View Full Version : Thank You Everyone!

October 14th, 2002, 09:30 PM
I would like to thank everyone for all they have done. The response from everyone is overwhelming in my time of need. I don't even know where to begin. A time like this really makes you step back and look at everything from a different point of view. It makes you ask why, why me, and what for. In the end you simply let the powers that be guide you. Everyone has said they didn't know what to say or what to do. But I can say that you all did exactly and said exactly what was needed. Great friends and family can help you through anything. I'm blessed to have an exceptional amount of both. My heart goes out to everyone who did their part to show me friendship and care in my time of need. Thank you all. Bless you and yours.

October 14th, 2002, 11:33 PM
Anytime........under any circumstances!


October 14th, 2002, 11:40 PM

October 15th, 2002, 12:07 AM
It was the least we could do. What are things like this for if not to support one another.:hug

October 15th, 2002, 12:07 AM
Just think what we would have done if we actually liked you.. hehe

October 15th, 2002, 07:01 AM


October 15th, 2002, 08:03 AM
man Andy, you know where to find me at my friend...

October 15th, 2002, 08:27 AM
yea we know where to find mercy sitting on his butt doing nothing lol:bash

October 15th, 2002, 08:35 AM
:slp hush ducky or your behind will be cooked

October 15th, 2002, 08:48 AM
We got ya back Bell boy.
Glad to see ya back on the server,
Just quit shooting me, :p

October 15th, 2002, 09:03 AM
no keep shooting him...his computer loves for him to give it the birdie...

October 15th, 2002, 09:47 AM
Yes unlike Deadhorse, me and Dirge are verbal, or gesture, abusers of our machines. OMG, you guys that were not able to attend the lan missed out seeing the Deaditalian: bitting his lip, swirling the fist, saying "BS"(well you have heard that before), then.... whamO, the poor monitor never had a chance. :laugh: :laugh:

October 15th, 2002, 10:08 AM
Glad to have you back Andy!
