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October 14th, 2002, 05:21 PM
Microsoft Acquires Video Game Powerhouse Rare Ltd.

Developers of Such Worldwide Hits as "Donkey Kong 64," "Banjo-Kazooie," "GoldenEye 007" And "Perfect Dark" Bring Their Talents to Xbox

REDMOND, Wash. — Sept. 24, 2002 — Microsoft Corp. today announced it has purchased U.K.-based Rare Ltd., one of the world's leading video game developers, further demonstrating Microsoft's commitment to providing the most innovative interactive experiences available on its Xbox™ video game system. Rare has been the mastermind behind some of the most popular video games in history, including such global multimillion sellers as "GoldenEye 007," "Perfect Dark," "Banjo-Kazooie" and "Donkey Kong 64." Under terms of the $375 million cash transaction, Rare will today begin creating exclusive console gaming blockbusters for Xbox.

In a statement made from Seville, Spain, where the announcement was made to both a live and worldwide webcast audience during the company's annual X02 event, Chris Stamper, chairman and technical director of Rare, said, "Our mission at Rare has always been to make the industry's best games for the widest possible audience. Teaming with Microsoft gives us the best opportunity to accomplish this goal. Microsoft's dedication and commitment to game creators, research and development, and to gaming innovation made them the obvious partner to take Rare into the future."

"We've always insisted on pushing the envelope when it comes to creativity," added Tim Stamper, co-founder and creative director of Rare. "And now we get the chance to create for Xbox."

Rare co-founders Chris and Tim Stamper and their talented team of game developers and designers will continue to work out of Rare in Warwickshire, England. Rare was founded in 1985 as a partnership between the Stamper brothers and Joel Hochberg, now Rare president.

"This partnership significantly broadens our already outstanding portfolio of games that will be available for Xbox. And it also broadens our reach internationally as gamers around the world have demonstrated their fanaticism for what Rare consistently produces," said Robbie Bach, Chief Xbox Officer at Microsoft.

"The last time I was this excited was the first time I picked up a controller and played a game from Rare," said Ed Fries, vice president of Xbox Game Content at Microsoft. "As a gamer, you could hardly wait until Rare's next title was announced. You didn't know what genre it would be, but it didn't matter because you knew you were going to love it."

Rare grabbed the attention of the video game world in 1994 with its creation of "Donkey Kong Country." Selling more than 8 million copies, "DKC" went on to become the biggest- selling 16-bit title in history.
Rare became one of the premiere developers in the world, with sales averaging 1.4 million units per title and nearly 90 million games sold since the company was founded. Five of the top 20 all-time-best-selling N64 titles were developed by Rare, including "GoldenEye 007," the second-best-selling game in North America, with worldwide sales topping 8 million.

With today's announcement, Rare becomes the latest member of a star-studded lineup at Microsoft Game Studios, joining such prestigious worldwide developers as Bungie Studios, the masterminds behind the smash hit "Halo™," named Game of the Year by Electronic Gaming Monthly. Rare's first creation for Xbox, "Kameo," is expected to reach store shelves next spring. Also under development is the highly anticipated sequel to "Perfect Dark." The company is expecting to develop at least five games over the next two years in a variety of genres, including racing, shooters and platformers.

About Microsoft Game Studios
Microsoft Game Studios is a leading worldwide publisher and developer of games for the PC, Xbox video game system and online platforms. Comprising a network of top developers, Microsoft Game Studios is committed to creating innovative and diverse game portfolios for the PC (http://www.microsoft.com/games/), including such franchises as "Age of Empires®," "Flight Simulator" and "Zoo Tycoon™"; Xbox (http://www.xbox.com/), including such franchises as "Halo," "Project Gotham Racing™" and "NFL Fever"; and Zone.com (http://zone.msn.com/), the official games channel for the MSN® network of Internet services and home to such hits as "Bejeweled" and "OutSmart™."

About Xbox
Xbox is Microsoft's future-generation video game system that delivers the most powerful game experiences ever. Xbox empowers game artists by giving them the technology to fulfill their creative visions as never before, creating games that blur the lines between fantasy and reality. Xbox is now available in North America, Japan, Europe and Australia.

About Microsoft
Founded in 1975, Microsoft (Nasdaq "MSFT") is the worldwide leader in software, services and Internet technologies for personal and business computing. The company offers a wide range of
products and services designed to empower people through great software — any time, any place and on any device.

October 15th, 2002, 05:36 AM
blah blah blah when will ya learn the x-box is gonna die first. na just jokein at ya bb but really though that really aint gonna make a diffrence the x-box still cant compete with sony or nintendo in this market, they need to stick with what they do best and thats pcs, the console market belongs to sony and nintendo, maybe one day microsoft will relize it.

October 15th, 2002, 06:24 AM
This is a bit of old news - for those that don't know the whole story or aren't familiar with Rare, they were responsible for several great titles on the N64 (Goldeneye being the most well-known). Nintendo owned 49% of Rare and was given the opportunity to purchase the developer in full. Rare contributed only 9% of Nintendo's revenues in 2000 and 1% in 2001. Nintendo opted NOT to buy Rare, therefore they went out on the open market. Activision and M$ were the finalists, and M$ threw the most money at them. Nintendo sold it's 49% ownership back to Rare, and they are now 100% owned by M$.

At first glance, it would seem that Nintendo is helping M$, but I'm not so sure. First of all, Nintendo made some serious $$$ on the deal (~$160M) - money that should be used to gain more exclusive content from third parties (ala Resident Evil from Capcom) as well as strengthen relations with others (ala Final Fantasy from Square). In a lot of ways, Rare has already been replaced by new second parties Silicon Knights (makers of Eternal Darkness - hellaspooky), and Retro Studios (makers of the upcoming Metroid Prime - gonna be hellasweet). They are also working with Namco on a new Starfox game and Sega on a new F-Zero game.

Don't get me wrong, this should be good news for XBox owners - as a Nintendo fan, I hate to see Rare go. They made solid games with gorgeous graphics - they should be able to do some amazing things with the powerful XBox hardware. But, they were also famous for their delays. It will be interesting to see if their quality suffers because M$ holds them to deadlines and forces them to ship games before they're complete. I'm also curious to see how they perform without Nintendo's quality gurus looking over their shoulder.

One last thing - only one of the franchises seems to fit the XBox owner demographic, and that's Perfect Dark (first person shooter with a bit of a sci-fi twist), and even the main character has undergone a transformation into a more cartoony, anime-babe. The other franchises, while great games (Banjo is still the only platformer to come close to challenging Mario), seem to be the kind of games that XBox and PS2 owners denounce as "kiddy". Also, a lot of the development talent has defected over the years. It's obvious that M$ thinks the Rare name will carry a lot of weight. Time will tell...

Oh yeah, quick tip for all you console owners out there. A lot of the guys responsible for Goldeneye left a few years ago to form Free Radical Design, whose FPS "Timesplitters 2" is available this week for all three consoles. It has gotten very solid reviews - if you were a fan of Goldeneye, you should like TS2. Check it out...

October 15th, 2002, 07:18 AM
I knew it was old but nothing was going on in the XBOX forum so I thought I'd post it. I'm kinda with K-BOMB (will wonders never cease) that Rare doesn't seem like a great fit for XBOX but who knows. Me thinks they are looking very hard for a franchise charactor like Mario or Zelda but haven't had any luck. I've blown off all the curent attempts as "kiddie" like K-BOMB said. I DO think I'd have to buy a Banjo for XBOX though....the first 2 on N64 ROXORED!!


October 15th, 2002, 02:20 PM
I just wanna play Kingdom Hearts!


October 15th, 2002, 05:43 PM
Stop the presses, BB agrees with K-BOMB on an XBox issue ! :D

You're right, the forums have been lacking in activity lately...

The mascot quest is interesting. It's funny how Nintendo has developed so many successful franchises (Mario, Zelda, Metroid, Donkey Kong, Starfox, Kirby, Pokemon) yet the others struggle. The closest anyone ever got (IMHO) was Sega with Sonic, and now he's on Nintendo. Sony tried and failed with Crash Bandicoot, and now he's on Nintendo. I think M$ was trying with Blinx, but they forgot to give him any personality - cool game concept, but not a franchise mascot by any means. Neither was that burping, frog-sperm critter they bought for the system's launch (was he called Munch?). In then end, they did what M$ does best - throw money at the problem and bought one, so Banjo is probably their best shot (although I find Conker quite hilarious as well).

BB, not pickin' on ya, just curious - you avoided other games as "kiddie", but not Banjo? I thought the first two games were great as well, but they were definitely what I would call "kiddie".

BTW, have you seen all the uproar about BMX:XXX? Looks like Wal-Mart, K-B, and Toys R Us are refusing to sell it, and Best Buy will only sell the censored version. The funny part is the censored version is on the PS2, not the GC. I may have to buy it just because of it's limited release. Might be a collector's item some day ;)

October 15th, 2002, 10:24 PM
I left the others out cause I have no experience with them......no other reason. Besides, Banjo has style.....
BMX XXX should be interesting. The hype will sell units even if it sux....just look at Marilyn Manson.

