View Full Version : Help

October 9th, 2002, 10:35 AM
First off I hope I don't put gas on a fire that is all ready rageing it seems and I don't what to start up anything that hopefully has be stopped. How ever it seems that it's still going on to me.

I have been playing online games for years starting back with Falcon on my Amgia in the late 80's early 90's and there is allway's someone getting their pride stepped on. The male ego is a very fragile thing and sometimes we MEN can't seem to get past getting beat.

What's sad about this whole deal is this, first and formost I'm a christian man who loves to play on my computer and when I found this clan and seen the standard's that you had set about language and porn spray's I was so happy. To top it all of all of you were great guy's and fun to play with. Now it seems that all that is out the window. I can stand a few words here and then I don't like it but I do tolerate it. Like Deadhorse's occasional BS comment's. I'm not a prude after all.

Now what I have seen is that I can't play with all the cool guy's any more, like Perm, Pimp, gdodge, vicious. It's just doesn't seem as fun any more like a holiday gathering and a family member is missing.

I'm not pointing finger's I'm not blameing anyone I just want us to get past our ego, pride, hurt fealing's and remember one thing. When it's all said, done and over the only thing we have left is our relationship with each other and our faith.

Guy's I'm pleading with all of you to please just put the past in the past and let's get back to what's really important.

Fragging Each Other

October 9th, 2002, 10:42 AM
it was agreed upon for both clans to go there separate ways...you can still play with them on their server, just not here...there tends to be things said that are taken the wrong way or get misunderstood..

this is the best way to prevent that from happening.

October 9th, 2002, 10:44 AM
corona was talking to me about this the other night. he's disappointed too, but he's not going to quit this server because of it. he thinks that y'all are a great group of guys. and i do too.

October 9th, 2002, 10:47 AM
thanks SoBe

October 9th, 2002, 11:07 AM
SoBe, Tell Corona that he is still a b00n.. :)

Snakebit, Mercy is a very wise person so listen to what he says.. hehe..

There are/will be some things that people will not understand about recent events that have taken place. If you have any questions about why things have occurred then feel free to go to the Members section of the webpage and message an admin and we will try to answer all your questions to the best of our ability

October 9th, 2002, 02:14 PM
Well if this is to be the way so be it.
