View Full Version : Hacker Kevin Mitnick Computer Sales..

October 4th, 2002, 07:55 AM
Hacker Mitnick Sells Laptops
Africa News Service

Famed hacker Kevin Mitnick says he is coming clean and plans to auction off the laptops he used during his fugitive years in the 1990s, reports Reuters.

The hacker, who was on the run from the FBI for three years, hacked into networks along the way including those of Motorola, Sun Microsystems and Nokia, as well as the computer scientist who helped in his capture.

He was eventually nabbed in February 1995 and subsequently held for four-and-a-half years without bail.

Now Mitnick is flogging his Toshiba 1960CS, his laptop of the time, on eBay. The other laptop is also for sale and is described as having a "fine layer of fingerprint dust", red X marks where fingerprints were lifted and a mouse still housed in an FBI evidence bag.

Mitnick also says he intends to write a book.

Here is first link if you want to bid and have a few thousand laying around...


Here is the second link same deal just slower computer.


They have pictures of the laptop's.

October 5th, 2002, 12:29 AM
Mitnick is cool but I'm more interested in the fact that it's signed by Woz! Woz r0x0rs!!! But yea it would be nice to own a piece of h4x0r history

October 5th, 2002, 01:01 AM
that would be hella cool.... you think itd be popular to the point of like smithsonian? anyways... hypothetical question... if you were to purchase, would you spend extra money to have him deliver it personally?

October 5th, 2002, 01:17 AM
Like yeah and show me how to really h4x0r so I could own all your bases.....:stick

October 6th, 2002, 01:43 AM
hahaha lol "all your base belong to us" he haw

LA_MERC_eX1|eS' ch1|d
October 9th, 2002, 10:26 PM
I thought he wasn't allowed to make any money off of his hacking career? Or even own a computer or cell phone or anything with a microchip in it.
