View Full Version : New Health Care Bill.

March 23rd, 2010, 10:49 AM
I am posting a link to the pdf of the 2409 page bill. I am not knowledgeable enough on it to hate or like. I am a little uneasy for reasons other than either side has to say. How can there be such a "discrepancy" among peers on what exactly this bill says or does.

My conclusion is that 60% of the people are prolly not knowledgeable enough either or they are to biased to care.

The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. (http://frwebgate.access.gpo.gov/cgi-bin/getdoc.cgi?dbname=111_cong_bills&docid=f:h3590pp.txt.pdf)

March 23rd, 2010, 01:43 PM
Anyway you want to cut it... It's a farked up piece of legislation. Little more than a Power grab by the radical Obama, Pelosi, Reid left. Vote EVERY incumbent out!!! Sick of losing liberties in this nation!!

March 24th, 2010, 07:44 AM

March 24th, 2010, 09:50 AM
It's a jacked up piece of legislation. Too big for one. They should have redone Medicare and Medicaid to cover more people. NOT create more problems by creating more positions in the government to run a new dept. I know some of the stuff is staggerred so that all of it goes into effect but it's stupid to try to totally overhaul and begin something new. Fix what is wrong with the system now. Let's say um....maybe tort reform? How much cheaper would healthcare and other insurances be if we just changed the judicial system some? A ton. Malpractice would be lower and healthcare expenses would drop dramatically b/c we wouldn't have to order a test 3x's to make sure we cover our asses so we don't get sued b/c we didn't recheck a test.

Oh, and the thing with Obama saying with a Presidential mandate that the gov won't pay for abortions is total BS. He can't make any such mandate when it is already written in the bill that it can be done. His powers as president don't reach that far. It's BS move to allow democrats on the fence (who I'm sure know better) to vote for the bill.They did not remove that from the bill.

I could rant for a lot longer how this bill will destroy healthcare and how anybody who has the brains to be a doctor/nurse won't go into healthcare b/c the salaries will drop dramatically but I won't (for now).

March 24th, 2010, 01:56 PM
Well, IMO, and its just an opinion. I am under the impression that the MAJORITY of Americans are opposed to this bill, along with the majority Republican party.

All I keep hearing is, were going to pass this bill no matter what you say... because we can.

Their seems to me, to be a fundamental problem here.

April 2nd, 2010, 02:56 AM
Well....I'm not gonna bother reading it. 1. I have no control over it as an American citizen. 2. Whatever the retards want to scribble into the thing in crayon will become law, and I won't have the freedom to deny it. 3. If what some say is true, and some limp vienna sausage smack-tard comes to my house and trys to FORCE me to buy healthcare, y'all will see me on the 6:00 news for passing a bullet through the poor feller's skull with, or without a proper amount of votes to do so. :p

April 2nd, 2010, 09:37 AM
Car insurance.. yea sure, make it mandatory if you want to drive on the roads of the USA.

Heath Insurance, COME ON, what? are people going to start crashing into each other in the hospitals or something... Dammm People, A little reality check here!!
If I don't have a job, and can't afford the doctors bill, thats my freaking problem not the government's!!

April 2nd, 2010, 09:37 AM
Car insurance.. yea sure, make it mandatory if you want to drive on the roads of the USA.

Heath Insurance, COME ON, what? are people going to start crashing into each other in the hospitals or something... Dammm People, A little reality check here!!
If I don't have a job, and can't afford the doctors bill, thats my freaking problem not the government's!!
