View Full Version : Please pray

October 10th, 2002, 12:15 AM
I apologize if this is the wrong forum heading. Feel free to move it or what not.

Most of you know me as Corbin Dallas or as a smart ass or a pain in most of your asses.

Well... first off.. for those who dont know.. My name is Ryan Duncan, i'm 18 years old and a manager at Blockbuster. My family moved up to Maryland when my dad got a job up here during my senior year. As most of you know, there has been the "beltway sniper" taking shots for almost a week. Well tonight another victim was shot in Manassas, Virginia. He was not a resident or a local, but just a guy passing through, and stopped to get gas. At first I was like, oh well, someone's psycho. However now, the shootings continue, and the authorities are no closer to finding this person than they were after the first shooting, they are getting closer and closer. At first I was saying, I hope it's not a Muslim doing this because once caught, that would be like open season in America. However now, I kinda hope that is, because it is just down right disturbing to think that in times that this country is in right now, one of our own, could do this. I apologize for rambling, I would just like to ask for you all to pray for those in the Virgina-Maryland areas. To those in the South it may seem oh well, 8 people out of millions, however, you would be surprised how many people are really worried about this. The person(s) who are responsible for this are not following any patterns, picking off people of one race, or sex, or age, they are what seems shooting people at random. Everyone in the area's are pretty much thinking, what if it were me. I would just like to ask you all to pray for everyone in this area. This situation has really got me to think about things I do in my life, how I treat others and what not. We should all be greatful for the friends we do have and for our families. I get onto the forums or on AIM and I see people arguing over pictures taken of signs, clans beating other clans, disrespecting how well someone play's a game. This is just childish, and I hope to impress upon everyone how small a factor that this game is in our lives. And that everyone should make the best of what they have and enjoy their relationships. I seriously apologize for ranting and welcome any criticism or any other remarks.

God Bless,
Ryan Duncan

Also here is a map of shootings, where they've occured(roughly) and then where My brother and myself live.

October 10th, 2002, 02:19 AM
I was wondering how close this wacko was to you guys. Too close for comfort, that's for sure. I'll definitely add you guys to my prayers.

As for pattern, I think he's getting up on something high and shooting whoever he happens to find in his sights. No more or less complicated than that.

October 10th, 2002, 02:31 AM
is it one guy or is it different people in those areas coordinating there attacks... may seem random, but are they sure it is?if its more than one they may not be choosing there victims by some specific means but they could be doing this as a means to confuse people for something larger... but thats just me and my conspiracy theories as usual....

October 10th, 2002, 08:47 AM
ONe guy, 20-28 years old, white male, disgruntled military, or has been "around guns" most of his life. Probably in good shape (not over weight)lives alone but most likey not in an apartment. Minor, if any, criminal record.

That's my guess with the little info that is out there.


October 10th, 2002, 09:39 AM

October 10th, 2002, 09:43 AM
I think it's the guy from Billy Madison. I hope you got your name crossed off the list! j/k
Seriously, y'all be acreful up there Corbin. Keep an eye out suspicious activity and watch your sniper lanes. You play CS, you know what a good line of sight is, so keep your eyes open until they catch this retarded bastard and string him up by his toes and leave him to die in the hot desert sun.

October 10th, 2002, 11:22 AM
I'm gonna have to start bunny hopping whenever i pump gas in my truck... seriously though I hope they get this guy, and soon.

Crazy White Boy
October 10th, 2002, 12:43 PM
ryan bro, your definately in my prayers man, i consider you one of my closest friends in cs. If you ever wanna talk man, you know how to reach me.

October 10th, 2002, 02:26 PM
why dont they get some special forces out there and hunt him/they down. if that sounds retarded, its not.

i see that as a good way to get em. Sniper vs Sniper, I feel its time to begin the hunt. Let the police dept get the clues and tips, why the military has scouts out in the field.

joint effort.

my prayers are with ya Ryan, ya my boy.

October 10th, 2002, 03:18 PM
Yeah that's what im thinking... they need more than these local Police who obviously cannot handle this type of scenario. No offense to other police, it's just no one else needs to get shot. And I apologize if I cam across wrong, I'm not asking for you to pray for me, that would seem selfish, however any innocent bystandard up here who could be in someone's crosshairs.

October 10th, 2002, 05:17 PM
Originally posted by LA_MERC_DeadHorse

Laugh if you want DH but we'll ses how close I am when they catch him;)


October 10th, 2002, 09:30 PM
Actually i think Big Brother made a GREAT profile of him .. EXCEPT id place him in the mid 30's...

and make sure you STRAFE.. dont bunny hop!

October 10th, 2002, 09:40 PM
Yeah this stuff is crazy now me and Exiles don't live as close to this stuff as corbin does but it still effects everyone around. I know in most schools in maryland right now kids aren't allowed to go out for recess because of this bastard. I think this is crazy and i have no clue how we could find this man. I think the only way we prolly could find this man is that if the sniper shoots again a by stander will have to figure out where it came from and chase him down. that is the only way i can see this being resolved because the police just are not finding enough evidence to capture this guy. and i also think this guy is just way too smart for the police. He is playing mind games by saying He is god it's just wild.

This is the same map corbin put up but i marked where me and exile live.

October 10th, 2002, 11:07 PM
Freaky... very freaky

Crazy White Boy
October 11th, 2002, 12:43 PM
Quit saying crazy, it confuses me!

Thanks! :blue:

October 11th, 2002, 09:32 PM
Some people just dont have it all . They can blame games like cs,but the facts are no game ever killed anyone. I look at it this way. As much cs as bighead plays every month he's never shoot anyone ..........that I know of..? I will shut up now...Just like to say that guy will have his day,and to the LA_Merc's thanks for being so nice to me here......AUTO

October 12th, 2002, 01:12 AM
Another shot on 10/11... :(

October 16th, 2002, 04:54 PM
it up to US the people to do this. we have to keep our eyes open.

when we see it going down we have to stop it.
just like the people in the airplane that FOUGHT even if it ment there Death. it saved lots of lives. I'm not saying get your self killed.

but lets say if some one cam in to a store and started shooting.
in a town where everyone had guns how many would he kill before someone killed him.

I would say 1 or 2. (where i live everyone has a GUN.)
and is good with it.

if someone started shooting he would be shot. (no saying i would kill him but i would blow his nee caps off.)
getting off track.

the resion we have ploice is becouse we would not do it our self.
or would do it unjustly. the ploice can not be everywhere but we are.
(at lest someone is there when he fires his shot.)
thay say its a white or silver van with a ladder rack.
that was spoted at allmost every shooting.
tring to get some where fast. (someone even got a good look at the driver.) so maybe its close to a end.

October 16th, 2002, 04:54 PM
i will be praying for everyone

October 16th, 2002, 05:01 PM

Hey man, I pray that nothing happens to anyone else up there, except to that guy.

October 16th, 2002, 07:11 PM
Just currious DeadDog....why would you shoot someone if you didn't intend to kill him?? That is the whole point. If you drop the hammer on someone you better damn well understand that you mean to kill that person. If he doesn't die ok, fine....it's his lucky day. If he dies then you are at least somewhat prepared for it.
And if you were gonna say I "shoot to stop" like the police (me being one) are taught to do, well, "shoot to stop" is a euphemism (sp?) for kill him.


October 16th, 2002, 10:00 PM

October 17th, 2002, 01:01 AM
I'm just teaching my friends to bunny hop... I know this is not a laughing matter, but I was strafing at the exxon last week.... my friend was laughing his ass off.

October 17th, 2002, 12:32 PM
Shooting someone in the knee cap does not stop them from shooting back. That is the threat that you want to stop. If he is still able to shot then the threat has not been stopped.

October 17th, 2002, 12:57 PM
That's right if they twitch shot again untill they don't move anymore not even gurgle.

October 17th, 2002, 06:47 PM
TRUE my mesage was not clear i told my wife (ex-wife now) becouse she felt she could not kill someone. i told her to shoot them in the leg above the Nee. this made her feel better. (even thought shooting some one there can kill them.)
a lot of people get in truble at this not wanting to kill someone.
tha have the GUN out the PERP is in front of them and if he see there not willing to shoot in some cases he takes the gun from them and kills them.
I don't plan on pulling a gun unless its to kill.
