View Full Version : mobo

September 19th, 2002, 01:23 PM

is this a good bye? im going to thow im my durlon in it. with all my old carp to. what kind of case should i get with it? what Volts whould the powerthing beat 400 or 500?

256mbs of ddR ram should do it i think.

September 19th, 2002, 05:31 PM
If I was buying a case, and money wasn't a problem, I'd get this one:


As far as MB's go, I would get an Asus, Soyo, Abit or Epox.

September 20th, 2002, 02:52 AM
thanks for the info. i dont eving remember posting this thread. its them dam drugs the doc put me on. i cant remember a lought of stuff. whats better? dsl, cable, or fiber Opt? i dont eveving remember my name right now. i dont eveing know what im talking about :tank: :{

September 20th, 2002, 06:32 AM
Get fiber optics! Then you can go ahead and get your, say, OC-192. w00t Then let them all gawk at your bandwidth! Of course even an OC-1 would let you do that. Good luck with that!

ADSL ownz j00 BTW. G.SHDSL ownz j00 more. SGU favors the SDSL, or maybe they will eventually... :(

September 20th, 2002, 08:54 AM
Hey let's storm Bell South and take over whata say?

September 20th, 2002, 08:59 AM
w00t im in...broadband for all...

September 20th, 2002, 09:00 AM
Bar the doors boys. Diesel and I will have to fight y'all off!

w00t Break out the M-60's from the closet Diesel, it looks like we ARE gonna get to use 'em this year! Protect the ATM switch at all cost!

September 20th, 2002, 03:06 PM
LOL yall are nuts, I'm trying to work today. the DS1's are in hot demand today. w00t w00t.

September 20th, 2002, 03:10 PM
work? on friday? bah!

Optimus Prime
October 3rd, 2002, 05:30 PM
Originally posted by [[Corvette]]
If I was buying a case, and money wasn't a problem, I'd get this one:


As far as MB's go, I would get an Asus, Soyo, Abit or Epox.

Ah, I was lookin this over and........

I bought that exact case (in black) from xoxide.com for $40 during their one hour sunday sale. Even came with free sound activated blue cold cathode. Thought I'd mention it.
