View Full Version : Laptop issues

October 28th, 2010, 04:33 PM
So I haven’t been able to get the laptop to boot up.* I opened it and cleaned it.* Removed the RAM and powered up.* The motherboard beeped.* Inserted the RAM, powered up, and got the same issue – black screen, no BIOS, no boot activity.*
Any ideas?

October 29th, 2010, 07:20 AM
make/model ?

October 29th, 2010, 10:52 AM
HP DV900

October 29th, 2010, 12:05 PM
After some reading around, it looks like you have the 'nvidia defect'


They may fix it for you for free, not sure.

Also here is what someone did to get theirs going:

Problem solved.....Not my idea, just got it off the web and it worked.....This does require some guts!~

My dv9000 was responding to all the same problems you are describing....high heat, black screen, wont boot up, boot up loop, wireless gone.

So here is the fix.....get a strong hair dryer or in my case industrial heat gun. I positioned my computer so the intake fan was hanging over the desk, and slowly heated up the surface underneath....Do Not Melt The Case.....

After 2 minutes of this I pressed the power button, and I shit you not, it turned on and I even have my Wireless back!

It has been running fine, 4 days now.

There is a very good u tube fix for the motherboard problem, and hinge issue most all of us have....However this worked very well and provided me the opportunity to copy my drive for the replacement.....

I do think HP is fully aware of the problem, and they just do not care. You would be wise to just repair it yourself, document what you did, save your receipts, and have them served a nice summons to small claims court....Like I did.....Seems simple enough....

If you're not scared, and want to fix it yourself, here's a youtube vid on it, but given how involved it is, i wouldn't dare. The guy says in the video they do it all the time in their shop, and you can send it to them to fix for a flat rate. may be something to look into if HP doesnt help you out:


http://rebootit.biz/ <-- link to the site for the guys that did this vid and can fix for you.

October 29th, 2010, 03:24 PM
Thanks Darren, i don't think i'll be trying the heat gun trick, seems a bit...too much for me. It's a friends laptop, so I guess I'll put him on hold with HP for the next week.

October 30th, 2010, 10:42 PM
I am going to do this Monday or Tuesday to a dv9000. It will be worth it for if one fails they need a new mobo anyway.

November 2nd, 2010, 01:43 PM
Yeah, let us know how that turns out Rook. Sorry to hear of the problem Drax, pretty cool solution. I wonder how in the world someone decided a Hair Dryer or Heat Gun MIGHT solve the problem... lol

November 3rd, 2010, 10:10 PM
Would you buy me a beer if I said it worked with use of LaTech's pen-torch.
