View Full Version : New Rig!

February 2nd, 2011, 08:59 PM
Well, everything came in - got it built and loading/updating stuff now.
Here is what I wound up with:

Antec 300 Case (Stock fans for now)

AMD Phenom II 965 (Stock is 3.4GHz, got it at 3.8GHz w/ Stock Voltage did a quick Prime95 test - passed and temps are good.)

Coolermaster Hyper TX3 cooler

6GB DDR3 1333 (4 sticks: 2X2GB and 2X1GB Recycled from my old system running at 1333/ and 8-8-8-21 1T)

750GB WD Caviar Black (Decided not to go SSD just now)

1TB WD Caviar Green (Recycled from my old system)

SATA DVD Burner (Another Recycle)

BFG Nvidia GTX280 OC2 (Factory overclocked - similar speeds to GTX285) (Thanks, Parker!)

All in all, using stuff from my old machine, and the good deal Parker gave me on the graphics card I've only got $550 in it, so I think I did pretty good. I have the i3 CPU from my old system up on eBay right now and it's already up to $15.50 and I have 12 "watchers". I'm wondering if I'd get anything for the OEM Gateway Mobo it was on...dunno if it'd bring enough to mess w/ packing and shipping it though.

February 3rd, 2011, 07:07 AM
Sounds like you got a system put together that should last you for a while :) And on the Cheap.. :)

February 5th, 2011, 09:32 PM
Tweaked out my overclock and got it to 3.9GHz on stock votage with a multiplier bump - prime stable. Tweaked my RAM timings a bit too. Here are my 3DMark 06 and 3DMark Vantage scores:

P14364 3DMarks

18664 3DMarks

Not bad for a $550 investment, I don't think :-)

February 7th, 2011, 01:51 AM
Nicely done Max....I wish I had room for a desktop. I'm slowly switching the whole family to laptops since we will loose the office in a few years to my daughters bedroom.
