View Full Version : As I grow older.....

January 7th, 2011, 09:08 AM
Well my wife and I have made the decision to throw down the dough and get teh complete P90X set. We are starting it officially Sunday and we are adhering to the diet and everything. My goal is to get down to 175-185 then build up from there. End weight ot be around 195. We shall see.

I think it will go good since both of us are onboard and one isn ot doing it for the other. The diet for me will be the hardest part I am sure.

January 7th, 2011, 05:27 PM
Good for you! You didnt have bad eating habits when we worked together, Im sure that will go easier than you think. Jenn and I have both done well with p90. And it really does make it easier with you both doing it. Starting was a bit frustrating for both of us, there were several exercises that I simply could not do initially and it pissed me off, never realized how out of wack my core strength was. Took a couple of weeks and things got much easier, huge bonus to keep going. Jenn initially could do all of 1/2 of a chin up. Same thing for her, after a few weeks, she could do 2 then 6 then 10, very motivating.

The biggest change for me was actually bringing lunch to work with me and eating breakfast at home. The principles of muscle confusion work very well. I am down from 210lbs to 163 and now back to the gym lifting and adding mass. I have never felt better, nor been in this good of shape. Stick with it and you will see results. I have the next set of dvd's after you get done with the initial 90 days if u want to borrow. The power block dumb bells at better body fitness are worth every penny if you guys are going to stick with it.

January 8th, 2011, 01:19 AM
I'm starting the p95 program. You have to eat 95 95 inch, 95 pound pizzas for 95 days. I'm hoping to gain 95 pounds by March so I can get a wheelchair at Disney and get to the front of all the lines.

January 9th, 2011, 09:40 PM
careful on the p90x.. it is over training and can lead to injury. I would suggest working your way slowly with it. get used to it over time.

January 10th, 2011, 10:18 AM
Yes definitely realize physical failure and do not over do it. I am going to buy a full set of regular dumbells with a rack. 5# through 50#. @ of each of course. I have decided to convert my garage into a workout room. No rason not to and it is full of shit anyways. Full foam rubber floor and all. My goal is to loose 50lbs of fat and start building muscle. Measuring the food is gonna take some getting used to, but I think we will make it there.

Good to hear about your progress Rick. Definitely worth it I think. Now I just have to keep pushing play.

January 11th, 2011, 02:40 PM
Okay through Day 2 and Plyometrics.

Diet is relatively easy to follow as long as you put the work into it the night before. I have pre-filled "snack" bags for easy grab and go. I use the Level I nutrition guide of 1800 calories a day. I should hopefully loose something on that. I may go to smaller portions and add a 6th meal during the day though.

We work out at 5 am. I am going to get up at 4:30 to get moving, drink 8 oz of water, and drink a cup of coffee. Rip through an hour session then showers, kids up fed and dressed, and off to work. We are taking before shots tonight. I know 2 days late, but I am sexy as ever. ;) We just do not have time at night to knock down a workout.

My goal like I said is to get down to 175-185 then crank up the calories to put muscle back on. We shall see. As for now I am freaking sore in the tricep department.

January 11th, 2011, 03:17 PM

January 11th, 2011, 06:32 PM
Gained 15 pounds on the p95 program. Almost unable to tie my shoes now. I'm gonna keep at it!!! oooo....Gots ta go......pizza man is here! w00t!!!


January 12th, 2011, 09:16 AM
Lulz, I made it through Day 3. Easier to get up this morning it seemed. Either it is working or I am just to sore to sleep well. I feel more energetic though.
