View Full Version : weight loss

May 15th, 2010, 08:41 AM
Well in 6 weeks I've lost 8 1/2 pounds and right at 2 inches from my gut!! It's going slowly but I'm proud of myself for sticking to it. Oh and I'm in 4th place for our weight loss competition at work. I need to be 1st place tho.. Today will be bowflex and P90X..

May 15th, 2010, 01:21 PM
good job DL! Yep, its time for me to shed some extra winter weight as well. Gonna do a 6-8 hour hike tommorow, hopefully Im able to walk when monday rolls around.

May 15th, 2010, 01:54 PM
Wow!! 6 to 8 hours!!!! Thats nice.. I wish there was somewhere we could walk like that around here. I'm scared to walk to many places by myself. It beats walking around a track all day..

May 21st, 2010, 09:06 PM
Well thanks to discovering I have had an underactive thyroid for years, and finally getting medicine for it, I've dropped 68lbs since mid-November...not really dieting - I am walking 4-6 miles a day on average and working out with dumbells to build muscle but pretty much eating whatever and however much I feel like.

May 22nd, 2010, 11:04 AM
why is it that men can eat what ever they want and still lose but us ladies can't.. I did not win our compitition at work. But I did lose almost 10 pounds and 2 inches off my gut. It was a little depressing to me but at least I've stuck with it and proud of myself for doing all this work out. They say it's better to lose it slow then fast so I guess it's a good thing. I'm still going to go my walking and workouts until I get to the weight and size I want to be. I still won't stop after that cause I don't want to end up in this shape ever again. I want to lose about 20 to 30 more pounds and about 5 inches from my gut..

I'm a big ole girl.. I got wiggle in my jiggle... extra junk in the trunk...

May 24th, 2010, 04:10 PM
DL, that's awesome though. Seriously...you should be proud of yourself!

May 24th, 2010, 06:29 PM
you should be proud of yourself!

Damn right.. The only reason I feel Old? Weight does not come off like im 24. Man O man. I actually have to work at it now as before, skip a few meals, throw in some cardio and Im good. HAH! Those days are long gone. Props to DL.

May 24th, 2010, 06:56 PM
Thanks guys.. I am proud of myself.. My goal is to have my beach body like they talk about on the DVD's. The sad part is I know it is going to take LOTS of time and WORK.. And the longer it is before I see what I want the more depressed over it I get. BUT.. I'm going to keep it up and push myself. I should have started with a before picture and take one every month until I get where I want to be. That way maybe I can see the difference on picture.. I can feel a "little" difference now tho. 2 inches is a lot.. and things are starting to tone up.. So I'm keeping it up..
