they don't have a well documented computer use policy that they could be in for a heap o' hurt if (ahem) "actions detrimental to the employee's financial future" were taken without said policy in place. And probably signed off on by all involved.

Run away.
