View Full Version : Clocks

October 14th, 2002, 06:24 AM
What is it about clocks? No two clocks in my apartment have the same time! There must be some sort of conspiracy against me using time. I am on to you!!!


October 14th, 2002, 06:31 AM
damn...he is on to us guys, time to do something else to annoy him...any ideas?

October 14th, 2002, 08:17 AM
we could make him ugly.... OPPPS tOOO LATE


October 14th, 2002, 09:27 AM
If you bought your clocks from a diffrent manufacturer then the company that made the famous (infamous) Sports Illustrated shoe phone, you might just end up with a quality time piece.


October 14th, 2002, 09:57 AM
Resistance is futile Tech.....:borg :borg :borg

October 15th, 2002, 06:12 AM
Man...2 of my clocks now have the same time. This is freaky. Are you SURE you all aren't messing with them?
BB, I don't have anything from SI at all...so, in theory, I have a quality time piece. heh

October 16th, 2002, 12:07 PM
psssst yo gimme the crow bar - ok this time lets change all the dates so nothing has the same ..... crap hide hes comin in .... pheww that was a close one ... now yall get the dates set and im going to put this mini cassette under his pillow.

{recorder plays}

"I am a boon .... All other Mercs may shoot me .... resistance is futile....I am a boon .... All other Mercs may shoot me .... resistance is futile....I am a boon .... All other Mercs may shoot me .... resistance is futile....I am a boon .... All other Mercs may shoot me .... resistance is futile....I am a boon .... All other Mercs may shoot me .... resistance is futile....I am a boon .... All other Mercs may shoot me .... resistance is futile....I am a boon .... All other Mercs may shoot me .... resistance is futile....I am a boon .... All other Mercs may shoot me .... resistance is futile....I am a boon .... All other Mercs may shoot me .... resistance is futile....I am a boon .... All other Mercs may shoot me .... resistance is futile....I am a boon .... All other Mercs may shoot me .... resistance is futile....I am a boon .... All other Mercs may shoot me .... resistance is futile....I am a boon .... All other Mercs may shoot me .... resistance is futile....I am a boon .... All other Mercs may shoot me .... resistance is futile....I am a boon .... All other Mercs may shoot me .... resistance is futile....I am a boon .... All other Mercs may shoot me .... resistance is futile....I am a boon .... All other Mercs may shoot me .... resistance is futile....I am a boon .... All other Mercs may shoot me .... resistance is futile....I am a boon .... All other Mercs may shoot me .... resistance is futile....I am a boon .... All other Mercs may shoot me .... resistance is futile....I am a boon .... All other Mercs may shoot me .... resistance is futile....I am a boon .... All other Mercs may shoot me .... resistance is futile....I am a boon .... All other Mercs may shoot me .... resistance is futile....I am a boon .... All other Mercs may shoot me .... resistance is futile....I am a boon .... All other Mercs may shoot me .... resistance is futile....I am a boon .... All other Mercs may shoot me .... resistance is futile....I am a boon .... All other Mercs may shoot me .... resistance is futile....I am a boon .... All other Mercs may shoot me .... resistance is futile....I am a boon .... All other Mercs may shoot me .... resistance is futile...."

October 16th, 2002, 12:10 PM
DeadHorse=way to much free time

But it was damn funny:laugh:


October 16th, 2002, 12:58 PM
maybe if you actually could read the clock you would realize that they are right and you're just dumb! ;) just kidding

October 16th, 2002, 01:32 PM
OMG!!! LMAO!!!

j00 got PWNED...AND PWNED BAD.................



October 16th, 2002, 01:52 PM
:bow :owned

October 16th, 2002, 03:02 PM
You people do realize Scott is looking at digital clocks. Analog he can't interprit (spelling?) And that 2 digital clocks are extremely difficult to set at excactly the same second. HELLO!

October 16th, 2002, 04:45 PM
Originally posted by LA_MERC_Andyconda
You people do realize Scott is looking at digital clocks. Analog he can't interprit (spelling?) And that 2 digital clocks are extremely difficult to set at excactly the same second. HELLO!

Sounds like j00 got the same prob Andy....you guys covering for each other???

Scott:D :p

October 16th, 2002, 04:52 PM
I tried to set a stop watch once, never could get it to keep time very well. I recommend a rubber mallet and some vasoline. Yet you would also try some whipped cream, a weedwacker, and a live chicken. :ldm

One Crazy Mofo
October 16th, 2002, 05:54 PM

That person deserves my name more than me!

