View Full Version : CS_D DAy

September 15th, 2002, 02:52 PM
Yall should check this map out, it’s cool. You start off, "that is if your a ct", in a ww2 style beach landing boat. It’s kind of like saving Private Ryan where you have to run up the beach and up a hill to higher ground. It’s not a big map, but it is well made. One cool thing about the map is that while your storming the beach you are under fire at all times regardless if T's are shooting. The map has artillery firing flash explosions at you at all times. It sounds cool when rounds explode. I am sure the death rate will be high on this map considering the size and construction of it, but it has to be better than that NATO map. True NATO can be fun, but I like eye candy maps. You know maps that look cool, and this is one. Well I think it is anyways. :) I found the d-day map at http://www.cscentral.com
