View Full Version : M.A.M.E Onji here pls

December 2nd, 2010, 04:20 PM
Dude... it is time for a redo on my MAME machine... something is wrong with my IPAC I think... I'm not getting anything out of my buttons. Not all of them though. I totally have no memory of having to map any buttons. All of the fire buttons work, but the player 1, 2, coins, pause, etc don't do anything. Like even in notepad. So.. I'm wondering if I need a new IPAC or if some way the kids manage to remap those buttons to nothing. Anyway.. that's not a huge deal.. I have the latest ROMs and I want to totally reinstall everything. Thoughts on that front end you were looking at? Tried installing it yet? Is your rig still up and running? Ever come up with a new, small cab design? I'd like to get moving on something new and cool... also still have that damn robotron machine to deal with... not sure where to start with that thing...

December 2nd, 2010, 11:02 PM
Hey man, not sure if your ipac is bad or not, since you do have some of the buttons working.
In notepad, do this: CTRL-ALT-P (the keyboard has to be plugged into the passthru port on the ipac)
This will put it into programming mode.
I suggest setting it back to defaults, hit R

You can see all the codes here: http://www.ultimarc.com/interact.html

Oh, and the new frontend I'm running now is Hyperspin: http://www.hyperspin-fe.com/

I have EVERYTHING already done, videos, roms, pics. all of it. Its a huge install, it would probably be easier for both of us if i just put it on a harddrive and shipped it to you. All you will have to do is Drag the hyperspin folder to your drive, and run the exe. Everything will just work. its awesome.
The only thing is that i dont have any of the other emulators going on it, NES, SNES etc.
This go around I was thinking more quality over quantity.
PM me your address, and I'll get started on that harddrive.

December 3rd, 2010, 12:52 AM
