View Full Version : WWBD?

January 11th, 2010, 01:40 PM
Please let the Saints win against the Arizona Cardinals. PLEASE!


I have a Pual that works under me that swears the Saints will not win another game because someone made a shirt that said; "WWBD?" with a picture of Brees on it. He said right then they tanked their hopes for ever winning another game this year. To this I stated rather bluntly; " I hope God has more relevant things to worry about than NFL football."
So I want to see the Saints annihilate the Arizona Cardinals and I hope they do it record setting style. If they do I will even buy a freakin Saints shirt and wear it during the Broncos first game next season. Damn Warner groupies irritate me.


January 11th, 2010, 10:13 PM
