View Full Version : Need Freaking BACK up!

February 13th, 2010, 01:46 PM
Well we had a nice group of MERC in the game last night; Frag, Wetz, Yellowdog and Shadow. Did our darndest and took the fight to the enemy.

We learned a couple of things along the way:

Some servers are clogged with players who have no idea how to attack OR defend. Some times you end up with THESE players on your side. :(

These idiots use the Armor as a place to hide. Why bother to bring a wrench and fix the Armor? And certainly they are of the mind to hide behind it rather than engage the other 16 players who are all carrying an RPG which is locked on the Armor! Grrr..

Regardless of the single digit combined IQ of our teammates, we had fun!! Good game!

February 13th, 2010, 02:07 PM
Yea it was fun, I earned a few upgrades, and I like the way the upgrades are working. Instead of earning 1 hundred million points to get 1 weapons upgrade of your choice. Their upgrades are much more dynamic, and you are encouraged to work on each kit a little at a time to build them all up in points simultaneously.

Oh, and yea, their were some Nubs on the server last night.

February 13th, 2010, 07:06 PM
Even I will say there were nubs on the servers last night, and I've just started playing.

I do like the upgrades and the continual awards per round. It makes you feel like you accomplished something even if you got pwned. And once again medic gets you uber points for upgrades. I think I jumped up 2 badges last night just from being medic for half the rounds.

February 14th, 2010, 12:16 AM
How do I get in on this and what are the system specs needed for the game? My machine is pretty old now.

February 15th, 2010, 06:15 AM
Not sure about the specs but I believe if you pre-purchase the game through steam you get access to the beta. Its only 1 map, and is kinda buggy right now, not so much the game play, as the server browser, and the In-game friends list.. They dont work for the most part.. but its all good.

February 15th, 2010, 11:07 AM
Does the game work well through Steam?

February 15th, 2010, 11:26 AM
The game isn't "Steamified", but it does work well with it. What I mean is that there aren't any steam achievements and the friends list isn't carried over to the game. It will allow you to use the Shift + Tab to access things and it starts pretty fast from it. Updates happen in the background as soon as they are released. So there are some good things there.

Here is a link to the page on Steam: http://store.steampowered.com/app/901297/

Here are the minimum specs:

OS: Windows XP
Processor: Core 2 Duo @ 2.0GHz
Memory: 2GB
Graphics: 256 MB Video Card (GeForce 7800 GT / ATI X1900)

I have Vista, E8400 C2D, 4GB mem, 9800GT and it runs pretty well at the Medium graphics level. If they get the friends list and server browser working, then it will be pretty nice. We haven't seen the rest of the game, but I think you'll find something you like in it. For $50, I think it is a "must buy" if your machine will handle it.

If you don't meet the minimum specs and need to upgrade, then you should probably check out some more videos before taking the plunge. It's very similar to BF2 in that if you have a good squad and a good team, then you'll have a fun time. If you have a team that sucks, then you had better find another server since your time will be misery. The game mechanism is there though.

February 15th, 2010, 04:30 PM
I was on today and gamed with a couple of EA guys. They're aware of a number of issues we've outlined in various conversations and are CONFIDENT the bugs are going away on the release. (I know what WOULD they say)

As for the Beta, I'll keep playing it for sure! Got the mortar unlock and well it's not as easy as it looks but I'm anxious to try it with another Merc in TS and drop a combined strike on an attack point.

I have a set of EA dogtags to BOOT! Knifed the little bastid!! SWEET!!

Good game, love it!
