View Full Version : 176 ways to count to 4400.

August 29th, 2010, 11:54 PM
I just printed 4400 flyers for my son's youth hockey organization. Then had to count all of it out in groups of 25. These will be handed out to all of the students in the school district. It took 2 hours to get it done and I hate the numbers 1-25 now. :)

I am just complaining. Sorry.

I also purchased the domain "helenahockey.com" and would like to get some web page ideas. I envision forums, some private and some public, a cork board so people can post pictures, a news area that people can submit news to. What do you all think? Anyone want to help out making it?

August 30th, 2010, 07:09 AM
I also purchased the domain "helenahockey.com" and would like to get some web page ideas.

Wow, Im surprised that was even available, it seems like some ass hole has already locked up almost every good web side addy idea out there.


Ohhh. this in no way means Im calling you "that ass hole"

But you did just lock up a good addy... so to some other guy who has that idea, I guess you would be that "Ass Hole"

So, basically you are that ass hole.

So I guess I am calling you an ass hole.

Ohhh, well, I tried to work around it... :(

August 31st, 2010, 11:02 AM

August 31st, 2010, 01:30 PM
Last time I did that, the copier had a setting for "number per group".
