View Full Version : The Aging Gamer

February 8th, 2010, 10:25 AM
Came across an interesting article on Wired:


So can you relate? Lots in there, what resonated more with you? With two boys 11 and 9 at home, I've switched from head to head gaming to cooperative gaming. Their reflexes are just too fast for me (and I don't consider myself slow). I don't think my gaming days are over by any stretch, but I think the realities are such that it calls for adjustments to my play style.

These leadership roles would seem to be tailor-made for the older gamer, interested more in tactics than being on the front lines. But the job of trying to transform a squadron of teenage strangers into a well-oiled machine must require the patience of a saint — like herding cats, if the cats stopped every so often to call you gay.

February 8th, 2010, 10:53 AM
This is kinda why I got out of playing online games. The BS factor was just too high a lot of the time with people who aren't playing "as a team". I realize, of course, that MERC really does well in that department...but when you get put on the "other" team...well, the thrill is gone. Playing 1 on 1 with folks is fun though...especially when you get to play against bots...because then all you have to worry about is your own ass...

February 8th, 2010, 12:50 PM
Yea I can see the truth in this article. Sadly, we are getting up in the years compared to the average gamer out there. But, you can see how we kicked ares when we were playing BF2 in a squad of 6 MERCS. Its all about the teamwork. If we want to continue playing FPS games, I think only games that put emphasis on teamwork rather than reflex are the ones we will be any good at.
