View Full Version : [g0ds]

-FA- Th|3f
September 16th, 2002, 07:11 PM
Ok, this is for everyones eyes and this is really important. I have made friends on this server that i love like brothers. We have never really meet but it is cool we still know each other. Now a few of my friends and yours have left the MERC and made g0ds. That is cool i respect their descion but a few people are mad and upset. That is fine and all, but true friends respect each others descions and live with them. g0ds members have been banned and hade some pretty harsh words thrown at them (people may think just cause i am 16 i do not know anything but o well. I know i am still friends with those guys cause this is a game not life if this was life i would be dead over a million times by now, but it is a game 2 different clans can be friends.
I might make people mad my getting on the g0ds side but i still love MERCs man i would love to join and become a g0ds or a MERC cause i have friends in both. I have been here for long time now and i am getitng better and smarter everytime i play with you guys you teach me a lot. BUT this whole deal has shown me that you guys are just pretending to be friends (not all of you some) and this is making me not TRUST ANYTHING you say, i do not know weather oyu are lieing or tellign the truth i know a few of you, you guys once offered help on comp parts laughed along with me in a game. Now i do not know you anymore you say friends but when a friend makes a decesion DEAL WITH IT. I cannot trust or belive anything you say if you do not like a FRIEND'S DECESION it is his not yours and i can NEVER EVER EVER trust you on ANYTHING ever again no matter if my live is at stake cause who knows if you say oops at the l;ast second in all those movies and cartoons.
I know this is really long and i am sorry i hade to say it, it was eating me up inside and i hate to not like someone. I am not the best kid in the world but i know what the Bible says (sorry if i affend you) love one another and RESPECT them Joel has said that eh MERC code was respect everyone no matter what is said or done but this is not being done here people, i am not going to lou cap you instead let your heart do all the thinking about this matter on our hands. See it is easy to do or see anything on the outide of the world let sleepign dogs lie now. just say sorry and fix what has been done these people are our friends, our teammates and most of all they are humans (humans make mistakes they are not perfect look at yourself on this one)

September 16th, 2002, 07:25 PM
take a deep breath demise...i have no problems with g0ds and im still friends with all of them except osiris who was according to ra never invited into the g0ds clan...his being banned had nothing to do with the g0ds clan, it was totally on his own actions, both when he was a merc and then after it...

i have no hard feelings toward anyone...well maybe one or two but they dont count...:D

later alll...its time for some wrestling....go The Nature Boy...anyone know who im talking about other than Adam...you cant answer my friend...

-FA- Th|3f
September 16th, 2002, 07:30 PM
Rick Flar spelled it wron i knw it

September 16th, 2002, 07:30 PM
Demise i don't think anyone has a problem w/ the g0ds clan. I mean it was hard seeing perm leave for alot of us but i don't know of any friction b/w the 2 clans. Does anyone else?

September 16th, 2002, 07:31 PM
Originally posted by Demise
Rick Flar spelled it wron i knw it

my gawd man, learn to spell the Nature Boy's name correct...

its Rick Flair.....

-FA- Th|3f
September 16th, 2002, 07:34 PM
i am not going to say names i know a few people and i was informed by some other peopleof the disrespect you guys may not see it but everyone else does in privte messages and other forms of communication like i said sorry if i upset you or hurt my chaces of ever getting in LA_MERC but this is important and had to be said no matter what the cost firends help out friends

September 16th, 2002, 08:27 PM
hmmm...then pm us the people that are disrespecting g0ds or merc and we'll take care of it.

September 16th, 2002, 08:55 PM
Well if your refering to me, I wear my opinions like my badge...on my shirt. I meant what I said IN PRIVATE and that is between me and the people I said it to. I have disconnected myself from them and it will remain so. I'm not sorry or ashamed.


September 16th, 2002, 08:59 PM
i don't think he's talking about you bb..i mean you discuss you opinions through icq or aim right? not on the server.

September 16th, 2002, 09:00 PM
That would be correct...I'd be happy to do the same with Demise. I have no beef with you what so ever Demise...PARTY ON!!


-FA- Th|3f
September 17th, 2002, 06:14 AM
sorry if i was wrong but heard a few things i just wanted people to know how i felt on this i love you h=guys still Scott you the man Brother

September 17th, 2002, 06:16 AM
I'm like Big Bro, I guess. If I have an opinion about something, I'm not going to hide it. I, however, have no problesm with you Permster...then again, I didn't really know you all that well as a MERC anyway. For that, sorry.


September 17th, 2002, 06:27 AM
Ima be a the jerk here... WTH is the point of this thread anyway? I have not seen so much skirting around an issue since Clinton was in the White House. If there are some valid concerns, air them out; otherwise, all this is doing is making my head spin looking for the right angle on the situation.

September 17th, 2002, 06:33 AM
demise you have said your peace and im sure that so has most others...

and to that point, i will now be closing this thread, before anything is said that could cause problems...

thank you for your support
