View Full Version : Help!!!

September 20th, 2002, 07:57 PM
I just got BF 1942 today and was excited to play it. Well I loaded it
up and it looked good but ran really slow. I was surprized because I was well above the system requirements. can any of yall shep some light on the subject PLEASE i realy want to play this cool game.I am going to try the new detonator drivers and update the game and see if that helps.

(oh I got a AMD XP 1700+ overcloked to 1.6 ghz 257 megs of ddr ram and Geforce 2 mx 400 w/ 64 mgs of ddr ram)

September 20th, 2002, 08:02 PM
I've heard several people had problems w/ the new detonator drivers..try the one previous to the new one and see what happends

dA nYc pIMp
September 20th, 2002, 08:09 PM
j00 g0tta edit the videodefault file with word pad and u should see this renderer.allowAllRefreshRates 0 change it to 1 like this renderer.allowAllRefreshRates 1 then choose the resolution u want and the screenrefreshrate(it was stuck on 65 if u didnt do this) so everyting is l337 now i r l337 n0t j00 bighead haha no old drivers for me

September 20th, 2002, 09:12 PM
i did the same thing man, loaded it up and it ran really choppy, and i was like wth? the demo ran perfect. Come to find out my computer couldnt process all the bots that the single player campaigns put in there, what you need to do is just join an online game or create your own and it will run like the demo did, thats my experience anyway

September 20th, 2002, 09:30 PM
Sounds like another patch is going to be needed or maybe its like most other games.. needs only higher end video and sounds cards to operate. I know that with BF1942, your sound card has to be able to utilize directx 8.1 (especially if its a sound blaster) or it will not work properly and that is what a lot of the lag is about..

Click Start >> RUN >> type dxdiag
Click OK and a new window will come up, click on the SOUND tab
Find the Hardware Sound Acceleration Level and set it to "basic acceleration" then EXIT.

See if this helps any

September 21st, 2002, 01:40 AM
didnt anyone read pimp's post? he said that what he posted would fix it?

September 21st, 2002, 10:49 AM
ok cool thanks guys I will try all of these sugjestions and see what happens

dA nYc pIMp
September 21st, 2002, 02:08 PM
i dont think they see it those darn moderators always editing my l337 posts :p

September 21st, 2002, 05:40 PM
