View Full Version : To PTA or not to PTA that is the question?

August 29th, 2010, 11:57 PM
I know what I picture when I think of a P.T.A., at the same time my son is now in school. I think My wife and/or I should be involved. Has anyone here had any experience in dealing with this and if so what should we expect?

Thanks in advance.

August 30th, 2010, 06:42 AM
Well I work at a public school system and my suggestion is to be as involved as possible with your child's education. Prior to me going to work for a public school I had no idea what was taught or the day to day operations that occur there. Goto the board meetings which they should have every month as well.

August 30th, 2010, 07:21 AM
I agree with snakebite.
I spend a lot of time working in or around our public schools, and their is way too little participation by the majority of parents. The ones who are involved are not always the ones you really want influencing the decisions that are made in your local schools concerning your child. SO go, make your voice be heard... and if you piss someone off, then your being a great parent. :)

BTW... Right now as I type, im siting in the hallway of lake city high school replacing a hall camera :)

August 30th, 2010, 09:43 AM
My wife and I have been fairly involved with the PTA for 4 years now. It is a great opportunity to stay close to the education system, and make sure that your kids are not being taught things contrary to what ever value system you hold dear to. Teachers are VERY open to parents who want to be involved in their children's education. Part of the problem in society today is that parents are not getting involved, and letting the school system "raise" thier children. So all that being said, I would highly reccomend being involved. Just a little warning.....once you join, you will be asked to "volunteer" for everything that comes around :p I get about 3 calls per week on average ;p

August 31st, 2010, 12:59 PM
I also work for a public school district, and I would recommend that you be as involved as you can. I walk through the halls of both elementary and high school classes every day, and all I have to say is that parents are NOT as involved as they should be.

August 31st, 2010, 01:28 PM
I say the hell with it. Then again, my kids don't go to public school. :D

September 2nd, 2010, 06:26 AM
The problem is or at least in my area is that they say they want parents involved, they even have a person who is paid to get parents involved and notified about events, truth be told when parents do get involved if the district or teacher does not agree with that parents point of view....well that is why it's so important to make sure that your views are being represented and that your child/children are not being exposed to anything that you would not want them to be.

September 4th, 2010, 07:21 AM
I say the hell with it. Then again, my kids don't go to public school. :D

^^ ditto

September 4th, 2010, 03:37 PM
You can be involved with your child and the school without getting wrapped up in the PTA bullshit. I find that the majority of the peopl on the PTA are annoying morons who, for whatever reason, have managed to get themselves in a position of power.

The best thing you can do is get to know your child's teacher and explain to them that you WILL participate in your child's education and you WILL keep a close eye on what comes and goes with your child. I've gone so far as to bitch out the principal for some DUMB ASS letter she sent home basically blaming the "special education" children (who my daughter is one of) for the school losing it's top tier status with the state. After I ripped he new one, I went to the district office and talked to the superintendent.

In short, she stated the special ed groups scores were responsible for pulling the school as a whole down below the standard for top tier school. The superintendent told me that special ed was just one of several sub groups that are tracked in the district. He them proceeded to tell me what some of the other groups were low income, Hspanic and black. I so gently explained to him that if the principal had sent a letter home that the school was no longer a top tier school becuas the black students scored too low there would be A LOT more people than just me in his office....and probably not as receptive to what he had to say....he agreed.

Bottom line, you can be involved without dealing with the dumb asses on the PTA. And yes, they bug the shit out of you to volunteer. One of my favorite days to get involved is career day. All the kids love it and YOUR kids are super cool for the rest of the week...especially if you have swag to give away. :)
