View Full Version : Fat32

September 14th, 2002, 11:07 AM
anyone know of a bootdisk that will format FAT32 no matter what the harddrive size is... i have a 100gb hd and i want to format 50/50 with 50gb FAT32... my windows 98 cd only sees 30gb... can anyone help me out

September 14th, 2002, 11:24 AM
I can help you out. Take a deep breath and think of jellyfishes. Weeeee.

September 14th, 2002, 11:38 AM

September 14th, 2002, 01:28 PM
it is NOT OS dependant!

the maximum HD size is a limitation that may be set on the BIOS Flash Memory on your motherboard....I had the same problem when I got my 2 46Gig drives....I could not see over 30...First I tried flashing the bios, but by that time the NEWEST flash available was 3 years old so that did not help....I actually had to go buy a new motherboard...

sorry but I believe those are the facts...

September 14th, 2002, 02:46 PM
What you can do is load a DDO on the hard drive to make the BIOS see all of it. What kind of hard drive do you have?


September 14th, 2002, 03:22 PM
yes - that is true tech cause thats what I had to do in the period after I found out that I needed a new mobo until the time I actully received it....

both of mine were Maxtors and they gave me a CD with them that had the format, partition and DDO software on it...

September 14th, 2002, 05:54 PM
Jellyfishes jellyfishes jellyfishes!!!!!!!

September 14th, 2002, 06:52 PM
i have a western digital 100g hd ATA 100...

September 14th, 2002, 08:01 PM
"tigersharks" lol....w00ty, but i really prefer camel

dA nYc pIMp
September 14th, 2002, 09:07 PM
can u guys stop changing the topic?!??!?!?!? hey did u know jelly fishes are cool and unl337 hehe if they sting u u gotta p33 on the sting like ewwwww and they gots no brain they suck in water and shoot it out to move and brethe wow jellyfishes r ineresting we should talk about them more like weeee

September 14th, 2002, 09:24 PM

Go here ( http://support.wdc.com/download/dlgless137.asp ) and download Western Digitals Data Lifeguard. This program also includes a DDO that will allow your BIOS to see the full 100 Gigs. If you have any problems, let me know.


September 14th, 2002, 09:47 PM
yah see i dont have that problem my bios sees all 100 gb its the windows 98 cd that doesnt... i just cant install an os on it... for some reason i get the bluescreen of death or a memory dump i have even tried to copy the files of 2k on disk and install from another harddrive...does anyone know if i can put my hd in another computer and see if i can get xp to install then put that hd in my new computer and all it would have to do is install the new drivers... does anyone know if that will work... and dies it matter that i install it on an athlon processor and move it to a p4... can anyone help me?

September 14th, 2002, 10:38 PM
YOU still need to go to western digitals web site and down load the lastest drivers for you hd so that win98 can understand what is going on with this 100gb hd. It really does not matter if your bios see's the whole drive. I have put many of hd's on systems that the bios only see's about half of the drive but windows see's it all. Also dont worry about FAT32 if your using XP, it does not use that type of file alocation anymore. I like the NTFS that xp uses. Also Can u get your 98 boot disk to fdisk and format and if so make a lot of partitions, maybe that will help.Try using the data life gard to make may partitions.

Anyways, XP will fdisk and format eveything for you so if you can get a copy of xp, If u need a cracked copy, ive got a few.

September 14th, 2002, 10:50 PM
2 words from me - NTFS Sux0rZ

September 14th, 2002, 11:14 PM
.lkajscf ask;jfh ibnakjvbopwrevh wfibe rvberbv v em efv rgebn rb we vb tyas fh y rbewtb czxcvb fdsyreh db xvxgh xdbxgdteghe

September 14th, 2002, 11:38 PM
let me go over the history of the past few days to see if we can solve the problem... i got a new p4 2.53 processor on thursday... i droped the new processor in and booted the computer fine... about 30 to 45 min later the computer restarted its self... just rebooted... it did that about two times every 5 min... so i thought i had a virus and did a virus scan... the virus scan picked up a virus but rebooted before i could finish and kill the virus...so i formated but since then i havent been able to load an os...even linux...i thought it was my harddrive but i borrowed a friends hd and formated it and it craped out and i havent been able to load anything on it either... i have cleared the cmos and tried other things... just no luck... i dont have any ideas left other than it could be my new processor... and im going to dump my old 2.2p4 in there and see if that makes a difference... if anyone else has any idea let me know cause i need my computer for school... NEED HELP BAD

September 14th, 2002, 11:51 PM
I honestly dont think that it is an os problem - i really dont, but I could be wrong...The reason I dont is because when one of my guys at Bayou got his new processor, his machine did the same thing for 2 or 3 days before we realized that it could be a virus....we did a scan and indeed it found one...we formatted, nothing, we cleared the cmos, nothing, so then we did an fdisk and deleted EVERYTHING off of the drive(s), and then did "fdisk /mbr" to clear the Master Boot Record. We then recreated ALL the partisions through fdisk and then formatted all of them so we could start fresh...guess what - turns out we must have had a boot sector virus because that fixed everything...

I dont know if this will help you in your situation, but it is worth a try cause I dont think it can get any worse.

HTH - Jay

September 15th, 2002, 12:31 AM
Man, I can't wait to see if this works. Im tired just readin all this mumbo jumbo. Someone please fix this for Corona. I'm beggin you. I can't take it anymore.:D

September 15th, 2002, 12:32 AM
LOL Jeff....remember i owe u a slay lol

September 15th, 2002, 12:45 AM
no offense Jeff (please) but somebody needs to take care of my broke piece o crap too cause I aint played ANY games in almost a full month now and its really tickin me off...thats one of the reasons the clan is so great cause we try to help each other out....

This isnt a flame, but only a perception on my part. If it is wrong, please forgive me.

September 15th, 2002, 12:51 AM
i told you...get rr to replace the modem and test your line..but no don't listen to me lol

September 15th, 2002, 09:51 AM
Your all wrong on this one - Win98 doesn't understand big drives Corona format it anyway - trust me - it says 30 but it'll format all 100 of it - i've got 80-100-120-160 drives that all did that crap.

September 15th, 2002, 09:53 AM
jay i had the same problem caues i typed "rate 99999999999999999999" in the console... turnes out i had too many 9's and it reset to a lower # and threw out all the other 9's and it was like i set the rate for a 33.6 modem it was so bad... try looking at the rate in the console... but im sure you have already checked that

September 15th, 2002, 09:54 AM
l0l i wuv j00 t00 jeff

September 15th, 2002, 11:02 AM

I know Stacy..me no has a phone so I am gonna call them first thing tomorrow morning when I get to work....I'm gonna take my modem with me in case they say I can come by their office and swap it out...

September 15th, 2002, 12:14 PM
is there any chance that it could be my bios... i have the latest bios for my board the latest one is july 10 2002... should i go to a previos bios and try that or stick with the new one... should i reload the bios or what...

this is my mobo:

September 15th, 2002, 12:21 PM
Always stick with the most up to date BIOS...just my $.02

September 15th, 2002, 12:54 PM
i agree - yours is too new to be a bios problem then....it could be a boot sector virus though

September 15th, 2002, 01:32 PM
ive "fdisk /mbr".... is there a "format /mbr"

September 15th, 2002, 02:16 PM
ok... i put my old porcessor in (2.2 p4) and loaded winxp... it loaded REALLY SLOW it took about 3 hours to install windows... and it takes about 5 min to boot up... i dont understand it...it was like installing winxp on a p1

i have the following hardware:

mobo: http://www.giga-byte.com/products/8ihxp.htm
Processor: p4 2.2g or p4 2.53g
graphics card: GeForce3
harddrive: Western Digital 100gb ata100
ram: 1gb of pc1066 rambus

right now the p4 2.2 processor is in now... can anyone tell me why the computer is running so slow and how to fix it?

and... could it be a processor problem witht he 2.53 cause i couldnt load any os's while it was installed.

September 15th, 2002, 02:18 PM
If there was a problem with the 2.5, that could cause a problem...

OR...there could be a problem with either the RAM or the MB...

Who knows without testing.

September 15th, 2002, 02:33 PM
I would say incorrect bios settings, the chance of having bad ram is really low. does your mother board have any jumpers to change, if so ,omg get rid of it, jumpers on a mother board in this day in age. The last time I saw jumpers on a mother board there were 12 different ones I had to set. Old amd k6-2 500mhz from 1st motherboards. man it took me forever to set that thing up, there was 4 for the ram, 4 for the cpu, and 4 for i dont know what, but i set them up right i guess.

September 15th, 2002, 02:36 PM
also check bios for ATA settings. Make sure your not running in some kind of reduced or defalut setting.

September 15th, 2002, 03:34 PM
Just to throw another possibility into the mix: power supply. Maybe it just wasn't up to handling the new CPU, and it was damaged. That would explain the resetting. Check your system monitor functions in BIOS and see if your voltages are abnormally low or fluctuation rapidly.

Also, partition size is partially OS dependent. Because of the file system. The limit on FAT16 partitions is 2.1GB. The limit on FAT32 partitions is 2 terabytes. So technically OS would play a part in partition size because of the file system. And, NTFS is a much better filing system than FAT. NTFS is a journalling file system, with built in filecompression and support for multiple data streams. Why is a JFS important? Consider a sudden powerloss by crash or whatever, a JFS will keep track of your file by having a journal of the changes you made. You can roll back to where the machine crashed. The MFT getting corrupt is a small issue for NTFS, and is redeemable. Most FAT corruptions are disastrous, and your partition would most likely become unuseable. Also, NTFS is much less likely to become fragmented. And even when it is, you don't notice a slowdown like you do with FAT drives.

September 15th, 2002, 05:46 PM
on my box FAT32 is 100 times faster than NTFS - dont know why but it is - and its the same way for one of the guys at work...but oh well at least they work :)

September 16th, 2002, 11:47 AM
got now a new problem to solve... you guys were right on the bios setting it was wrong... and i clicked "optimal default settings" in bois and it fixed the slow post... that was with my 2.2 p4 in... then i put my 2.53 p4 in and clicked "optimal default settings" again so it would redetect the new processor... it worked great...for an hour... during that hour i was loading drivers and windows updates... except the new updates that were released in august...i did however download the beta 9 of windows media player... after about an hour of running fine... it just rebooted on me... and when it rebooted it went to where it askes if you want to start in safe mode... i have picked save mode and normal it doesnt make a difference but it tries to load winxp and then crashes on the load screen... flashes the blue screen for a half a sec and then reboots again and goes to the same screen where it askes you to start in safe mode...

the glimps that i saw of the blue screen it looks like it did a memory dump but it flashed so fast i couldnt tell...

i have checked all the ram and they are fine... i have a dual bios so i tried booting from the secondary bios... nothing... i have even striped everything out of my computer... ie the cdrom drives the floppy and the usb2's... disabled everything that was on board... ie the ata/raid the sound, lan, and usb2's and usb1...nothing... i have swaped both processors in while it was striped and still the same effect... i have a 350w power supply i dont think its a power problem...and when i loaded xp i formated fat32 and then converted to ntfs during install...so im running it with ntfs... i just seem have better luck loading an os when converting than formating ntfs....

does anyone know if i need to flash the bios with this new processor... my bios is up to date...just wondering if flashing it again would help...

so sum up the computer doesnt work no matter what processor i have in it... ANY ONE HAVE ANY IDEAS!!!!!!!!!!!

September 16th, 2002, 12:02 PM
I prefer a Fat 40 myself! w00t

September 16th, 2002, 05:26 PM
thanx for the help b00ns

September 16th, 2002, 05:43 PM
please dont post in here if your not posting about the problem... im really frustrated right now and that just makes it worse...kthx

September 16th, 2002, 05:56 PM
Corona, Did you take your hard drive out and at least see if it will install something like 2k on someone else's computer?

September 16th, 2002, 07:07 PM
Ok Corona, email me number's on how to get in touch with you and I will help you trouble shoot this issue. I will need to talk to you in person so I get everything strait and so that you can try things as I suggest them. Just to let you know I do this for a living and have over 12 years of experience so I'm here if you want me to help you buddy.

September 16th, 2002, 10:50 PM
kk snake... um yoiu can send me a private message with your name and # so it dont get leeked out and get randome popups of pron on your computer hahaha... but for the moment i think i have a good copy of 2k on and am running fine.. although it has rebooted a fewtimes but have come back up sucessfully... at the moment i am downloading windows updates...

my name is Matt... fyi

September 17th, 2002, 07:41 AM
Anyone have some L337 Pictures of jellyfishes!?!?!?! I was dreaming last night of fishies flying over my head, but I saw no jelly. I went weeeeeeee and oooooo ahhhhh ahhhhh!

September 17th, 2002, 01:32 PM
why apoc why... can i ask why?

dA nYc pIMp
September 17th, 2002, 01:37 PM
what u been smokin f00

September 17th, 2002, 05:18 PM
i haven't been smoking anything

September 17th, 2002, 05:45 PM
peanut butter jelly - fishes ???

September 17th, 2002, 08:14 PM
this is my 49 post one more and I can change my avatar

September 17th, 2002, 08:14 PM
and this is my 50th w00t w00t

September 17th, 2002, 09:37 PM
peanut butter jellyfishes?!?!?! you crazy boy! you know der in dem crazy waters, uh huh

September 17th, 2002, 10:48 PM
LOL! There you are again Vicious...you keep following me...you're like weeeeeeeeee, jellyfishes are like weeeeeeeee, i'm like zzzz (me tired) wait no...i'm up....weeeeeeeeeeeee
