View Full Version : Err

February 23rd, 2010, 12:40 PM
Err.. Pissy ass women at work!! What the hell... OK sorry I don't say to many bad words I know. But damn I guess this is what I get for working with 98% of women. Oh she peed me off so bad. WHY!!!!!!!!!!!! :hug1::mad::fight

February 23rd, 2010, 01:43 PM
Maybe she's not happy with her life so she feels like making yours like hell?

Or she's just a b!tch?

February 23rd, 2010, 02:27 PM
Yeah I'm not sure witch one it is. But it is for sure her and I don't see eye to eye.. I'm tired of being a push over tho. I'm tired of caring about what other people think about me but thats who I am, I care and it hit me hard today...

February 23rd, 2010, 07:13 PM
;233943']I care and it hit me hard today...

So tomorrow, walk up to her take her by the hand, get down on 1 knee...

Then Donkey punch the He!! out of her...

That should take care of it :)

In other words, hit her back

February 23rd, 2010, 08:10 PM
LOL even tho it peed me off big time I can't be mean! I'm just going to brush it off and act like nothing happend. It took me all this time to calm down tho. If it gets any worse I'm going to request the after noon hours while Wayne is home. Maybe that will take some stress off me.

February 23rd, 2010, 09:01 PM
Is there a supervisor or someone at work you can talk to (I don't mean anger management!) about her? I mean...maybe she's going through some crap and just wants to take it out on someone (I've been that guy and I feel like a sh!t for it often, but have since apologized)...or...maybe she just really is a horses ass. Either way, is there someone you can talk to about it?

February 23rd, 2010, 09:42 PM
Or you can just stockpile all the things she does to you.... just waiting till the time you can nail her to the wall with a screwup on her part.

That's what I generally do. Just walk away knowing that I'll be in a position to make his/her life harder at some point. I deal with big baby surgeons all day long; they are just as bad if not worse then most women. I know they whine more.

February 24th, 2010, 05:32 AM
There is someone I can talk to. But I'm not to that point yet. I would love to have the after hours hour. No one is there at that time. But the only way I can do that is when Wayne is home.
