View Full Version : What do you think?

September 25th, 2002, 11:44 AM
After playing CS, last night I felt compelled to do a little math. I was interested in the percentage of kills people have with a headshot. Not having a baseline I decided to run all the ranked clan members and players not in a clan but in the top 25. The data I used was from September 25, 2002. The formula I used was kills by headshot/ total # of kills X 100, for anyone that would like to verify my numbers. Here is what I found so what do you guys think?

WFO Percentage
Gibletgrinder 18.3
UserOfIllusion 9.3
Duckman 16.3
Fireball 10.8

O’Neil 22.7
Bagpack 17.7
Jeffon 15.0

Dood 26.1

Hudson 13.4
Zeator 52.0
Chuffmaster 28.6

Snow 31.3
Tors 27.3
Primus 14.8

Disco Biskit 13.8

Errant 31.3
Corbin 25.3
Haduj 18.0

TTY 20.8

PusherRobot 37.7
ShoverRobot 21.0

Bighead 20.8
EndofBegining 20.9
DeadHorse 19.6
Andyconda 14.5
Redneck 28.2
Illegal-OP 18.3
Sgt-Jeff 23.7
Mercy 19.6
Corona 22.7
Hybrid 16.0
Stratcat 19.6
OmegaPrime 21.3
Diesel 20.0
BigBrother 19.8
Apoc 14.1
Steel 23.4
TylerDurden 20.5
Junky 26.2
Exiles Child 30.8
RP Sniper 23.9
Onji 4.6
Dirge 6.5
LaTech 20.8

Amon 21.2
Anubis 32.3
Apep 26.5
Set 23.1
Apis 46.6
Osiris 24.5
Ra 17.7
Anhur 31.4

Top 25 not in clans
Milkey 32.5
HappyGoLucky 21.3
Scrub3ye 27.7
Lucky Devil 15.2
Cornbread Boo 15.9

September 25th, 2002, 11:45 AM
and then?

September 25th, 2002, 11:50 AM
i think anyone above 7 is cheating lol that leaves onji and dirge out just kidding guys

September 25th, 2002, 11:53 AM
haha ;)

September 25th, 2002, 11:55 AM
LMAO - duckman made a funny...LOL

September 25th, 2002, 11:55 AM
Laugh it up fuzzball. Your doom is coming... lol

Before you know it, I'll be headshotting you with a horseshoe!

Seriously, I think anyone over 25% deserves a closer look. I know some on the list actually are that good, but some... well...

It could be a nice flag to identify possible shenanigans. Maybe we can tweak the stats to identify this easily?

September 25th, 2002, 12:04 PM
ok dirge i seem to remember user and i beating u and andyconda with me throwing the final throw getting a ringer with my eyes closed and left handed huh lol

dA nYc pIMp
September 25th, 2002, 12:11 PM
sorry im out of stock here to make it up have some l4dies on da house :D have PhuN

September 25th, 2002, 01:15 PM

I am bringing up this point up for a couple of reasons and let me try to explain them.

First, let me reiterate for the millionth time this is not an attack on LaMerc or any clan members. As a customer of the goods and services offered by LaMerc, I am giving feedback on my opinion and that is the viewpoint I want you to take this from. I consider this my “home server” to play on and I believe in this server enough to try to make a difference in it, even speaking when it may be an unpopular subject. Problems that are swept under the rug only continue to feaster and grow into bigger problems if not handled when they are small ones. An example of this would be like money problems in a family and then you leave the top off the toothpaste. Your wife then transfers that unresolved anger at you for such a trivial matter as the toothpaste lid being left off. I am a firm believer that if you handle the small stuff it makes it easier in the long run to handle the tough stuff that comes along. Seventeen years of marriage would be a testament of that.

We have an excellent place to play here on LaMerc and I want to keep it that way. I am committed to preventing others who exploit the game, run players off this server or from the CS game without a fight. You offer a great tool on the stats program to watch and monitor people’s behaviors while playing CS. The program now tells you, who attacked you and the number of bullets they fired and the percentage that hit you. I am a witness and receiver of a player going 34 – 8 and 24 out of the 34 kills where headshots. Fifty percent of these kill where with one bullet snap shots. That raised my suspicions about what was happening in the game. Random and deliberate headshots are part of the CS culture and that made me decide to look into this subject deeper. Was this just pure blind luck of the netcode or was something deeper happening here that could be identified. Therefore, I did some arithmetic to establish in my mind what would be an acceptable rate. I was surprised at the results I saw because I had a preconceived idea that the norm would be around 10 %. But reviewing the data I see that a 25% ratio plus or minus a few points should be the nominal result we see. A high score around 25 would indicate the better players trying for the headshot kill, which is part of the game. But players who actively try to enhance their performance through exploits only bring the game of CS down in the long run and cheat themselves for not having the confidence in themselves to improve.

It is my continued hope that we all can strive together to better our server and bond as a community of gamers. Please review in your own hearts the actions towards the big picture we all play in.

September 25th, 2002, 02:44 PM
No offense Giblet, but you have WAY TOO MUCH TIME ON YOUR HANDS! Can I get a w00t to that?

dA nYc pIMp
September 25th, 2002, 02:49 PM
here u go mu pimp w00t

September 25th, 2002, 02:50 PM
I mean "hey now" it's just a game.. NyC pIMp, I heard you want to challenge me to a pIMpathon???

dA nYc pIMp
September 25th, 2002, 02:52 PM
j00 cant beat me the population is over 5 million in Nyc muhahahhahhahaahhaha 98% r l4d|35 dats w00t

September 25th, 2002, 02:53 PM
46.6% headshots. Beat that suckas :p

dA nYc pIMp
September 25th, 2002, 02:54 PM
umm this topic is about pimps so can u leave? :p hehehe

September 25th, 2002, 02:57 PM
I'm the original pimp. Ask Adam.... He knows. :p

dA nYc pIMp
September 25th, 2002, 02:58 PM
adam doesnt no kneethin he dont got kno edumacation l|k3 m3

September 25th, 2002, 03:13 PM
I thought I was playing with the top players when I played here on LaMerc. That is one of the reasons I enjoy playing here because of the level of competition and the comradery that has been developed over the years here. I have not mention any names here, nor was I trying to accuse anybody in particular. I only used an example that I had first hand experience with, so that others might identify with what I am trying to point out. Some might even find courage and say that something similar happened to them. No matter how many bullets you shoot it records misses, hits, and gives you the number of shots fired and the percentage of hits. This result is posted on yours and your opponent’s screen.

Short-term data was not what I was looking at but at long-term data (over the month) that had been collected over many maps and against many players to help eliminate any skews in the results. A standard bell curve used in statistics tells you will a certain number of results both above and below the average. Results that are outside the normal bell curve should be scrutinized by people who are in charge.

All I am saying is that the administrators should review the abnormal results through there tools. I never implied that the results might be illegitimate in every case, but that someone should be looking into this to ensure a fair and equitable playing field.

September 25th, 2002, 03:25 PM
What I can't belive is that I wasn't in the list me so hurt....

September 25th, 2002, 03:32 PM
The people on those servers usually aren't even CALm level :/ I go like 30/6 or so on those servers. :p

September 25th, 2002, 03:44 PM
I applaud your efforts an research Giblet... I think you have a VERY valid point!

and im proud to see im at 20%.. WOOHOO!... hehe...

September 25th, 2002, 05:48 PM
This was mentioned somewhere but I beleive that the headshot hit box size is adjustable. I don't know what ours is set at but if you go to some severs like lag, it's damn near impossible to get a headshot.


September 25th, 2002, 05:50 PM
THis is like golf, the lower the better. right...

September 25th, 2002, 05:52 PM
lol, I'm at like 18% but still have a Kill/Death of around 2.3

September 25th, 2002, 06:14 PM
w00t Toby..............................NOT! :)

September 25th, 2002, 06:16 PM
Someone wants their post to start coming up MIA again. :laugh:

September 25th, 2002, 06:29 PM
yea dirge just like golf but u still come in second onji had a lower score hahahaha lol

-FA- Th|3f
September 25th, 2002, 09:13 PM
awwh man y was i not up there lol no do not do it it will be like 100% it is my only kills lol

September 25th, 2002, 10:00 PM
mine is pretty low as well adam... ;( i guess i'ma have to start whipping out the ol'deagle when i'm on MERC too... :P

LA_MERC_eX1|eS' ch1|d
September 25th, 2002, 10:37 PM
W00t my hs % was 30, but my K:D ratio is like .60. I guess I need to work on actually hitting my targets instead of outlining them.

September 26th, 2002, 12:05 AM
lmao at Chuck.... Giblet I'm glad you bring this up... makes one think
