View Full Version : Stealing content?

August 24th, 2010, 04:52 PM
What I want to do is take a specific part of one of our vendors webpage and insert it in an iFrame in our webpage. Sounds like a cakewalk eh?

Our webpage is http://www.empireoffice.net that I have been redoing.
one page with an iframe; http://www.empireoffice.net/hon.htm

Their pages:

Really these next four:

I want to make "product pages" with their content that will pull it each time so it updates with their site. This way the customer or potential customer can d/l spec sheets and what not right there. I want it in an iframe so that they never leave our site.

August 24th, 2010, 05:49 PM
Ummm, yea, I all now is {div style="text-align: center;"}

Beyond that, I'm lost :(

August 24th, 2010, 06:23 PM
doing an iframe is easy, you already have the urls you want. what sucks is that they reference a header and footer on all of their pages. I've looked and dont see a way to strip that out. so its always going to be in the iframe and not really 'clean' looking for the rest of your site :(

August 25th, 2010, 07:22 AM
Yeah, you can check out this page I have here: My Kyocera page. (http://www.empireoffice.net/kyocera.htm)

I did a lot of iframing of vendors we carry. I just didn't know if you could call part of a page or not. I am guessing it is built like ours. scripting for the header, menu, sidebars, etc... I didn't know if I could call a content table out of a page or "body".

Thanks Onji.
