View Full Version : New to the forums!

August 20th, 2010, 10:32 AM
hi guys

cLueLEeSS here!

I just thought Id pop in the the forums to introduce myself, since im new to gaming. I just got me a commodore 64 with .001 mb of ram, well acually that would equate to 1 byte of ram in the metric scale.. But anyway I got a rocking system and I should be able to game with you guys now... so Hit me up sometime on my rotary phone and maybe we can get a game of tic tac toe going!!

WHOOHOO!! Now on with the Pwnage!

August 20th, 2010, 11:49 AM
Welcome to the boards, my dim-witted friend.

August 20th, 2010, 02:03 PM
Dim witted NO.. A little off, most defiantly.

August 20th, 2010, 08:52 PM
Dim witted NO.. A little off, most defiantly.

Its more than just a little.. :drunk2

August 20th, 2010, 11:19 PM
Well, hell. As long as we're rockin' the eighties, What was your first computer, y'all?

Mine after all expansions, etc.:
Atari 400
Hand soldered RAM expansion (16 pin DIPS) 16k --> 48k
300 baud modem plugged into the joystick port
Atari 810 disk drive (SS/SD) at 88kB per disk that you could hit with a hole puncher to make a "flippy disk" and use the back for another 88kB
Membrane keyboard that was replaced with a "B-Key" real keyboard (crap by any standard, but 'way better than that &#$ membrane)
Real arcade joystick
Basic on a ROM cartridge
Star Delta 10 dot matrix printer (9 pins, with "true descenders"!!!1!one)

Still got it all in the attic except the printer.

...and the year was 1980

August 21st, 2010, 08:08 AM
Holy Crap Frag, you got me by nearly 2 decades, Im almost embarrassed to rattle off my first computer. but here ir goes.

A HP 800 Mhz pavilion, with 64mb of ram, and I believe it was a Pentium II processor.
My graphics card was a voodoo 3
The OS was Millennium...ARGGGG!!!

I bought it new from circuit city in 2000, I waited until after the 00 scare to buy my
first computer since the world was suppose to end, I hated to waist the money.

August 23rd, 2010, 08:50 AM
I thought Atari's were for Pacman. I wore out 40 joysticks playing pacman.
I played Jumpman on a Commadore 64 provided to me by my Uber Doober Uncle who has been into computers since the punch card days. He Corrupted me at such an early age.
